Adviser Newspage - From 1st November 2015
(Please allow time for photos to download)

This page contains information which may be of interest to AATTV members in regard to contacts, forthcoming events, lost and found etc.  Should any AATTV member or persons interested in submitting news etc. which may be relevant to Team members, then they can do so by contacting Rick Ryan - AATTV WA Branch Inc. on email:- Content on this page will be at my discretion.

Entry Date:  17th October 2019
A soldier died today

WO2 D. (Dudley) J. Tudman RAAC, AATTV

WO2 D. Tudman (Armoured Corps) was an adviser at a sub -sector HQ
in Phuoc Tuy Province in 1966.  He is seen here on a river nank with a bridge
in the background protected ny narned wire and observation fort in the end.

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Ian McVie (Legacy) on the passing last night 16th October 2019 of fellow Team member Dudley J. Tudman RAAC aged 82years.  Dudley served as a WO2 in South Vietnam with AATTV from 23 April 1966 to 14 April 1967 with 2/1 ARVN then sub-sector HQ Phuoc Tuy Province. On his second tour of duty with Det 1st Forward Delivery Troop from 10 Dec 69 to 10 Dec 70.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Edith, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Dudley.  We have lost another of our finest warriors and Dudley will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages may be passed through John Gibson on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Dudley now Rest in Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: I.R.M. McVIE <>
Sent: Thursday, 17 October 2019 7:51 AM
To: AATTV Association <>

Good morning Rick,

I have just received an SMS from Dudley's wife Edith Tudman saying he passed away just after 2000 hrs last night.
Dudley had been in high care in Maryborough (Qld) for quite a few months.
I am tied up with Legacy here in Brisbane and they are now in the 'loop'.
I am not sure if Dudley was an active member of your Association, so below are Edith's details:

    Home address - 13 Louis Street, GRANVILLE, Qld 4650,
    Home phone - 07 4122 3671, and
    Mobile - 0431 353 525.

Ian McVie

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 17th October 2019

A soldier died today

Capt David F. Paul RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Doug Tear, President AATTV NSW Br on the passing today 9th October 2019 of fellow Team Member David Frederick Paul aged 78 years.

Doug has kindly provided Dave’s Vietnam service in his email below with funeral details included.

On behalf of all Team members we extend our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Dave on this sad occasion his passing. Truly one of our finest soldiers who had served his country well and will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages may be passed through Doug Tear on email:

May Dave now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Sent: Wednesday, 9 October 2019 1:31 PM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing - David Fredrick Paul, RAInf

Dear Members,
It is with sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, David Fredrick Paul, RAInf on 9 October 2019 at Fairlight, New South Wales.
David served with the Team from 26 May 1969 to 14 May 1970 initially as the Battalion Senior Advisor with 3/3 ARVN then from October 1969 to May 1970 with 5th SFGA as Company Commander 1st Battalion, 2 MSF.  David completed his tour with HQ AFV Saigon.
David served previously in Vietnam from 3 June 1965 to 28 May 1966 with 1 RAR.
Our thoughts and prayers go to Louise, Mathew and Andrew at this difficult time.
The funeral details are:
Date:               Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Time:              10.30 am
Location:        St Mary’s Immaculate Catholic Church
                        6 Raglan Street
                        Manly NSW 2095
I will be attending the funeral, condolence messages may be sent to me.
Doug Tear
AATTV (NSW Branch)

Lest we forget
Entry Date 17th October 2019

A soldier died today

Cpl W. (later Sgt) (Bill or Pommy) Davis RAINF

G’day all,

Sad and belated news just in on the passing on 22nd September 2019 of fellow Team member, Cpl W. (Bill or Pommy) Davis RAINF aged 74 years. Pommy served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 11 Feb 1971 to Sep 71, MATT 7, Ong Trinh, Phuoc Tuy Province. Oct – Nov 71 HQ AATTV, Vung Tau.  RTA 18 Nov 71.  Pommy served his first tour of duty in South Vietnam with 1 RAR from 11 Mar 1966 to 4 Jun 66 then with 6RAR from 5 Jun 66 to 3 Mar 67.  He served on his second tour of duty with 1 RAR for 17 Mar 68 to 28 Feb 69.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends of Pommy on this sad occasion of his passing.  No doubt a true warrior that served his country well. Pommy will be sorely missed by us all.

As per the email below, Pommy requested a private family funeral.

May Pommy now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


For your information.

From: Ray Payne
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 11:07 AM
To: Ray Payne
Subject: Sad News

I have been advised that while I was away 1411043 William (Bill or Pommy) Davis pass away on the 22nd September. He battled cancer and won the first time but unfortunately, it returned. Bill served in C COY 1 RAR then 6 RAR and the TEAM.
He requested a private family funeral.

Ray Payne OAM
Veteranweb Network

Lest we forget
 Entry Date: 12th September 2019

Welfare Report
Maj Gen Mike Jeffrey AC, AO (Mil) CVO, MC, (Rtd)

G’day all,

Latest on Mike Jeffrey from Simon Hearder, National Secretary.

We all wish Mike a speedy recovery.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder <>
Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2019 8:45 AM
ToSubject: Update on General Jeffrey

Dear All,

General Jeffery was discharged from hospital this morning and was looking forward to returning home.  Early next week he will be attending a couple of follow up appointments. So no  visitors or phone calls yet .
Thankfully this is good news , and we hope he continues to recover from his operation .
National Secretary

G’day all,

Received the following message from Simon Hearder National Secretary AATTV on the current health situation facing our patron Mike Jeffery.

We all hope that Mike can get through this battle unscathed and wish him all the best.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder <>
Sent: Saturday, 7 September 2019 9:31 AM
To: Simon Hearder <>
Cc: Subject: FW: Major General MIKE JEFFERY

The following message has been received from John Jackson , who is a close friend of Mike Jeffery being in the same class at Duntroon .
For your information .
Persevere Simon
National Secretary
Dear Friends,

As some of you already know, Mike was diagnosed with a brain tumour late last week and underwent major surgery on Wednesday 4 Sep.

He is doing as well as can be expected after such an ordeal for someone his age (82 in December) but his road to recovery will be a long one. Visiting is currently restricted to family and Wendy (his Personal Assistant). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy will follow his discharge from hospital.

More information to follow as further news comes to hand.

With best wishes,

Entry Date: 4th Septetmber 2019

A soldier died today

Capt R. B. (Barrie) Wade MBE, RAAC
AATTV, A & B Sqns 3 Cav Regt

Advisers at an “end of tour” dinner at MY CANH floating restaurant before leaving for Australia in 1965. From left:
WO2 R.W.  Harris, WO2 C.R. Kealy, WO2 R.G. Harris, WO2 R.B. Wade, WO2 V.A. Watts, WO2 W.T. Thompson and
WO2 M. Coffey. The Restaurant was blown up one week later, by the Viet Cong.

G’day all,

Sad news in from Bruce Davies, AATTV Vic Branch on the passing on 1st September 2019 of fellow Team member, Capt R. B. (Barrie) Wade MBE aged 81 years.  Barrie served in South Vietnam with AATTV as a WO2 from 10 Nov 1964 to Dec 64l Van Thanh District Training. Jan – Feb 65, Dong Da National Training Centre, detached to 1st Regt, 1st ARVN Div, battalion.  Posted Mar 65 to Oct 65 1st ARVN Div. RTA 8 Oct 65. Barrie returned to South Vietnam as a Capt from 10 Nov 70 to 6 Jan 71 with B Sqn, 3 Cav Regt then 7 Jan 71 to 18 Nov 71 with A Sqn, 3 Cav Regt.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Sylvia, family and friends of Barrie on this sad occasion of his passing.  Barrie was a stalwart member of AATTV and he will be sorely missed by us all.

Funeral details for Barrie are detailed in the email below.

Condolence messages for the family may be passed to Bruce Davies on email:

May Barrie now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies <> On Behalf Of Bruce Davies
Sent: Tuesday, 3 September 2019 4:48 PM
To: Cc: 'Rick Ryan' <>
Subject: Vale Barrie Wade MBE
Importance: High

To all

Clarry Rule has advised that Barrie Wade has passed away, date not known. Barrie’s funeral details are:

Friday, 6 September
BUNURONG Memorial Park
790 Frankston-Dandenong Rd, Dandenong South.
If needed – Melway 98 K-5
                                     128 A-5
Timings 2 pm.
Wake? Probably at Bunurong.


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 19th August 2019

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) R. (Bob) W. Foster, RAEME, AATTV

The Team, from Gio Linh sub-sector in Quang Tri Province near the DMZ. L to R. WO2 R.W. Foster,
WO2 R.G. Evans, WO2 K.J. Daly, WO2 R.F. Vercow, WO2 T.F. Dolan, WO2 H.R. Everett, a US
Army Adviser and WO2 G.L. Armstrong, February 1966,. The monkey's name was Ho Chi Minh.

G’day all,

Sad but not unexpected news in from Alan Meiklejohn (161 Indep Recce Flt) via Len Avery (161 Indep Recce Flt) on the passing on 17th August 2019 of fellow Team member, WO2 (later WO1) R. (Bob) W. Foster RAEME aged 85 years.  Bob served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 3rd February 1966 to May 66 with 2/2 ARVN, 1st Division, Quang Tri. Oct 66 to Jan 67, RFPF Phuoc Tuy. RTA 17 Jan 67.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Bob was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Valour (with “V” Device).

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Fay, family and friends on this sad occasion on the passing of Bob.  Bob will be sorely missed by all Team members.  His duty is now done.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolence messages can be sent John Gibson on email: or cards to Fay and family as shown in the message below from Len Avery.

May Bob now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: <>
Sent: Sunday, 18 August 2019 6:25 PM
To: aattv <>
Subject: Fw: Passing of a Soldier and a Friend - WO1 Bob Foster - RAEME



From: Len Avery
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2019 1:05 PM
To: Avery Len - 70/71
Subject: Passing of a Soldier and a Friend - WO1 Bob Foster - RAEME

Good afternoon everyone,

It is with deep sadness that we advise that Bob Foster passed away peacefully last night, 17 August 2019.

Bob is survived by his wife Fay, daughter Dianne, Son Jeff and their extended families.

If you would like to send Fay and the family a card and/or message her address is – 60 Cortess Street, Toowoomba.
QLD. 4350.

Please let me know if you would like to be advised of the funeral details?

Attached please find a photo of Bob “on parade” at Oakey.

Bob was a great friend, a real soldier and a credit to our Corps.

27105 Robert William Foster OAM – RAEME - was born on 08 October 1933 at Port Macquarie and he served in
Vietnam with the Australian Army Training Team from 02 February 1966 until 18 January 1967.

May He Rest In Peace – Lest We Forget.


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 19th August 2019

A soldier died today


 WO2 M. Corkhill  (L) and WO2 K. Dunn Van Kiep Club House.  August 1972

G’day all,

Sad news in from Ken Phillips AATTV via John Gibson AATTV Qld Br on the passing on 11th August 2019 of fellow Team member K. (Ken) Dunn RAINF aged 85 years. Ken served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 27 May 1972 to 18 Dec 72 with Long Hai Training Battation, Phuoc Tuy Province.  Ken also served with 3RAR from 28 Dec 67 to 5 Nov 68.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Bev, family and friends on this sad occasion of Ken’s passing.  An old soldier whose duty is now done.  Ken will be sadly missed by us all.

Funeral notices will be advised once known.

Condolence messages may be passed through John Gibson on email:

May Ken now Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Saturday, 17 August 2019 6:59 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Fwd: Passing of WO K Dunn

Hi Rick

Sad news in from Ken

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ken Phillips <>
Date: Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 10:00 AM
Subject: Passing of WO K Dunn
To: John Gibson <>

Hi John

Not sure if you are aware but I received a message that Ex AATTV Warrant Officer Ken Dunn passed away on 11 August 2019. I do not have any funeral details other the message indicated that the funeral 'would be later this week'.
Ken P

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 29th July 2019

A soldier died today

WO1 R. (Russell Bee RAE, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad and belated news in from Doug Tear MBE, President AATTV NSW Branch (refer attached), on the passing on 4th April 2019 of fellow Team member WO1 Russell Bee RAE aged 89 years.  Russell served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 14th April 1966 – Sep 66, National Police Force Training Centre, Trai Mat near Dalat. Oct 66 – Apr 67, S-4 Air, C Team, 5th SFGA, Marble Mountain, Danang.  RTA 2 Apr 67.

Always sad when we have belated news on the passing of one of our own.  I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of Russel’s passing.

May Russell now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest We Forget

Entry Date: 22nd July 2019

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) C. (Clem) R. Kealy MID, RAINF, SASR, AATTV

From L  to R:  WO2 C. Kealy, WO2 A. J. Thorp and WO2 R. Bandy after Demonstrating the “death slide”
to Vietnamese Rangers at DUC MY, River August 1964. The death slide was a loop suspended from a wire
rope slung across the river.

G’day all,

Sad news in from Tony Thorp AATTV WA Branch on the passing at 1.56am Sunday, 21st July 2019 of fellow Team member WO2 (later WO1) Clem Kealy MID aged 95 years.  Clem served three tours of duty with AATTV in South Vietnam.  His first tour from 1 Aug 1964 – Jan 65, Duc My Ranger Training Centre. Ranger Basic Training, Jungle Mountain, Swamp School. Feb 65 – May 65, 5th SFGA B Team, Danang, Nung Training and Operations. RTA 13 May 65. On his second tour from 21 Jan 69 – Mar 69 Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol  Wing, Van Kiep Centre, Phuoc Tuy. Apr – Oct 69, 18th ARVN Div Training School near Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy.  Nov 69, RF Training Cadre, Baria. Dec 69. PF Advisory Team. Dec 69 – Jan 70 pre-extension leave.  His third tour from 13 Jan 70 to 4 Aug 70, PF Advisory Team, Baria, Phuoc Tuy. RTA 14 Aug 70.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Clem was also awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star) and Mention In Dispatches (MID) for his service with AATTV. A copy of the citation is not available. Clem also eventually became RSM of SASR.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to son Laurie, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Clem. Truly one of Australia’s finest who has had a great innings and served his country well.  Clem will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages for son, Laurie may be passed through Doug Tear MBE, AATTV NSW Branch on email:

Funeral details as provided by Doug Tear are as follows:

The details of Clem’s funeral are as follows:
Date: Saturday, 27 July 2019
Time: 12 noon
Location Pettigrew Chapel
Harris Street
Wallsend NSW 2287

May Clem now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 18th July 2019

A soldier died today

WO2 N. (Norm) R. Shoveller RAINF, AATTV

Shortly after a presentation of medals ceremony for a Regional FDorce Company involved
in a successful ambush and advised by WO2 SHOVELLER  and CPL D. MANSKI,
members of MATT 4 based at AN NGAI grouped for this photo. From left, CPL I.N.
FELTON, WO2 N.R. SHOVELLER, a Vietnamese Major, CPL R.S. SPARKE.
Kneeling CPL D.N. MANSKI and WO2 R.D.P. COUTTIE. PHUOC TUY Province 1971

G’day all,

Sad news in from John Gibson AATTV Qld Br via Sam Mackrill AATTV on the passing on 30th June 2019 of fellow Team member, WO2 N. (Norm) R. Shoveller RAINF aged 81 years.  Norm served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 22 Oct 1970 with 3/54 Regt. Phu Loc, HQ Thua Thien. Dec 70 – Oct 71, MATT 4, An Ngai village, near Long Dien, Phuoc Tuy. RTA 21 Oct 71.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Norm was also awarded the Commendation for Distinguished Service with AATTV in the End of War List.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of Norm’s passing. Norm will be sadly missed by us all.  Another of our finest has now passed on.

Norm’s funeral was on 8th July 2019.

May Norm now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Thursday, 18 July 2019 1:42 PM

Hi Rick

Sad news in from Sam Mackrill who has only just found out of the peaceful passing of Norm Shoveller on 30 June 2019 with his funeral carried out on 8 July.
At this stage no NOK or family members are known.

RIP Norm


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 16th July 2019

A soldier died today

WO2 P. (Peter) M. Cerda-Parvia RAINF, AATTV

 WO2 P.M. Cerdia-Parida instructing Montagnard tribesmen in the use of the K3 Grease Gun
 and Thompson Submachine Gun. Most weapons used by the Vietnamese forces in the early
years of the Team’s deployment were of obsolete World War II vintage. It was not unit the
late 60s that modern weapons such as the M16 were issued.

G’day all,

Sad news in from Bruce Davies AATTV Vic Br on the passing on 9th July 2019 of fellow Team member WO2 Peter M. Cerda-Pavia RAINF aged 92 years. Peter served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 12th July 1964 – Oct 64 Dong Da National Training Centre Tactics Committee attached 2/1 ARVN 11-28 Oct 64, 1st SFGA A-322 Kham Duc, western Quang Tin. Jan-Apr 65, 1st SFGA team – A-323 Khe Sanh, Quang Tri. May 65, 5th SFGA A-103 Gia Vuc south-west Quang Ngai’ Jul – Nov 65, 5th SFGA team A-101 Khe Sanh, Quang Tri. RTA 11 Dec 65.

I am sure that all members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Fay, family and friends on this sad occasion on the passing of Peter. Truly an old warrior that served his country well.  Peter will be sadly missed by us all.

Funeral details are shown in the email from Bruce below.

Condolence messages can be passed through Bruce Davies on email:

May Peter now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: <> On Behalf Of Bruce Davies
Sent: Friday, 12 July 2019 8:10 AM
To: persevere <>
Subject: Vale Peter Cerda-Pavia AATTV 1964-1965

CERDA-PAVIA. Peter Michael. Passed away on 09.07.2019 [aged 93] at Opal Aged Care Sale. Loving husband of Fay of 59 years. Father of Stephanie, Amanda, Julian (Dec) and Jo-anne. Father-in-law, grandfather, great grandfather and great great grandfather of their families. Brother of John (Dec), Graham, Lorraine, Noel (Dec) and Barrie (Dec). In loving memory of a wonderful husband and father.

CERDA-PAVIA. The Funeral Service for Mr Peter Michael Cerda- Pavia will be held at Delbridge Funeral Chapel, Marley Street, Sale on Thursday July 18, 2019 at 1.30pm, followed by a private cremation.


Lest we forget

Entry Date:18th June 2019

A soldier died today

WO2 M. (Jock) J. Clarkson, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in on the passing on 11th June 2019 of fellow Team member WO2 M.(Jock) J. Clarkson RAINF aged 78 years.  Jock served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 21 Jun 1972 to 9 Dec 1972 at Long Hai Training Battalion, Phuoc Tuy Province. RTA Dec 72 due to the reduction in AATTV strength as a result of withdrawal of Australian Forces from South Vietnam.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Kerri, family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Jock.  Another of our number now gone but not forgotten. Jock will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed to Mick Dolensky on email:

May Jock now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


I advise that the funeral of our late member, Murray (Jock) Clarkson will be held on Friday 21st June 2019 in the Florey Chapel, Centennial Park Cemetery at 1130hrs.
Internment to follow in the Derrick Gardens at 1330h
Jacket and medals to be worn.
Rest in Peace Jock
Greg Dwiar
Club Manager

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 17th June 2017

A soldier died today

Capt (later) Brig Brian Wade, MID, AM, MSM (RSL)

Capt Brian Wade (centre front) on a field training patrol at Ranger Unit Training Centre,
Trung Lap, in the Delta, 1963. Capt Wade was the advisor to the Chief of Tactics at the
Duc My Ranger Centre, II Corps and Air Support advisor.  The field training patrols were
used to validate the individual Ranger training given at Duc My.

G’day all,

Sad news in from Charles Stewart SAS Association WA on the passing this morning, 16th June 2019 of fellow Team Member Capt (later Brig) Brian Wade, AM, MID, MSM aged 84 years.  Brian served in South Vietnam with AATTV and was one of the Original Team members.  Brian served from 3 Aug 1962 – 5 Sep 1963 at Duc My Ranger Training Centre, Jungle, Swamp, Mountain School. Attached Ranger Training Centre, Trung Lap, near Cu Chi and then PF Training Centre, Van Thanh, and 51st Regiment. Brian also visited RVN from 23 Nov 67 too 7 Dec 67 and then as a Major with 2SAS Sqn from 5 Feb 68 to 23 Feb 69. Brian was Mentioned in Despatches (MID) for his service with 2SAS Sqn.  His citation reads as follows:

Army Number:            57044
Rank:                          Major
Christian Name:          Brian
Surname:                     Wade
Honour or Award:       MID

Major Brian Wade graduated from the Royal Military College, Duntroon, on 12th December 1956, and was allotted to the Royal Australian Infantry Corps.  He served in a number of regimental, staff and instructional appointments, including a tour of duty with the Australian Army Training Team from 14 July 1962 to 22 September 1963.  He commenced his present tour in Vietnam on 5 February 1968.
Throughout his command of 2nd Special Air Service Squadron, Major Wade has displayed a high standard of professionalism and leadership. His meticulous planning of long range patrols, which often have had to be extracted at short notice, has been largely instrumental in ensuring their success.
The high standard of Major Wade’s leadership and selfless devotion to duty have brought great credit to his Regiment and to the Australian Army.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Anne, family and friends on this sad occasion of Brian’s passing.  Brian was indeed one of our finest, a hard but fair and just officer, his duty is now done.  He will be sorely missed by us all.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolence messages can be passed through John Gibson AATTV Qld Br on email:

May Brian now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Dear All,

We have received the following from our Queensland President; Kevin.

Brigadier (Retd) Brian Wade, AM, MSM (rsl)

Gentlemen, I have just been advised by Anne Wade, that Brian passed away at
1012 this morning 16-06-2019. More information as it is received.

May he rest in peace.

Kevin Lunny

Charles Stewart
National Secretariat
Australian SAS Association
PO Box 6137
SWANBOURNE Western Australia 6010
M: 614 1892 1528

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 23rd April 2019
A soldier died today

WO2 S. (Murty) J. McLaughlin RAINF. AATTV

Montagnard soldiers firing a 60mm light mortar on a range near Peiku while WO2 S. J. (Murty) McLaughlin covers his ears.

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Doug Tear President, AATTV Assn NSW Br on the passing on 21st April 2019 of fellow Team member, WO2 S. (Murty) J. McLaughlin RAINF aged 90 years.Murty served with AATTV in South Vietnam as a WO2 as detailed in Doug’s email below.  In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Murty was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Service.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Murty on this sad occasion of his passing.  An old warrior that has done his duty.

Doug Tear will advise once funeral details are known.

May Murty now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Sent: Monday, 22 April 2019 7:51 PM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Team Member - WO2 SJ McLaughlin RAInf

Dear Members,
Sad news from Michael Sullivan (Barry Sullivan’s son) of the passing on 21 April 2019 of WO2 Sidney James McLaughlin, RAInf.
Sidney served with the Team from 3 April 1969 to 11 March 1970 initially by attending the 5th SFGA Combat Orientation Course at Nha Trang and later from May 1969 with the Training Company,2 MSF Pleiku.
Condolence messages can be passed to me on
I will advise of funeral arrangements when known.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 22nd April 2019
A soldier died today

WO2 R. (Bob) A. Neagle RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Vic Pennington AATTV SA Branch on the passing on 17th April 2019 of fellow Team member WO2 R. (Bob) A. Neagle RAINF aged 90 years (Bob’s birthday).  Bob served in South Vietnam as a WO2 from 31 July 1970 to Mar 71, MATT 7, Ong Trinh, Phuoc Tuy Province, Apr – Jun 71, Admin WO, AATTV Danang. Hospitalized 1 – 14 Jun 71 then Medevac.

Bob also served in the Korean War with 1RAR, 2RAR and 3RAR.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Margaret, family and friends on this sad occasion of Bob’s passing.  An old warrior who has served his country well, Bob will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolences can be passed to Mick Dolensky on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Bob now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Sent: Thursday, 18 April 2019 10:49 AM
Subject: Rick.

Rick sad news, Robert, Bob, Neagle passed away yesterday, the 17th April, he died on his birthday, he was 90. I can't get hold of Mick Dolensky so just letting you know. Was a good mate from 1964. He served in Korea also.
Regards Vic Pennington.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 16th April 2019

A soldier died today

WO2 (later Maj) Ron E. Perkins, OAM, RAINF, AATTV

WO2 Ron Perkins Rear Row centre Hiep Khanh Training Centre  Vietnam/Laos Border

G’day all,

John Gibson AATTV Qld Branch has kindly provided funerals details for Ron as follows:

Mt Thomson crematorium
Nursery Road
MT Gravatt  1130am Friday, 26th April 2019

May Ron now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

Sad news just in from George Mansford AATTV on the passing on 15th April 2019 of one of our Original Team members WO2 (later Maj) Ron E. Perkins, OAM, RAINF aged 91 years. Ron served as a WO2 in South Vietnam with AATTV from 3 Aug 1962 to 12 Jul 1963  at Hiep Khanh Training Centre, near Hue, Sergeant Major of Centre & General Subjects Committee.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to June, family and friends on this sad occasion of Ron’s passing. Ron as one of the Team Originals has had a good innings and he will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolences messages can be sent to John Gibson on email: (PS. John is in Vietnam but back on 22nd April)

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Ron now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Sent: Tuesday, 16 April 2019 4:23 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>

Ron Perkins passed on yesterday at Greenslopes Hospital ,Brisbane .
Not sure if you have heard…..

Lest we forget

Entry Date:  3rd March 2019
Updated: 4th March 2019

A soldier died today

Lt Col Barry Peetersen MC, MID

G’day all,

Found this on the internet for the cremation service for Barry.

I would hope that there will be some representation from the Australian Embassy etc.

May Barry Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lt Col Barry Petersen MC, MID, OAM
Venue: Wat Dan Temple, Sala 1
Rama III Road, Soi 34
Date: Tue, March 5th, 2019
19.00 hrs. Funeral chanting by monks
(Guests invited to pay respects)

Wed, March 6th, 2019
Morning Religious Rites
11.00 hrs. Offer meal to monks
12.00 hrs. Move the corpse to crematory
15.30 hrs. Guests arrive at Sala 1
16.00 hrs. Mourning speech
17.00 hrs. Cremation
17.30 hrs. Ceremony ends
(* Guests invited to pay respects at 15.30 hrs.)
Military personal: Uniforms
Ex-military: Berets / Unit Ties / Medals
Contact e-mail : mailto:

G’day all,

Sad news in on the passing on 28th February 2019 of fellow Team member Lt Col A. B. (Barry) Petersen MC, MID, RAINF aged 84 years.  Barry served as a Captain with AATTV in South Vietnam from 27 Aug 1963 with CSD-CIA, Danang to Sep 65, CSD, Ban Me Thuot operational area. Armed Propaganda and Intelligence Teams, Truong Son Force-1000 Montagnard, Tiger Men, Darlac. Although held against AATTV strength until December 65 he left Vietnam in October to Singapore and Borneo. Barry also served with 2RAR in South Vietnam from 29 Apr 70 to 1 Jun 71.
In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Barry was also awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star) (with Cluster) and the Military Cross (MC). Barry was also awarded a MID for his service with 2RAR.  A copy of the citation for his MC reads as follows:

Army Number:         13368
Substantive Rank:    Captain
Christian Name:       Arthur Barry
Surname:                   Petersen
Honour or Award:    MC
Captain Petersen graduated from the Officer Cadet School Portsea on 17 December 1954. Since his graduation, Captain Petersen has served as a Platoon Commander with National Service Trainees and as a Platoon Commander with the First Battalion Royal Australian Regiment.  Captain Petersen’s service with 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment included 3 years service in Malaya from 1959 to 1961. Caa ptain Petersen was a Company second-in-command with the First Recruit Training Battalion at Kapooka until his assignment to the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam in August 1963.
Captain Petersen’s assignment as a member of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam, involves advice on the administration, training and operational employment of Montagnard personnel in Darlac Province.
He was so occupied when the Montagnard Revolt of September 1964 broke out.
During this revolt, in which several thousand heavily armed Montagnard soldiers were deployed against the provincial capital of Ban Me Thout, Captain Petersen was required to prepare for the initial contact with the rebel tribesmen.  On the afternoon of 20 September 1964, the first day of the revolt, he conducted a small party of intermediaries to the hamlet of Boun Enou.  This involved passing through a prepared ambush.  Having detected this, he dismounted from his vehicle located the ambush commander, and persuaded him to permit the party’s onward movement.  He was then required to approach the rebel stronghold and obtain admittance for the party.  This he did, in gathering darkness and under conditions of extreme sensitivity involving a high degree of personal risk.  Having gained admittance, by his own powers of persuasion he brought together the local leaders for talks with the intermediaries.
The talks were successful, and paved the way for the eventual peaceful return of the Montagnard personnel to their proper duties.  This most fortunate outcome is substantially attributable to the personal influence of Captain Petersen, and to the high degree of courage displayed by him in effecting the necessary contacts.

A copy of Barry’s Mention in Despatches (MID) for service with 2RAR is also worthy of note.  The citation reads as follows:

Army Number:         13368
Substantive Rank:    Major
Christian Name:       Arthur Barry
Surname:                   Petersen
Honour or Award:    MID

Major Arthur Barry Petersen graduated from the Officer Cadet School on 17 December 1954.  During his service in Vietnam he commanded C Company, 2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment with distinction and success.
In October 1970 his company located the tracks of 120 men of the VC Chau Duc District Headquarters and C41 (Local Force) Company which were followed for 15,000 metres through difficult secondary jungle until contact was made. In the ensuing actions the enemy were scattered and prevented from re-organising. Major Petersen’s aggressive leadership and skilful handling of his company were largely responsible for the disruption and withdrawal of the enemy force for reorganisation and retraining from the area normally used by it.  His knowledge of the enemy’s methods and habits and his own tactical knowledge have contributed greatly to the success of his company in operations.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of Barry’s passing.  Although living in Thailand, Barry often kept us up to speed on his health and treatment especially in relation to his prostate cancer.  It has only been in the past couple of years that his health deteriorated badly and he finally lost his own personal battle.  Barry was well known and respected throughout The Team and no doubt many have read the book The Tiger Man of Vietnam written about his exploits while serving with AATTV.  Barry will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages at this stage, can be sent to Simon Hearder, National Secretary AATTV Association on email:

Funeral details which will be held in Thailand will be advised once known.

May Barry now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest We Forget
Entry Date: 24th February 2019
Updated: 25th February 2019

A soldier died today

Capt H. E. (Ernie) Martens RAINF

Capt Ernie Martens (second from right) joins in the graduation party of a course from Jungle Warfare Training Centre,
NUI DAT. Prior to joining the training staff at the Centre, Capt Martens had been the senior adviser with 2nd Battalion
1st ARVN Regiment I Corps.

G’day all,

Mary-Helen Martens has kindly informed us of the funeral details for Ernie as shown in her message below.

Condolence message for Mary-Helen and the family can be sent through Simon Hearder on email: or direct to Mary-Helen on email:

May Ernie now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Mary-Helen Martens <>
Sent: Monday, 25 February 2019 4:12 AM
To: Simon Hearder <>; Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Hans Ernest Martens RIP

Good Morning Simon & Rick

As you know last Friday morning 22nd February Ernie passed away very peacefully. He had been in the new Forrest Centre Hospice for only ten days following 5 weeks in the Wagga Base Hospital. He had become very frail over the past year. It was very sad that he could not return home however he received exemplary care in both facilities.

Ernie's funeral service will be held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Lake Albert Rd, Kooringal Wagga Wagga on Tuesday 5th March @ 1.30pm.

The family Notice is in todays Wagga Daily Advertiser.

Ernie was deeply proud of his service with the Team, one third of his ashes will be placed by his tree in the Memorial Grove at Canungra, one third here in Wagga Wagga and the remaining third at Thredbo by Mt Kosciusko.

There are no words to describe our grief at present, an extraordinary man is now at peace however after 42 years of marriage it is heartbreaking.


Mary-Helen & Ernie's family

Mary-Helen Martens
132 Tompson St
Wagga Wagga 2650

G’day all,

Sad news in from Simon Hearder AATTV ACT Br on the passing of fellow Team member Capt H. E. (Ernie) Martens RAINF on 22nd February 2019. Ernie served as a Capt with AATTV in South Vietnam from 9 Apr 1970 to Jun 70 with 2/6 ARVN, 2nd Division Quang Ngai. Jul to Oct 70, 2/1 ARVN, 1st Division near Quang Tri city. Nov 70 – Mar 71, JWTC Nui Dat. RTA 7 Apr 71.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Ernie was also awarded the US Commendation Medal for Service and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star). Ernie also received unit citations US Meritorious Unit Commendation and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Gold Palm citation for service with 1RAR.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Mary-Helen and family on this sad occasion of the passing of Ernie.  Ernie was a well known member of AATTV and he will be missed by us all.

Condolence messages may be passed to Simon Hearder on email:

Funeral details will be passed on once known.

May Ernie now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,

From: Simon Hearder <>
Sent: Friday, 22 February 2019 11:45 AM

Hi Members and friends
Sad to advise the passing of Ern Martens . Please let your members know
Lest We Forget

From: Ian McQuire []
Sent: Friday, 22 February 2019 1:43 PM
To: Simon Hearder

Hi Simon,

Mary-Helen has just phoned me to advise that Ern died this morning. Details about funeral will follow, but M-H tells me the funeral will be sometime in the week 4-8 Mar.

Please put this out to the other states and to our local ACT Membership.


Ian McQuire

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 21st December 2018

A soldier died today


Maj V. (Vin) J. Murphy RAINF, SAS, AATTV, 8RAR

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Charles Stewart, SAS Association WA Branch on the passing of fellow Team member, Capt (laterMaj ) V (Vin) Murphy RAINF on 20th December 2018 (Vin’s 83rd birthday).  Vin served in South Vietnam as a Capt with AATTV from 10 January 1966 with National Training Centre, Dong Da. Feb 66, Asst S-3, HQ 5th SFGA, Nha Trang. May to Nov 66, Nung Force, Danang.  Vin went on to serve with 8RAR  from 18 Nov 69 to 14 May 70 then 15 May 70 to 17 Sep 70 with HQ AFV.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Vin was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Service.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Vin on this saddest of occasions of his passing.  Vin was not a regular visitor to Perth in his later years due mainly to the tyranny of distance I do recall his visits to Perth from years ago.

Condolence messages can be passed to John Nolan on email:

Funeral details from the message below are as follows:

Crematorium Chapel
10 Belcher Street Bunbury
Thursday 27 December, 2018 at 1.00pm

May Vin now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


-------- Original message --------
From: Charles Stewart <>
Date: 21/12/18 09:25 (GMT+08:00)
To: "Ryan, Rick" <>

Dear Rick,
I found this in Today's West.

Vincent, Noel Murphy
1935 – 2018
Loved and respected Husband of Fay and Father of Fran, Peter and Jo. Grandfather of Tim, Kath and Meg. Died peacefully on his 83rd birthday (20 Dec 2018), a well lived life with many happy memories.

Crematorium Chapel
10 Belcher Street Bunbury
Thursday 27 December, 2018 at 1.00pm

Name  MURPHY, Vincent Noel
Service            Australian Army
Service Number         36075
Date of Birth    20 Dec 1935
Rank   (Temporary) Major
National Service         No
Corps  Royal Australian Infantry Corps
Honours          None for display

Unit History
Unit Name                                                                               Start Date        End Date
Visit                                                                                         07 Jan 1964    16 Jan 1964
Australian Army Training Team Vietnam                               10 Jan 1966    01 Nov 1966
8th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment                        19 Nov 1969   13 May 1970
Headquarters, Australian Force Vietnam (Army Component) 14 May 1970            17 Sep 1970
SAS Service
36075  UNIT   01-Nov-66       18-Apr-68        MURPHY        VINCENT NOEL
36075  UNIT   17-Sep-70       25-Jan-73        MURPHY        VINCENT NOEL

Officers Mess Plaque
Maj      Murphy            V(Vin)  N                     4-Jan-71          26-Jan-73                    2IC

Charles Stewart
National Secretariat
Australian SAS Association
PO Box 6137
SWANBOURNE Western Australia 6010
M: 614 1892 1528

Lest we forget
Entry Date:  28th November 2018

A Service for Peter (Pierre) Conway, AATTV
23rd March 2019

 On the sad passing of our Branch Treasurer and AATTV Foundation Trustee, Peter Conway - Lola Conway, dear wife of her beloved husband Peter has kindly invited Team Members, families and friends of Peter to join with her and her family for a Service to Peter at his tree in the AATTV Memorial Grove at Canungra.
 Indeed the service is to also recognise the dedication Peter applied over many years to the welfare of the Queensland Branch and above all else his tremendous effort towards the enhancement of our Memorial Grove.
 The service, under the guidance of our Team Padre will take place on Saturday 23 March 2019 commencing at 1030.
 For those that wish to attend may you please lodge your name(s) direct to:
Foundation Secretary, Allen Edwards on:
PH:   02 6687 6872, or
Mob:  0484 374 205
The following information should also be noted:
Dress:  Smart Casual
Entry:  Those attending are to be at the main entrance to the base by 0945 to record entry and to be escorted to the Grove prior to the commencement of the service and photo ID for adults will be required.

Entry Date: 28th Novembeer 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 R. (Roger) Tilley, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news yet again from Doug Tear, President, AATTV NSW Branch on the passing today, 28th November 2018 of fellow Team member WO2 Roger Tilley RAINF, AATTV aged 80 years.  As show in Doug’s email below Roger served with AATTV in South Vietnam as a WO2.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Roger. No doubt we have lost another of our finest warriors.

Condolence messages may be passed through Doug Tear on email:

May Roger now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear <>
Sent: Wednesday, 28 November 2018 9:35 AM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of Roger Tilley RAInf

Dear Members,
It is with regret and sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, Roger Tilley, RAInf on 28 November 2018 in Nowra, New South Wales.
Roger served with the Team from 21 May 1965 to 8 January 1966 initially with the Regional Force/Popular Force at Trieu Phong in Quang Tri Province and later with 3/1 ARVN, 1st Division, Quang Tri.  Roger was evacuated to Butterworth in Malaysia due to illness on 8 January 1966, he was evacuated home to Australia on 7 March 1966.
Our thoughts and prayers go to Roger’s family at this most difficult time.  I will advise of Roger’s funeral when known.

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 28th November 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 V. (Vic) L. Harris, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from John Gibson AATTV Qld on the passing of fellow Team member on 18th November 2018 of V. (Vic) L. Harris, RAINF, AATTV aged 85 years. Vic served in South Vietnam as a WO2 with AATTV from 16 March 1965 to Aug 65 with 1/5 ARVN, 2nd Division, Quang Nam & Quang Ngai, Sep – Nov 65, RF/PF Nghia Hanh sub-sector Quang Ngai, Dec 65  Tra Bong sub-sector, Quang Ngai, Jan 66 , 5th SFGA, C Team Danang, Feb – May 66, Nung Force Danang. Returned to Australia  7 Sep 66.  On his second tour of duty with AATTV, Vic served , 2nd Division from 25 Feb 1969 to Apr 69 , 3/4 ARVN, 2nd Division, Quang Ngai, May 69 to Sep 70, Hoa Vang, sub-sector, Quang Nam.  RTA 19 Sep 70.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Vic was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Service and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star).

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of Vic’s passing. Our country has lost another of its finest soldiers.

"Vic was buried at the Pittsworth Cemetery QLD. The following was received later this day from John Gibson on the passing of Vic.
Good afternoon. Thanks for your reply . Vic passed away on 18 Nov 2018 and is buried in Pittsworth Cemetery .
The funeral directors have suggested that any messages of condolence could be sent to them for forwarding.
Their details are:
Heritage Funerals
PO Box 18129
Clifford Gardens
Toowoomba Qld 4350
There was a large gathering of people from Pittsworth and district and members of Pittsworth RSL Sub-Branch assisted me with the folding and presentation of the National Flag.
Best wishes in the future. Jim Danskin"

Always sad when we get belated news on the passing of one of our own.

May Vic now Rest in Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Wednesday, 28 November 2018 8:18 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Vale

Hi Rick

More sad news.

Have been advised by the Toowoomba RSL of a Poppy Service held on the 23 November in respect of the passing of Team member WO2 Victor L Harris.

I shall advise, to whom messages of condeolences may be sent if and when known.

Sadly, this brings the number of known passings, of Team Members, for the 2018 year to date to 23.

May Vic RIP

Warm regards


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 27th November 2018
Updated: 28th November 2018

A soldier died today

WO1 G. (Gary) J. Sutherland OAM, AATTV

WO1 G.J. Sutherland OAM, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Tony Thorp has advised me that the funeral details for Gary Sutherland are as follows:

Date:                    Friday, 7th December 2018
Time:                    10.30 hours
Location:             Norfolk Chapel
                              Karrakatta Cemetery
                              Railway Road

May Gary, Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


 G’day all,

Sad news just in from Natasha Sutherland (daughter) on the passing on 26th November 2018 of fellow Team member Gary J. Sutherland OAM, RAINF.  Gary served in South Vietnam as a WO2 with AATTV from 25 Jun 1970 with AATTV RF Training, Cho Gao, Dinh Tuong, then Aug – Apr 70 NOTT, Dong Tam, IV Corps.  Gary was wounded in action at Dong Tam on 21 Apr 71 and medevac to Australia on 4 May 1971.

Gary was a stalwart member of AATTV Association WA Branch and always involved in the operation of our Branch apart from the past year or so due to ill health.  A well known identity and respected member of the veteran community here in WA.  Gary was awarded an Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in 1986 for service as regimental sergeant major, Army Office. Gary was a stickler for military protocol and many veterans would have known that you did not get out of step with Gary.  He will be sadly missed by us all.

Our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies go out to Nadia, Natasha, family and friends of Gary on this sad occasion of his passing.

Condolence messages for Nadia and family may be passed through Natasha Sutherland on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Gary now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: gary_sutherland <>
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2018 10:39 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Re: A soldier has died

Dear Rick,

This is Natasha V Sutherland daughter of Gary J Sutherland.

This is to advise a soldier has died.

Dad passed away yesterday evening 26/11/2018 at about 18:20 at Hollywood Hospital in Perth Western Australia.

I will be able to update you with further information once I have spoken with the funeral directors.

I have the RSLWA funeral service plan. Are you able to advise if there is anything in particular that should be added to the funeral for a AATTV member?

Kindest regards,

Natasha Sutherland
0430 417 115

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 15th November 2018

A soldier died today


210340 Warrant Officer Class One Peter ANGUS MBE
1926 - 2018

G’day all,

Apologies for the late entry.  I did send out an email to Team members on the 19th October but as I was away from home base did not update the Team web page.  Forgot to do so until John Tear gave me a gentle nudge today. I have also included an artilce on Peter's passing from the Arrmy Transport magazine including photo.

Peter Angus was born in Lancaster in Lancashire England on the 1 July 1926. In July 1944 at the age of18 he was conscripted into the British Army and posted to the Kings Own Regiment, and then transferred to the 1st Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles as part of the 6th Airborne Division (Glider Borne). He saw active service in North West Europe from the Rhine Landing through to almost Berlin when the war in Europe ended.
Returning to Britain he prepared to embark for Burma. Instead he finished up in Palestine fighting the Terrorist campaign. Peter was promoted Corporal in 1946 and in 1947, he became part of the Irish Brigade. He moved to Austria for the remainder of his service until discharged in 1948.
He returned to England and tried to settle into civilian life. In 1951 after being accepted into the Australian Army, Peter was posted to 7 Company RAASC in South Melbourne as a Corporal. He was then transferred to14 National Service Training Battalion in Puckapunyal as a Sergeant Instructor.
In 1954, Peter was selected as a member of the Royal Visit Car Company and promoted to Staff Sergeant as a Queen’s Driver. In 1955, he was posted to Malaya for two years seeing action in the Malaysia Campaign as part of 3 Company RASC.
Returning to Australia in 1957, he was posted to 1 Company RAASC at Ingleburn NSW. In 1959, Peter was posted to Royal Military College Duntroon ACT as the Transport Sergeant. He was posted to Melbourne and promoted Warrant Officer 2 in 1961.
In 1967, Peter was posted to Vietnam as a member of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam. Returning to Australia in 1968, Peter was posted to a CMF unit in Coburg in Melbourne and promoted Warrant Officer 1. In 1969, he was posted as RSM RAASC Centre in Puckapunyal Victoria.
He was transferred to Victoria Barracks in Sydney in 1974 as the RSM Field Force RACT. In 1978, Peter discharged from the Army after 27 years service in the Australian Army.
After leaving the Army, Peter worked 14 years for Armour Guard in Sydney, and served 40 years as a Legatee, carrying out voluntary work helping Legacy widows and their children. In 1976, Peter was honoured in the Queen’s Birthday Awards with an MBE.
Peter married Margaret in 1958; they had two children, Stuart and Belinda and four grandchildren.
Peter’s final posting was on 17th October 2018 at Sawtell. NSW.

Sad news in again from John Gibson AATTV Qld Br on the passing of fellow Team member WO2 Peter Angus MBE, RAASC, AATTV aged 92 years. Peter served as a WO2 with AATTV in South Vietnam from 23 March 1967 to 25 March 1968 with Civil Affairs Hoa Long, Phuoc Tuy Province.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Magaret, family and friends on the this sad occasion of Peter’s passing.

Contact details for the passing of condolence messages to Margaret are shown below.

May Peter now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Friday, 19 October 2018 2:31 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Subject: Vale Peter Angus

Hi Rick

More sad news. Have been advised by Team Member Ray Oliver on the passing of Team Member Peter Angus early on Wednesday 17 October.

Messages of condolence may be forwarded to Peter's wife, Margaret, at:

22 Eighteenth Ave., Sawtell, NSW 2452 or Tel: 02 66587770

May Peter A and indeed Peter C catch up.

Warm regards


Lest we forget

Entry Date:  29th October 2018

A soldier died today

Capt W.(Win) A. LaGalle RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in just now from John Gibson AATTV Qld Branch on the passing on 25th October 2018 of fellow Team member Capt Winston A. LaGalle RAINF, AATTV aged 77 years. Win served as a Capt with AATTV in South Vietnam from 18 Aug 1966 – Oct 66 5th SFGA, Project Omega, B50, Nha Trang. Nov 66 – Jan 67 Nung Coy Nha Trang. Feb – Jul 67. Ranger Training Centre, Duc My.  RTA 4 Aug 67.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass our deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Marc, family and friends on the sad occasion of Win’s passing. Another warrior has left our ranks.

As shown in John’s message below there is to be a private family funeral.

Messages of condoolences may be forwarded to Win's son Marc at:
or Ph: 0418 261 863.

May Win Now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Monday, 29 October 2018 6:17 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
CcSubject: Another warrior leaves our ranks

Hi Rick

So very sad to report the passing of Winston La Galle as advised by Winston's eldest son Marc.
Winston passed away peacefully on 25 October 2018 and Marc advises that following a private family funeral ceremony on Saturday 3 November a wake will be held at the Burleigh Heads RSL.

It is also planned for Winston's family and friends to visit the AATTV Memorial Grove at Canungra on the following Sunday.

I will advise on how messages of condoolences may be forwarded

Thanks for all of your support Rick

We are thinning out - yep



Lest we forget

Entry Date: 25th October 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 S.A.Chambers, RASVY, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Bruce Davies AATTV Vic Br on the passing on 23rd October of fellow Team member WO2 S. (Sam) A. Chambers RASVY.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Sam.

Funeral details are provided in the email from Bruce shown below.

May Sam now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: <> On Behalf Of Bruce Davies
Sent: Thursday, 25 October 2018 6:36 PM
To: persevere <>
Subject: Vale: Sam Chambers AATTV 1966-67

It is my sad duty to advise that Sam Chambers passed away on 23 October at Bendigo, Victoria. Sam was a Survey Corps Warrant Officer who served with RF at Gio Linh sub-sector, the most northern district in South Vietnam. Sam was also the Admin WO at Danang. Sam was 88.

Sam’s funeral will be at Napier Park Funerals, 420 Napier Street, Bendigo, on 2 November at 2 p.m. It’s about a two hour drive from Melbourne.


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 17th October 2018
Updated: 18th October 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) P. (Peter) R. Conway RAASC, AATTV

G’day all,
Sad news just in from Peter ‘Blue’ Millett AATTV on the passing today of fellow Team member WO2 (later WO1) P. (Peter) R. Conway, RAASC, AATTV aged 81 years.  Peter served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 21 Oct 1970 with 4/3 ARVN, 1st Division, Hue, Nov – Dec 70 NOAT, Cho Gao, Jan – Feb  71 Night Advisory Team 1, Can Tho, Mar – Apr 71,  NAT 1, Bac Lieu, May – Jul 71 Admin WO Can Tho then Aug – Oct 71, NOTT 1, Bac Lieu.  RTA 21 Oct 71.

I am sure that all members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Lola, family and friends of Peter on this sad occasion of his passing.  Peter was a stalwart member of AATTV Association QLD Branch and was well known throughout the Team for his work in helping to organise a number of reunions in Qld as well as his devotion to the Team Canungra Memorial Grove. In essence, Peter gave his heart and soul to The Team and will be sorely missed by us all.

Condolence messages for Lola and family can be passed through John Gibson on email:

May Peter now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

Message from John Gibson AATTV Qld Br.

There is to be a private funeral for Peter but a proposed Memorial Service at The Grove at a future date.

As previously advised, condolence messages can be passed through John on email:

May Peter Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2018 7:45 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Peter

Hi Rick

Many thanks cobber for your report.

Have had to duplicate it somewhat ts the request of Team Pres. and you would of received that email too.

Messages of condolence are streaming in.

I have spoken with Lola and advised that Peter passed on in his sleep. Lola has family by her side.

She is happy for me to collect all messages of condolences and I will pass them on in a few days time.

However Lola advises that Peter's funearl will be a private family funeral,  However provision will be made for a service at Peter's Memorial Grove Tree at Canungra sometime in the future. More on that later'

Thanks again mate


G’day all,

Message from John Gibson AATTV Qld Br on the passing of Peter Conway.

COL Kerry Gallagher National President and Qld Br State President is currently overseas.

I have to agree with John’s sentiments about Peter.  We will miss he dearly.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson <>
Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2018 7:38 AM
To: John Hartley <>; John Jackson <>; Simon Hearder <>; Doug Tear <>; AATTV Vic Branch <>; Frank Reid <>
Cc: Rick Ryan <>; Kerry Gallagher <>; Ken Phillips <>
Subject: Vale Peter Conway


Sad news indeed. AATTVA Branch stalwart Peter Conway passed peacefully away late yesterday 17 October.

AATTVA President COL Kerry Gallagher, who his presently overseas has asked me to convey Peter's passing to all State Branch Orgs and for any messages of condolences for Lola to be passed to me.

I am sure that all of us acknowledge the dedication and value  Peter placed on the welfare of the Association, its members and families and above all else his tireless contribution to our AATTV Memorial Grove at Canungra.

Peter will long be remembered

RIP Good man


 Begin forwarded message:
From: <>
Date: 17 October 2018 at 7:59:57 pm AEDT
To: <>
Subject: Passing of Peter Conway
Good evening Members,

It with sadness that I have to inform you of our second member leaving us today.  Peter Conway passed away this afternoon after a long illness.

Funeral details will be forwarded when available.

Kind regards

Kerry Cooper
Army Transport Association
0412 033 379

Lest we forget
Entry Date:  18th October 2018

G’day all,

Got the following message from Alan Meiklejohn, VVAA Sub Branch Townsville on welfare of Bob Penman MM.

If you wish to send a cheerio message to Bob you can do so by emailing Alan on:

Alan will pass your message on.

Best wishes from us all to Bob,

Take care and Persevere,


Sent: Monday, October 15, 2018 10:14 PM
Subject: Welfare Bob Penman MM

Good evening Rick

Bob is now residing at Glendale Aged Care Facility, Dalrymple Road, Kirwan, Townsville.  This facility belongs to Bolton Clarke which took over from RSL Care. Time had come for  Bob to move to aged care as he kept having falls and knocking
his head and arms around.  Bob’s home is about 700 metres away from the home. Bobs disabled son,  Travis resides there. Bob lost his wife Yvonne in November 2016.  I will keep you informed of his health


Alan Meiklejohn
Hospital Visitor
VVAA Townsville Sub branch

07 47731519
0429 9627 144

Entry Date: 30th September 2018

A soldier died today

Cpl T. (Henry) C. Young RAE, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Peter Aylett AATTV Qld Br on the passing on 16th September 2018 of fellow Team member T. (Henry) C. Young RAE.  Henry served in South Vietnam with AATTV as a Cpl from 28 Apr 1971 unallotted Baria, then May to Nov 71 JWTC Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy Province. Henry returned to Australia on 2 Dec 71. Henry also served with 1 Fd Sqn from 30 Apr 68 to 1 Oct 68.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Bronwyn, family and friends of Henry on this sad occasion of his passing.

Funeral details are shown in the message from Peter below.

Condolence messages may be passed through Peter Aylett on email:

Hi Rick,

I regret to advise the passing of another of our members, 15417 Thomas Campbell (Henry) YOUNG aged 78 years.

Henry lost a five year valiant battle with cancer in the early hours of Sat 16 Sep 2018.

In losing Henry, many community service groups such as Life saving, Progress Association, Rural Fire Brigade to mention a few have lost a competent active participant who has given long term service. He was quiet by nature though his confidence was contagious and rightly so, he had been there and done that. More than most would realise.

Henry will be laid to rest at Saint Margaret's C of E, 16 Blackall St, Woombye QLD on Fri 28 Sep 2018 at 10:00 am.

Our thoughts are with his wife Bronwyn at this time. (07) 5442 1836


Peter Aylett
Member QLD.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 19th August 2018

A soldier died today

WO1 (later Major) A. (Alf) A. Haberley, MBE, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Jim Clarke AATTV WA Branch of the loss of his mate of over 60 years and fellow Team member A. (Alf) A. Haberley RAINF on 18th August 2018 aged 93 years. Alf served in South Vietnam with AATTV as a WO1 from 3 June 1967 to Dec 67 as OC 12th Coy, Mike Force, 5th SFGA Coy C, Danang. Jan 68 to May 68 Adjutant, Mike Force Danang. Returned to Australia on 11 Jun 68. In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Alf was also awarded The Order of the British Empire Member (Military) - MBE in the Postwar Honours List. Alf had an array of medals stretching from WW2 during which he served with the Mercantile Marine. Alf also served in Korea with 3RAR in 1952 -53.

Alf a long time stalwart member of the AATTV Association WA Branch had only just recently moved to Tasmania. He will be sadly missed by all Team members and the wider veteran community.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to his sons Bernie and Lester, daughters Cherry and Judith, family and friends on this very sad occasion of his passing.

Condolence messages can be passed through Bernie on email: or mobile: 042771683

Alf is to be cremated in Tasmania but son Bernie will bring his ashes back here to WA. A memorial service will be held at a later date here in WA.

May Alf now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 17th August 2018

Passing of Jill Dickson widow of Trevor Dickson AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br on the passing of Jill Dickson on 13th August 2018.

The widows form an integral part of our Association and in the main are always very supportive.

I believe the funeral notice for Jill will be in the Courier Mail Saturday edition.

May Jill now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway <>
Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2018 1:40 PM
To: Kerry Gallagher <>; Jed White <>; Ken Phillips <>; John Gibson <>; Allen Edwards <>; Frank Palmer <>
Cc: Doug <>;; Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Passing Jilll Dickson


I have only this AM been discharged form  hospital. I arrived home to find a message on my computer That Jill Dickson (TREVOR )passed away Monday  afternoon at 5.30 PM .

What a sad day. A great supporter of our Association  for many years since  Trevor passed away.

May God rest her Soul


 Entry Date: 11th August 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 D. (Mel) I. Hawksworth RAINF, AATTV, 6RAR

G’day all,

Sad news just in form Bruce Sutherland AATTV Qld Br on the passing today 11th August 2018 of fellow Team member D.(Mel) I. Hawksworth RAINF. Mal served as a WO2 in South Vietnam with AATTV from 7 May 1965 to Aug 65 , 5th SFGA Danang, C Team Danang, Nung Company, SEP 65 to Mar 66 2/3 ARVN, 1st Division Quang Tri, Apr 66 AATTV Danang, unallotted. RTA 29 Apr 66. Mel was wounded in action (WIA) in 13 May 65, aircraft hit by ground fire. A Loui SF Camp. Mel also served a tour of duty with 6RAR from 8 May 69 to 16 May 70.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of his passing. Condolence messages can be passed through Bruce Sutherland on email:

Mel was privately cremated and a memorial service will be held at a later date.

May Mel now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,



Will advise any further details when to hand.



From: Alan and Marion
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2018 9:14 AM
Cc: Charles Stewart
Subject: [ ASASA-Q ] Mel (Donald) HAWKSWORTH

Please be advised that Mel Hawksworth passed away at 0300 this morning ending his battle with cancer. Funeral arrangements to be advised.


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 5th August 2018

A soldier died today

WO1 J. (Jim) Geedrick RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad and belated news just in on the passing on 22nd July 2018 of fellow Team member WO1 J. (Jim) Geedrick RAINF, AATTV. Jim served with AATTV in the rank of WO2 then WO1 from 22 May 1968 to 28 Aug 68 with 1/2 ARVN Gio Linh area, 1st Division, Quang Tri.  Jim was wounded in action (WIA) on 20 Aug 68 from mortar shrapnel North of Dong Ha and subsequently medevucated to Australia.  Jim returned to South Vietnam on 25 Feb 1969 for his second tour of duty with 2/2 ARVN Gio Linh area, Quang Tri in Feb 69 then 1/2 ARVN, Gio Linh area Mar 69 then from Apr to 28 Aug 69 with HQ AATTV, Danang.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Jim was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Valour (with ‘V’ Device) and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star) (with Cluster).

I am sure that all Team members would want to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to wife Jurin, family and friends on the sad occasion on the passing of Jim.  Jim was a fine soldier and well known identity throughout the Team.  He will be dearly missed by us all.

Copy of family funeral notice for Jim is shown below:

May Jim now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway <>
Sent: Friday, 27 July 2018 9:38 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>; Kerry Gallagher <>
Cc: Ken Phillips <>; Jed White <>; John Gibson <>
Subject: A Soldier died today


I am advised by our old cobber George that Jim Geedrick has passed away and I was buried on Monday last

What a fine old soldier Jim was and he lived to a great age. He will be remembered by the many who knew him and held him in high esteem. Once met never forgotten.

I will endeavour to ascertain  more details and pass them on.

Lest we Forget

Rest in Peace James Geedrick

Thanks to George for letting us know about this

Jim Geedrick was an extraordinary Australian soldier

WHEN severely wounded by mortar fire during an armoured assault in Vietnam in August 1968, Australian Army adviser Jim Geedrick thought his soldiering days were finished.
He had earlier been photographed at Gio Linh on Anzac Day proudly displaying an Australian flag, in what would become one of the most iconic images of the war.
Now fighting for his life, the veteran of every campaign since World War II found himself medically evacuated home.
Six months later, however, he would return to Gio Linh to complete his unfinished tour.
For Geedrick, getting wounded was just part of a job he had been doing for three decades seeing combat in all Australian military conflicts from World War II through to Vietnam.
Last month an illness managed what scores of Australia’s enemies could not: Geedrick died on July 22 in Rockhampton, at peace at the age of 94.
His death saw the passing of an extraordinary soldier whose career is unlikely to be matched by today’s soldiers.
Although described as indigenous, Geedrick was born into a large family of Ceylonese descent in coastal Yeppoon, central Queensland in 1924.
In March 1943, Geedrick enlisted in the AIF as an infantryman, where his natural skills and personality marked him out as a potential leader.
By the time Geedrick retired 30 years later he had received every campaign and service medal then available in the Australian Defence Force. For his Vietnam service he also received US and Vietnamese gallantry awards.
In Borneo at the end of WWII, lance corporal Geedrick enlisted in the regular army and was sent to the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces in Japan.
There he met and married his first wife, Shizue, who had survived the Hiroshima atomic bomb blast. She later died from when in her 60s from cancer her family believes was caused by being exposed to indirect radiation from the atomic blast.
In 1951 the now sergeant Geedrick joined his old battalion, 3RAR in Korea, fighting in the significant battles at Kapyong and later Maryang San.
Geedrick served with 3RAR during the Malayan Emergency, then later during Confrontation with Indonesia, returning to Borneo where he had been during WWII.
On May 21, 1968 now Warrant Officer Class II Geedrick joined the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam.
Former WOI Neil “Lofty” Eiby who served with Geedrick in Malaya and during Confrontation described him as “a great soldier and a wonderful man.”
“Because he was Jim Geedrick he seemed to be able to get away with saying and doing things other people might not have,” Mr Eiby recalled.
“He was blunt but he was fair and above all he was humorous.”
Geedrick’s final army posting was as RSM of the Australian Army cadet battalion based in Rockhampton, a perfect segue for his later career as school sergeant at Rockhampton Grammar School, where he served from 1973 until 1997.
He remarried Jurin who was from Thailand and the pair shared 25 years of marriage. He is survived by Jurin and his three children from his first marriage, Gene, Kim and Sheree.
A spokesman for Rockhampton Grammar said the school had planned a dinner this weekend to honour his 25-years service to the school.
“We knew he had been ill recently and weren’t sure whether he could attend,” the spokesman said.

“He was a great mentor to generations of students at our school.”

This story originally appeared in The Australian Online

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 14th July 2018
Updated 15th July 2018

Welfare Report - Mick Wright, SAS Honorary Member AATTV WA Branch

G'day all,

I got up to see Mick Wright at Hollywood Hospital today.  Mick was in good spirits, looked well and had no speech impediment.  Mick does have a bit of trouble walking as his left leg is playing up and is currently using a walker.  The physiotherapist anticipates that she can resolve the problem and hopefull have Mick out of hospital by the end of this week.  So relieved to see Mick looking so well after his stroke.  Mick is quite happy to receive visitors but I suggest those wanting to visit contact Hollywood first to ensure that Mick has not been discharged.

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

I received a call from Elaine Nolan our Branch Welfare Officer informing of the hospitalisation of one of our most stalwart Honorary Members, Mick Wright ex-SAS and ex-RSM SASR aged 93years who had suffered a mild stroke. Marlene Stewart wife of Bob Stewart SAS, AATTV informed Elaine that the event happened last week.  Mick was sent to Charles Gardiner initially but has now been moved to Hollywood Private Hospital to undergo rehabilitation.  Good news it that Mick appears to still be mobile with only a small droop on one side of his face.

I shall endeavour to get up to visit Mick tomorrow and members are asked if the wish to visit Mick then please do.  Messages for Mick and wife, Ann can be sent to Elaine Nolan on email:

We all trust that Mick is on the mend and will be back in our company in the near future.

Take care and Persevere,


Entry Date: 11th July 2018
A soldier died today

Capt (later Col) Charles. L. McDonagh RACT (RAASC)

G’day all,

Sad and belated news on the passing on 17th June 2018 of fellow Team member on Capt (later Col) Charles. L.McDonagh RAASC (RACT) aged 82 years. Charles served in South Vietnam with AATTV in the rank Capt from 7 June 1963 to 5 Nov 64 as Administrative Officer HQ AATTV Saigon.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their belated condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of his passing.

As related in the emails below, Charles was interred in Canowindra.

May Charles now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway <>
Sent: Wednesday, 11 July 2018 8:50 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>;
Subject: Fw: Vale Colonel Charles McDonagh. OCS Class Jun 1954


For your info



Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 4:52 PM
Subject: Vale Colonel Charles McDonagh. OCS Class Jun 1954

Vale Colonel Charles McDonagh.  OCS Class Jun 1954

SVN Service:
AATTV June 1963 – November 1964 (captain)

From: David and Sara < Sent: Tuesday, 10 July 2018 4:32 PM
To: 'John Macpherson'
Cc: Paul Asbury
Subject: RE: Vale Charles McDonagh - OCS 5/54

Sincere thanks John.  May he rest in peace.
Trust you guys and all the twins are well.
Warm regards,

From: John Macpherson
Sent: Tuesday, 10 July 2018 1:37 PM
Subject: Vale Charles McDonagh - OCS 5/54

I regret to advise you that I was informed today by one of his RACT  colleagues that Charles had passed away in Canberra on 17th June. A small private family funeral was held in Canberra. Later Charles was interred in Canowindra beside his father.
Kind regards
John Mac

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 9th July 2017

A soldier died today

Capt (later Lt Col) R. (Ron) J. Crewe, AM, RA Sigs, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in on the passing on 6th July 2018 of fellow Team member Capt (later Lt Col) R. (Ron) J. Crewe, AM, RA Sigs aged 72 years.  Ron served in South Vietnam with AATTV in the rank of Capt from 19 Apr 1972 to 8 Dec 72 at JWTC, Van Kiep, Phuoc Tuy Province.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to brother Geoff, family and friends of Ron on this sad occasion of his passing.

Funeral details as advised by Brian Broderick are shown below.

Condolence messages can be passed through Brian on email:

May Ron now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Brian Broderick <>
Sent: Monday, 9 July 2018 9:43 AM
Subject: Lt Col Ronald J Crewe AM (AATV Capt R J Crewe)

Hi Rick,

I served in RA Sig many years ago until I transferred to the Military Police.  I served with a colleague, Ron Crewe and remained friends.

Ron passed away 6Jul18 after a long illness.  I would appreciate of you could notify your members of his passing and the funeral arrangements.  The funeral will be at Le Pine Funerals, 848 Main Road Eltham Vic at 1430 on Monday 16th of July.


Brian Broderick
Mobil: +61 43 441 0794

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 7th July 2018

Visits to AATTV Memorial Grove, Canungra QLD

G'day all,

There have been some questions in relation to visits to the AATTV Memorial Grove at Canungra, Queensland.  Peter Conway AATTV Queensland Branch has kindly notified the correct procedure for those wishing to visit the Grove.

Shown below are the requirements should you wish to make a visit.

Take care and Persevere,


AdviseEverybody (without exception ) wishing to visit our Grove must be (repeat must be) escorted by an AATTV person who has been issued with an escort pass.

Those wishing to visit the Grove must contact one of the authorised escorts (Peter Conway Allen Edwards or Frank Reid at least seven days before the proposed visit.

Arrangements will then be made with the Base Security Manager and the Security Manager for the visit.

Members families and friends are requested to abide by this policy rather than be refused entry to the Base

Kind Regards


Entry Date: 4th July 2018

Welfare Report - Alf Haberley, AATTV

G’day all,

Report in from Elaine Nolan Welfare Officer AATTV WA Branch on Alf Haberley AATTV who is now living in Tasmania.

Alf served with AATTV in South Vietnam as OC, 12th Coy, Mike Force, 5th SFGA, Coy C in from Sep to Dec 67 and the Jan 68 -  May 68 Adjutant, Mike Force, Danang.  RTA Jun 68.

Alf has always been one of our stalwart members here in WA and we wish him a speedy recovery.

Please send messages to Alf at the address shown below.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John E Nolan <>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 July 2018 12:47 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Welfare

Hi Rick
Following is information on Alf Haberly from Jim Clarke
Alf has had a bad fall and has  had a hip replacement
Mr A.A. Haberly
Ward 5
Launceston General Hospital
274—280 Charles Street
Launceston TAS.

Telephone:  (03) 6777 6777  From overseas: +61367776777

Regards Elaine

Entry Date: 21st June 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 F. (Frank) J. Beattie, OAM, RAAC, AATTV, A Sqn - 3 Cav Regt

G’day all,

Sad news just in on the passing today, 21st June 2014 of fellow Team member F. (Frank) J. Beattie RAAC aged 77 years.  Frank served in South Vietnam with AATTV as a WO2 adviser from 3 September 1970 to Mar 71 with 4/7th ARVN Cavalry, Quang Tri, Apr – May 71,11th Armoured Cavalry Regiment, Dong Ha, Jun – Aug 71, 3/11 ARVN Cav, La Vang, Quang Tri, RTA 7 Sep 71.  Frank also served a tour of duty with A Sqn, 3 Cav Regt from 24 Feb 67 to 19 Dec 67.  In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Frank was also awarded the US  Army Commendation Medal for Service, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star), the Vietnamese  Armed Forces Honour Medal 2nd Class and the ARVN Armour Badge.  Frank was also awarded the Medal for the Order of Australia in 1996 in recognition of service to the community and the ex-service community, in particular as an advisor and marshal of ceremonial parades.

Frank was well known throughout AATTV and will be sorely missed by us all.  I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends of Frank on this sad occasion of his passing.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolence messages can be passed through Peter Conway AATTV, QLD Branch on email:

May Frank now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Creagh <>
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2018 5:14 PM
Subject: 19955 WO2 Francis James Beattie (Frank)

To Whom It Concern,

Please be advised that Francis James Beattie 05/08/1940, passed away earlier this morning 21 June 2018 at the Wesley Hospital Brisbane.


Richard Creagh

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 13th June 2018
Updated: 16th June 2018

Passing of Jackie Millett

G'day all,

So sad to hear about the passing of Jackie Millett.

Blue and Jackie should have had many more years together but has been taken from Blue far too early.  No doubt many Team members, wives and partners would have received emails over the years from Jackie on the exploits that both her and Blue go up to including the many photographs and of course the birds photos.

Jackie also kept us up to speed on Blue and how he was fairing.  Jackie will be sadly missed by us all.  We know hard it will be for Blue having lost his soulmate.

Condolences messages can be sent to Blue on email:

May Jackie now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Subject: Re Jackie

I am writing to inform you that today I was called to the hospital and spoke to the doctor who informed me that they have done all they can do for my gorgeous English rose ??. He suggested that all life support be turned off, I had to make that decisions which I did, it was bloody hard yet it had to be done ? received a phone call at 1320 hr and was informed that my English rose ?? had passed away at 1240hr. She did not want a funeral so she will be cremated. Cu Persevere.

Sent from my iPad

Health Report Jackie Millett wife of Peter 'Blue' Millett AATTV

G'day all,

Not very good news in from Peter 'Blue' Millett AATTV on the current health of his lovely wife Jackie.

Our thoughts go out to Blue and Jackie at this time and you are in our prayers.

Should you wish to send a message to Jackie and Blue then please do so on email:

Keep your chin up Blue and love to Jackie.

Take care and Persevere,


-----Original Message-----
From: Blue M <>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 June 2018 2:24 PM
To: Peter Sims <>; Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Jackie

Hi guys my gorgeous English rose ?? is in deep trouble it looks as if she won?t make it as the pneumonia has taken its toll, they have put her on dialysis as her kidneys and other organs are starting to fail, in other words she is knackered I think it is only a matter of time, it has been bloody hard as I always thought I would go before her. We were married for 38 years.  Will keep you informed. Cu persevere.

Sent from my iPad

Entry Date: 10th June 2018
Updated: 11th June 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 B. (Barry) S.Silk RAINF, AATTV

G'day all,

Funeral details as received from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Branch follow.

May Barry Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Good Morning All.

The funeral details for our late TEAM Member Barry Silk are as follows.

Date /Time                                           Monday 18th June 12 NOON

Venue                                                   Great Southern Memorial Park
                                                              1774 Mount Cotton Road
                                                              CARBROOK QLD

Barry’s many friends and families are invited to attend

After the service Refreshments will be available at

                                                               Renaissance Retirement Living
                                                               1774 Bunker Road
                                                               VICTORIA POINT QLD

Thank You all and



G’day all,

Sad news just in from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Branch on the passing on 9th June 2018 of fellow Team member B. (Barry) S. Silk, RAINF aged 76 years.  Barry served in South Vietnam as a WO2 with AATTV from 30 Nov 1967 at HQ 1ARVN  Ranger Group, Danang. Dec 67, unit retraining at Duc My. Jan 68, Ranger Group, Danang then Feb – Mar 68, Hue. Apr- Jun 68, Duc My, Ranger Training Centre.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Barry was also a recipient of the United States Presidential Unit Citation for distinguished service with US Advisory Team 1 during the period Jan 67 – Feb 68.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Joan, family and friends of this sad occasion of Barry’s passing.

Condolence messages for Joan and the family can be passed through Peter Conway on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Barry now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway <>
Sent: Sunday, 10 June 2018 11:09 AM
Subject: A Soldier Died Today

Good Afternoon fellow Team members and Friends

It is with deep regret and sadness that I must advise of the passing of one of our Queensland members Barry Silk

Barry had been ill for some time and passed away peacefully early yesterday evening Saturday the 9th June. He would have celebrated another birthday today Sunday 10th June.

Our sincere sympathy and condolences go to Barry’s wife Joan and his family

No further details  at this time and I will pass them on once they are known.

May Barry Rest in Peace and God bless his family and friends at this very sad time.


His Duty Done



lest we forget

Entry Date: 7th June 2018

Passing of Edith Abigail widow of Bill Abigail AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in on the passing of Edith Abigail widow of our late Team member Bill.

May Edith now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway <>
Sent: Monday, 4 June 2018 2:26 PM
To: Kerry Gallagher <>; Jed White <>; Ken Phillips <>; John Gibson <>
Cc: Mick Smith <>; Frank Reid <>; Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Passing Mts Edith Abigail

Good Afternoon All

It is with sadness I must advise of the passing of Mrs Edith Abigail wife of our late Member Bill.

Edith passed away peacefully on Friday evening the 1st June

Her funeral service will be held at Allambie Gardens Nerang on Friday the 8th June at 10.00 AM

Friends of Bill  and Edith and their families are  are invited to attend

God bless you Edie and Rest in Peace


Entry Date: 22nd May 2018
Updated:  23rd May 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 I. (Ian) R. Ramsay RAINF, SAS, AATTV

G’day all,

Funeral details for Ian Ramsay are shown below.

May Ian now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Friday 25th May
Bowra and O'Dea
1037 Albany Highway, Cannington
Followed by a wake at the RSL club
153 High Road Riverton
From 4.30 - 6.30pm

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Kathy Riley on the passing on 21st May 2018 of fellow Team member Ian Ramsay, RAINF, SAS, AATTV.  Ian served as a WO2 with AATTV in South Vietnam from 30 Jun, 1971 to Aug 71 at Duc My Ranger Training Centre. Sep – Nov 71 NOTT 2, Phu Cat. Dec 71 AATTV Training Group, Vung Tau.  Feb 72 to Jul 72, Phuoc Tuy Training Battalion.  Ian also served in South Vietnam with 2SAS Sqn from 26 Feb 68 to 23 Feb 69. Ian also had operational service in Malaysia with 3RAR.

I am sure all fellow Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Gillian, family and friends of Ian on this sad occasion of his passing.  Australia has lost another of its finest sons.

Condolence messages can be passed through John and Elaine Nolan (Welfare Officer) email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Ian now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 22nd May 2018'
A soldier died today

WO2 J. (John) W. Scorse RAE, MID, CDS

G’day all,

Firstly, apologies for the late entry on the site as I was away from home base and just arrived home.  I did get the message out to fellow Team members by email.

Sad news in from Frank Reid AATTV on the passing on 7th May 2018 of fellow Team member J. (John) W. Scorse RAE.  John served with AATTV in South Vietnam as a WO2  from Jan 67 to Jan 68 at Van Kiep National Training Centre in Phuoc Tuy Province. John was awarded a Commendation for Distinguished Service with AATTV in the End of War List.

A copy of the citation for John's MID reads as follows:

Army Number:         35400
Substantive Rank:    Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:       John William
Surname:                   SCORSE
Honour or Award:    MID

Warrant Officer Class Two John William Scorse enlisted in the Australian Regular Army on 9 November 1953.  After recruit training he was allotted to the Royal Australian Engineers and served in construction and field engineer units.  He volunteered for service in South Vietnam and was posted to the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam on 11 January 1967, where he was allotted as an adviser to Regional and Popular Forces in Phuoc Tuy Province.
His main task in the Province has been the planning and construction of defensive positions, for Regional and Popular Forces troops defending villages and hamlets.  His tremendous energy, and drive, has produced the best constructed and strongest posts in the Province, many of which have successfully withstood mortar, rocket and ground attacks by the Viet Cong.  He has de-loused many old minefields around existing positions and laid and recorded new ones; his painstaking and thorough work in these highly dangerous operations was done under the most arduous physical conditions ad often under enemy sniper fire.  Most of his work has been done in remote villages with very light protection, but he has remained on the job until his standards have been satisfied.  His reputation in known throughout the Province by the United States Army Advisory Teams, the Vietnamese Forces and the 1st Australian Task Force, and he is respected and admired a dedicated and brave soldier whose personal and professional standards are the highest.
Warrant Officer Scorse, during his period of service with the Australian Army Training Team has displayed outstanding initiative and drive in the performance of his duty, shown excellent qualities of leadership and is a credit to his Corps and the Australian Regular Army.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Margaret, family members and friends of John on this sad occasion of his passing.

As advised by Frank, John is to have a private funeral.

Condolence messages can be passed through Frank Reid on email:

May John now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Frank Reid <>
Sent: Thursday, 10 May 2018 12:22 PM
To: 'Rick Ryan' <>
Subject: RE: Branch Newsletter - May 2018

G’Day Rick.  Peter Conway is in hospital with a chest infection and so he called me this morning to ask if I would pass on to you the sad news of the passing of yet another of our members; John Scorse.  We would be grateful if you would put the news out on your network?

John died on Monday, 7th May.   He is to have a private funeral and so the details are unknown.

I personally knew John from when he was my Troop Trg SGT at SME in 1965.  He then went on to be one of the founding SNCOs in 18 Field Squadron when it was formed in that year.  Here he was also my Troop SGT again.  This was at Wacol, Brisbane.   He ultimately became RSM of 3 CER in Townsville before retiring in that area.

Many thanks.


Frank Reid

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 13th April 2018

Funeral Details Grace Wells

G’day all,

Funeral details for Grace Wells as received from Bruce Davies AATTV and detailed by Mike Wells AATTV follow.

May Grace now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: <> On Behalf Of Bruce Davies
Sent: Friday, 13 April 2018 1:15 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Funeral detail for Grace wells
Importance: High

Hi Rick
A message from Mike on the funeral details for Grace.

Dear all,
This is to confirm the final details for the Celebration of Grace’s Life and our Service for her. The Funeral will be held next Thursday 19th April 2018, commencing at 1400hrs, at Boyd Chapel, Springvale Botanical Cemetery, 600 Princes Highway, Springvale.
We will then retire across the road from the Cemetery for the Wake at the Sandown Park Hotel in a function room there. This will commence approximately 1500hrs.
Could you please promulgate this where applicable.
Take care and PERSEVERE,

Entry Date: 11th April 2018

Passing of Grace Wells

G’day all,

Sad news in from Bruce Davies on the passing on 9th April 2018 of Grace Wells, wife, partner and loved one of Mike Wells past long term President of AATTV Vic Branch.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Mike and family, friends of this sad occasion of the passing of Grace.  One cannot imagine the pain that Mike must be going through after losing his long time mate.

Condolence messages can be passed directly to Mike on email:

May Grace now Rest in Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: <> On Behalf Of Bruce Davies
Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2018 1:30 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Vale: Grace Wells 9 April
Importance: High

Hello Rick

I know that you are aware of the death of Grace Wells. Would you please send the message out through your network. I have been in contact with Mike and the official date of passing is 9 April. Funeral details to be advised.


Entry Date: 4th April 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 M. (Mick) Coffey, QC, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Branch on the passing today, 4th April 2018 of fellow Team member, Malcolm ‘Mick’ Coffey, QC. RAINF aged 90 years.  Mike served in South Vietnam with AATTV as a WO2 from 11 August 1964 to Sep 64  with 2nd ARVN Division. Quang Nam then Oct 64 to May 65 sub-sector Tam Ky, Quang Tin Province.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Mick was also awarded the Queen’s Commendation Medal for Brave Conduct (QC).  The citation reads as follows:

Army Number:         1965
Substantive Rank:    Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:       Malcolm
Surname:                   COFFEY
Honour or Award:    QC

Warrant Officer Coffey enlisted in the Special Korea Force in November 1951 and in the Australian Regular Army in October 1952. He then served with the Third Battalion Royal Australian Regiment in Korea until October 1953. Prior to Warrant Officer Coffey’s posting to South Vietnam he was serving with the First Royal Victorian Regiment as a Company Sergeant Major.  Warrant Officer Coffey was assigned as a Battalion Adviser to the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces and commenced duty on 11 August 1964.
Warrant Officer Coffey distinguished himself with bravery at Hoi An city in the province of Quang Nam, Republic of Vietnam on 10 and 11 November 1964. Warrant Officer Coffey volunteered to perform rescue work as a result of the most severe flooding in over fifty years. For more than forty eight hours, with regard to his own personal safety Warrant Officer Coffey waded raging flood waters chest deep and carried people to safety. He later participated in boat rescue work and was instrumental in helping to save over a hundred lives. Warrant Officer Coffey willingly performed these acts although there was a continual danger from enemy sniper fire. By his untiring efforts he was able to inspire many Vietnamese Nationals to assist in the rescue work. Warrant Officer Coffey’s action during this national disaster is in the highest tradition of the Australian Regular Army and reflects great credit upon himself and the military service.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on our deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to daughter Sue, family members and friends of Mick on this sad occasion of his passing.

May Mick now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway <>
Sent: Wednesday, 4 April 2018 2:09 PM
To: Subject: A Soldier died today

Good Afternoon All

I have just this minute had a phone call from Mick Coffey’s daughter Sue sadly advising me that Mick passed away this AM aged 91 years. Wife Elsie and Sue were with him at the time of his passing.

It is indeed a very sad day for all those who knew Mick. He was a legend, a fine man and a terrific soldier. God Rest his soul.

There will be no funeral service as Mick opted for a private family service.

Ant further details will be passed on as they come to hand

Mat Mick Rest in Peace

“Lest we Forget “


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 22nd February 2018

Welfare Report -  Jim Husband AATTV

G’day all,

Email below from John Gibson AATTV Qld Br on one of our esteemed comrades, Jim Husband.

We all trust that Jim is resting comfortable.  John kindly has contact details in the email, should you wish to give Jim a call.

Take care and Persevere,


From: [] On Behalf Of John Gibson
Sent: Wednesday, 21 February 2018 4:25 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Peter Conway <>; Ken Phillips <>; Kerry Gallagher <>; Jed White <>
Subject: James (Jim) Husband

Dear Rick

May you please send to all Team Members

Today, I had a sad, but also pleasing chat, with my mate and indeed a mate of us all throughout the fraternity of the AATTV.

The sad part is that Jim is unwell and just having been released from hospital at a shockingly narrow weight of 61 kgs.   On the pleasing side, Jim is cheerful, reckons he is ready to ride top weight in the next Melbourne Cup and he knows the score and still has time for a catch up with his mates.

The illness that has beset Jim, now in his 85th of life, need not be worthy of reporting.

But, for those members who wish to have a chat with an old and very dear comrade I have the following contacts:

Home: (07) 5446 4398 - After 0830 any day and Jim's wife and beloved Beris will help

Mobile: 0423 272 868 - between 1600 - 1700 daily -  talk to Jim direct.

Twas great to hear his voice. Unmistakable!

Thanks Rick


Entry Date: 6th February 2018

Jim Bourke Memorial Dedication

G’day all,

For your information on Jim Bourke Memorial Dedication.

Jim served with 1 RAR with distinction and with AATTV and HQ 1ALSG.  Jim was also instrumental in had a strong involvement in Operation Bring Them Home.  A bloke with a strong personality who basically told it like it was.

Take care and Persevere,


On Saturday, 7 April, 2018 a memorial to Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Dr James Bourke, Member of the Order of Australia, Medal for Gallantry, Doctor of Philosophy (Victoria University) will be unveiled in a ceremony to be held at Anzac Park, Ayr.
Jim Bourke was born in Ayr on 15 November 1943.  He lived in Home Hill during his primary school years and resided in Ayr during some of his secondary school years.  Upon leaving school he entered Officer Cadet School (OCS) Portsea in 1963 and was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1964.  In 1965 we served with 1 RAR as a platoon commander in South Vietnam.  On that tour he received a severe facial wound.  Promoted to a captain, he returned to South Vietnam in June 1968 to serve with AATTV.  Jim Bourke rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel before being discharged from full time military service in 1986.  He is remembered for his founding and leading Operation Aussies Home, a privately funded team that found and retrieved the bodies of six servicemen who were left behind in Vietnam where they fell.  For his bravery in Vietnam he was awarded the Medal for Gallantry in 1998 and was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 2007 for his service to the nation.  In his later years Jim turned his attention to writing a post graduate university thesis and was awarded a doctorate degree shortly before his death in 2015.
The Unveiling Officer is scheduled to be Major General Mark Kelly (Ret’d) AO. DSC
Repatriation Commissioner. Colonel Commandant Royal Australian Regiment.  Other scheduled speakers include Brigadier George Mansford AM AATTV, Peter Aylett OAH AATTV,  and Bob Kennedy 1RAR Vietnam First Tour as well as a Bourke family representative.

Entry Date: 2nd February 2018
Updated: 6th February 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 E. (Ernie) J. Pirani RAAMC, AATTV

G'day all,

There will be no funeral service for Ernie.  The family are having a private cremation.

AATTV WA Branch will hold a Memorial Service at The House, SAS Swanbourne in the very near future with a date to be advised.  It is hoped that there will be a few family members in attendance.

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

I received a phone call from Elaine and John Nolan AATTV to say that fellow Team member WO2 E. (Ernie) J. Pirani RAAMC, AATTV passed away at 2am this morning, 2nd February 2018 after suffering a stroke on 27th January 2017. Ernie served two tours of duty with AATTV in South Vietnam as a WO2 Medical Adviser.  On his first tour of duty from 3 Feb 1966 to 17 Jan 67 Ernie served with Ranger Training Centre, Duc My as a Medic and then deployed to Quang Tri as a Medical Adviser.  On his second tour of duty from 3 Sep 70 to Oct 70 as a Medical Adviser Quang Ngai sector, Nov 70 to Apr 71 as Medical Adviser, 2nd ARVN Division, Quang Ngai then May – Aug 71, JWTC, Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy Province.  RTA 2 Sep 71.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Larraine, Arthur and Marion (brother and sister) other family members and friends of Ernie on this sad occasion of his passing.

Ernie was a stalwart member of AATTV Association WA Br and was always in attendance at our functions and memorial services.  He fought his latest battle bravely and will be sadly missed by us all.

Condolence messages may be sent through our Welfare Officer, Elaine Nolan on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Ernie now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 2nd February 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 A. (Alfred) K. Hunter, RAAC, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad and belated news in from John Gibson, AATTV Association QLD Branch on the passing on 14th April 2017 of fellow Team member WO2 Alfred K. Hunter RAAC.  Alfred served as a WO2 with AATTV in South Vietnam from 11 Mar 1968 to Jun 68 with 3/7ARVN Cavalry, PK 17 North of Hue, Jul – Sep 68 with 2/7 ARVN Cavalry, PK 17, Hue then Oct 69 to Mar 69,  Armoured School, Thu Duc near Saigon.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Alfred was also awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star) for his service in South Vietnam.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies (although belated) to Margaret, family and friends of Alfred on the sad occasion of his passing last year.

Details of contact for condolence messages are shown in John’s message below.

I am always saddened when we have late news of the passing of a fellow Team member but it has to be expected on some occasions.

May Alfred now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson []
Sent: Friday, 2 February 2018 6:09 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Vale

Hi Rick

Compliments of the season and best wishes to you and yours for a safe and healthy year ahead.

Following the very sad passing of Team Member, Ernie Pirani,  I have, this evening, received a call from Allan Hunter, son of Team Member WO2 Alfred Hunter RAAC who had passed away on the 14 April 2017.

Condolences may be passed to Alfred's wife,  Mrs Margret Hunter on PH: 02 6059 2080

I have spoken to Margaret and she is saddened of her loss after 59 years of marriage.

I know you will report, as you do so well,  accordingly

Thank you Rick



Lest we forget

Entry Date: 30th January 2018

Welfare Report

Ernie Pirani RAAMC, AATTV

G’day all,

Further to my last on Ernie, I got up to visit him this afternoon at Hollywood Private Hospital, James Woods Ward Room 12.

Suffice to say that I was pleased with the state I found Ernie in.  Although he has lost his voice, Ernie was quite lucid in that he could comprehend what I was saying and between signals and his attempts to speak, we could understand each other.  Ernie still has pneumonia for which he is also being treated but was in good spirits.  He still has a journey to travel as yet due to his age (82 years) but I am confident that he will win this latest battle.

Ernie served two tours of duty with AATTV, the first in 1968 – 1968 when he served as a medic at Ranger Training Company Duc My and then deployed to Quang Tri as a medical adviser.  On his second tour of duty 1970 – 1971 Ernie served as a medical adviser Quang Ngai Sector, then 2nd ARVN Division and subsequently with JWTC, Phuoc Tuy Province.

We all send our best wishes to Ernie and trust that he will fight the good fight.  He is keen to have visitors and although he presently has a speech impediment, I trust that will get better in the following days.

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

Ernie Pirani RAAMC, AATTV 66/67 and 70/71 is in hospital (refer message below).  I shall endeavour to get up to see him today.

Get well messages can be sent through Elaine Nolan on email:

We all hope that Ernie can get through this and on the mend.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John E Nolan []
Sent: Tuesday, 30 January 2018 9:51 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Welfare Report Ernie Pirani

Good Day Rick
Just received sad news from Molly’s Daughter Lorraine , Ernie suffered a severe stroke on Saturday 27th and is now in a serious condition in Hollywood Private Hospital where he has also developed pneumonia , he is unable to talk at this time. There is no restrictions on his having visitors.  John and I intend visiting him tomorrow after which we will give an update
Elaine Nolan 

Entry Date: 17th January 2018
Updated: 19th January 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 V. (Vic)A. Watts RAINF, AATTV

G;day all,

Funeral details for Vic Watts as received from Doug Tear MBE AATTV are detailed below.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear []
Sent: Thursday, 18 January 2018 8:21 AM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Funeral Details - Victor Anthony Watts RAInf

Dear Members,
The details of Vic’s funeral are as follows:
Date:                     Tuesday, 23 January 2018
Time:                    10.00 am
Venue:                 North Chapel
                                Pine Grove Memorial Park and Crematorium
                                Kingston Street
                                Minchinbury   NSW   2770
Doug Tear MBE

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Doug Tear, President AATTV Association NSW Br on the passing on 16th January 2018 of fellow Team member WO2 V. (Vic) A. Watts RAINF aged 90years. (Refer to message below)

I am sure that all fellow Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to wife, Patty, family and friends of Vic on this sad occasion of his passing.

Funeral details will be passed on once known.

Condolence messages for the family can be passed through Doug Tear on email:

May Vic now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear []
Sent: Wednesday, 17 January 2018 7:33 AM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Team Member

17 January 2018



Dear Members,

It is with regret and sadness that I inform you of the passing of a fellow Team Member, Victor Anthony Watts RAInf, on 16 January 2018 at Sydney in New South Wales.

Vic served with the Team from 11 August 1964 to 13 May 1965 with 4th Regiment, 2nd ARVN Division in Quang Nam.  Vic was wounded in action on 10 September 1964.

Our thoughts and prayers go to Vic’s wife Patty and her family at this most difficult time.  Condolence messages for Patty can be passed to me at

I will advise details of Vic’s funeral when known.

Kindest regards,

Doug Tear MBE
Like the leaves on a tree in autumn,
we slowly depart, one by one.
But, let those remaining still Persevere.

A quote from Richard Riddle

Rest in Peace

Lest we forget

Entry Date:  15th January 2018

A soldier died today

WO2 K. (Ken) A. Richards, MM, RAAC, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from John Gibson, President, AATTV Association Qld Br on the passing on 9th January 2018 of fellow Team member, WO2 K. (Ken) A. Richards, MM, RAAC, AATTV.  Ken served in South Vietnam as a WO2 from 6 Dec 1966  to May 67 at Duc My Ranger Training Centre and from Jun 67 to Nov 67, 1/7 Cavalry Squadron, Tanks and 3/7 Cavalry near Hue. RTA 6 Dec 67.

While serving with AATTV, Ken was awarded the Military Medal.  A copy of his citation reads as follows:

Army Number:                     42924
Substantive Rank:                Sergeant
Temporary Rank:                 Warrant Officer
Christian Name:                   Kenneth Alfred
Surname:                               RICHARDS
Honour or Award:                MM

Warrant Officer Richards enlisted in the Australian Regular Army on 29 October 1957, and after recruit training was posted to First Armoured Regiment, Royal Australian Armoured Corps.  He volunteered for service in South Vietnam and was posted to the Australian Army Training Team on 6 December 1966,  where he was allotted as an adviser to 3rd Troop 7th Cavalry Squadron, Army of the Republic of Vietnam.
On 7 September 1967 in Thua Thien Province, 3rd Troop was ordered to capture a heavily armed, well entrenched enemy position in a village consisting of two regular Viet Cong companies.  Warrant Officer Class Two Richards occupied the Armoured Personnel Carrier spearheading the assault, which was supported by infantry.  When the assault force was about 25 metres from the enemy they came under intense anti-tank, automatic small arms and 82mm mortar fire which halted the supporting infantry.  Warrant Officer Class Two Richards on seeing this, stood on top of his Armoured Personnel Carrier, with total disregard for the intense enemy fire, and by shouting and waving attempted to rally the infantry to press home the assault.  After a short delay the assault was pressed home by the Armoured Personnel Carriers.  Because of the lack of supporting Infantry, Warrant Officer Class Two Richards dismounted some Armoured Personnel Carrier crewman and led them in an infantry type role through the village seeking out and neutralising small groups of Viet Cong until the village was securely held by Army of the Republic of Vietnam forces.
Warrant Officer Class Two Richards coolness under fire,  personal bravery and leadership, directly contributed to the success of the mission.  His courage and initiative were an inspiration to the Army of the Republic of Vietnam soldiers and reflects great credit on himself and the Australian Regular Army.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV and his award of the MM, Ken was also awarded the South Vietnamese Armed Forces Honour Medal 2nd Class.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to convey their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to son-in-law, Dale, family and friends of Ken on this sad occasion of his passing.

Condolence messages may be sent to Dale Martin on email:

May Ken now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson []
Sent: Monday, 15 January 2018 9:30 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Kerry Gallagher <n>; Peter Conway <>; Ken Phillips <>; Jed White <>
Subject: Vale

Have been advised by the Bribie Island Viet Nam Vets Assoc on the passing of Kenneth A Richards AATTV on Tuesday 9 January 2018.

A private cremation will be held.

Messages of condolences may be forward to Son-in-Law, Dale Martin:

Vale Ken Richards RIP.

Warm regards


Lest we forget

Updated: 21st December 2017
Entry Date: 20th December 2017

A soldier died today

WO2 G. (George) M. Logan RAINF, AATTV, 7RAR

G’day all,

Funeral details for George Logan AATTV as emailed from Bruce Davies AATTV are shown below.

May George Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: [] On Behalf Of Bruce Davies
Sent: Thursday, 21 December 2017 9:36 AM
To: persevere <>
Subject: George Logan funeral details

George’s funeral on Wednesday 27 December at 2.30 p.m. at W. D. Rose, corner of Marriage road and Nepean Highway Brighton.


Our notice HS 22 December.

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Bruce Davies AATTV Vic Br on the passing on 19th December 2017 of fellow Team member G. (George) M. Logan RAINF, AATTV, 7RAR.  George served as a WO2 in South Vietnam with AATTV from 1 Oct 1969 to May 70 4/1 ARVN Quang Tri the May – Sep 70 MATT3 near Baria, Phuoc Tuy Province. RTA 1 Oct 70.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, George was also awarded the South Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Gold Star) during his service with AATTV.  George also served a tour of duty with 7RAR from 2 Apr 67 to 18 Mar 68.

I am sure all fellow Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences to Ann, family and friends on this sad occasion of his passing.

Bruce was a stalwart member of AATTV Vic Br for many, many years and well known throughout the veteran community.  He will be sorely missed.

Condolence messages can be passed through Bruce Davies on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May George now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 20 December 2017 7:12 AM
To: persevere <>
Subject: Vale: George Logan
Importance: High

It is my sad duty to advise that George Logan passed away last night, 19 December.
More details will be advised when known.


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 19th December 2017

A soldier died today

WO2 E. (Ted) J. Fraser RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Belated and sad news in from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br and Doug Tear AATTV NSW Br on the passing on 13th September 2017 of fellow Team member E. (Ted) J. Fraser RAINF.  Ted served as a WO2 in South Vietnam with AATTV from 26 May 1971 to 28 Oct 71 with MATT1, Duc Thanh, Phuoc Tuy Province.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on the sad occasion of his passing.

May Ted now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear []
Sent: Tuesday, 19 December 2017 1:44 PM
To: 'Peter Conway' <>; 'Rick Ryan' <>
Cc: 'Allen Edwards' <>
Subject: RE: Passing of Team Member

Dear Peter and Rick,
Sad news about Ted Fraser.
He was on the NSW List but had not been an active member of the Branch for the 20 years I have been involved with the Branch.
I spoke to Ted’s daughter earlier; she advised that Ted passed away on 14 September 2017; they chose not to pass on this news to the Team.  After offering her my belated condolences; I advised her that I would let Team members know of his passing.
We have quite a few on our list; but despite a number of enquiring letters and word-of-mouth appeals, some Team members are happy not to make contact for whatever reason.  I send out about 130 Newsletters (70 e-mail and 60 mailed) to members but only about 20 respond in some way.

From: Peter Conway []
Sent: 19 December 2017 3:27 PM
To: Doug <>; Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Allen Edwards <>
Subject: Passing of Team Mem ber

Hi Doug and Rick

It has been brought to my attention by fellow Team Member Allen Edward that in the  November December  2017  Issue of the NSW Serving and Ex Service  Men and Women magazine REVEILLE which has some pages devoted to the passing of ex service members it makes mention of one E.J. Fraser 5885 WO 2 Aust Army Training Team Vietnam

I do not believe that his passing has been reported anywhere else and whilst he appears on the NSW Branch Members listing and is undoubtedly our member he may not have been an active member of the Association. no mention of the date of his death is made so it may be some time ago since he died.

I also believe he was known as Ted Fraser

May Ted Rest in Peace

Lest We Forget

Regards and Merry Xmas


Lest we forget

entry Date: 3rd December 2017

A soldier died today

Maj (later) Brig J. G. (Garth) Hughes AM, RAA, AATTV

G'day all,

Sad news in from Simon Hearder AATTV ACT Br on the passing today, 1st December 2017 of fellow Team memnner, Maj (later) Brig J. G. (Garth) Hughes, AM.  Garth served as a Major in South Vietnam with AATTV from 11 Feb 1917 to Nov 71 as Assistant to Chief of Territorial Security, Can Tho Senior Australian Adviser IV Corps. Dec 71 AATTV Training Group, Vung Tau, Jan - Feb 72 USAEV, 1TG, AATTV Component , Bien Hoa HQ.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Garth was also awarded the US Army Commendation Medal for Service.

A well known and respected member to The Team, I am sure all Team memners would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Margaret, family and friends of Garth on this sad occasion of his passing.

At the request of Garth, no funeral service will take place.

Condolence messages can be passed to Margaret at the address shown in the email from Simon Hearder below.

May Garth now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


G'day TEAM members and friends,

It is with much sadness that I advise the death this morning, after a long illness, of our esteemed and much revered Brigadier Garth Hughes, AM at home surrounded by his loving wife Margaret and all their family.
It is Garth's wish that there be no funeral or commemorations - just a notice in the newspaper (which will be next Wednesday).
Messages pf condelence can be sent toMargaret at their home - 8 Coleman St, Pearce ACT 2607

Simon Hearder

Lest we forget

 Entry Date: 2nd December 2017

A soldier died today

WO2 J. (John “Legs”) S. Hyland, RAINF, AATTV, 7RAR

G’day all,

Sad news in from Peter Conway, AATTV Qld Br on the passing on 30th November 2017 of fellow Team member WO2 John “Legs” S. Hyland RAINF, AATTV.  Legs served with AATTV in South Vietnam in the rank of WO2 from 28 May 1968 to Nov 68 as platoon commander, 223 Coy, 2nd Battalion, 2MSF, 5th SFGA, Pleiku. Dec 68 to Feb69, RF Vin Binh, Mar 69, CORDS, RD Training Can Tho. Apr – May 69, Admin Duties, Can Tho.  Legs also served with 7RAR in South Vietnam from 8 Apr 67 to 6 Sep 67.

I am sure all fellow Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Legs on the sad occasion of his passing.

Condolence messages can be passed to Peter Conway on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May John “Legs” now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Hi Rick

I have been advised that John “Legs”  Hyland passed away during the evening of Thursday 30th November.

I have been in contact with Jill Dickson and Jodi Andrews (Blanck) and they will notify me of funeral arrangements when they come to hand.

May Legs Rest in Peace

“Lest We Forget”

Kind regards


Lest we forget
Entry Date: 21st November 2017
Updated: 24th November 2017

G’day all,

Funeral details, as provided by Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br, follow.

May Geoff now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Thursday, 23 November 2017 12:25 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Funeral Geoff Horne

Hi Rick

Had a yarn to Greg Horne this AM. Over the years I had many a yarn to Geoff and we became great phone mates.

Sad to see him go but he had a great life and enjoyed it to the end.

Funeral Details are

Date / Time

Tuesday 28th November   2.00PM

Memorial Gardens Rockhampton Cemetery

Graveside Service

Nice and simple . Rest in Peace Geoff



A soldier died today

WO2 Geoffrey St Elmo Horne, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from John Gibson AATTV Qld Br on the passing today, 21st November 2017 of fellow Team member, WO2 G. (Geoffrey) St Elmo Horne, RAINF aged 93 years.

Geoffrey served as a WO2 with AATTV in South Vietnam from 19 Nov 1968 with RF Vin Binh, Dec 68 to Feb 69, RF, Kien Hoa, Feb – Mar 69 RF MAT Kien Hoa, Apr 69,Vinh Long sector, May – Aug 69,VDAT,Vinh Long, Sep – Nov 69, 4/5 ARVN, Tam Ky 2nd Division.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Geoffrey  was also awarded the South Vietnamese Armed Forces Honour Medal 1st Class.

I am sure all fellow Team members would wish to pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to son Greg, family members and friends on the sad occasion of the passing of Geoffrey.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolence messages may be passed to Greg Horne on telephone:  07 4922 1215.

May Geoffrey now Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson []
Sent: Tuesday, 21 November 2017 7:28 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Peter Conway <>
Subject: Passing of WO Geoffrey St Horne

Hi Rick

Have just received a call from Greg Horne of the passing of his father Geoffrey, in Rockhapton, this morning. Geoffrey was 93 years old at this time.

I have asked Greg to advise me of funeral details before 23 November, as I will be away from that date. If he is unable to do so he will advise Pierre Conway by telephone, when details are known..

Meanwhile messages of condolences may be made to son Greg on (07) 4922 1215

Vale Geoffrey St Horne

Warm regards


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 4th Nivember 2017

A soldier died today

Sgt (later WO2) D. (Danny) H. Wright, SASR, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from SASR Association and Bruce Sutherland AATTV on the passing on 3rd November 2017 of fellow Team member D. (Danny) H. Wright SASR.  Danny served in South Vietnam as a Sgt with AATTV from 30 Apr 1969 to 29 Jul 69 as a platoon commander with5th SFGA, 2 MSF, Pleiku, A-201, 212 Coy.  Danny also served from 26 Feb 68 to 4 Mar 69 with 2 SAS Sqn and from 17 Feb71 to 11 Oct 71 with 2SAS Sqn. Danny also served on active duty with 1 SAS Sqn Borneo.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on our deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences go out to Julie, family members and friends on this sad occasion of Danny’s passing. Danny was one of the shining lights with SAS will be greatly missed.  Australia has lost on of its finest sons’.

As indicated below, funeral details will be advised once known.

Condolence messages can be passed to Charles Stewart, Australian SAS Association on email:

May Danny now Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


------ Original Message ------
From: "Charles Stewart" <>
Sent: Friday, 3 Nov, 2017 At 3:27 PM
Subject: Wright Daniel Henry
Dear All,
  It is with regret that we broadcast the sad news of Danny’s passing.
  We wish to convey our sincere condolences go to Julie and his family.
  Funeral Details to follow.

Danny's interim service record
  Name    WRIGHT, Daniel Henry
  Other Name       WILLIAMS, Robert Henry John
  Service Australian Army
  Service Number 55362
  Date of Birth     04 Apr 1940
  DoD:                03/11/2017 Perth
Rank     (Temporary) Sergeant
  National Service            No
  Corps   Royal Australian Infantry Corps
  Honours            None for display
  Active Service:
  Borneo: 1 SAS Sqn
  South Vietnam
  Unit Name                                             Start Date         End Date
  2nd Special Air Service Squadron          26 Feb 1968      04 Mar 1969
  Australian Army Training Team Vietnam  30 Apr 1969      22 Jul 1969
  2nd Special Air Service Squadron          17 Feb 1971      11 Oct 1971

Charles Stewart
National Secretariat
Australian SAS Association
PO Box 6137
M: +614 1892 1528

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 16th October 2017

Welfare Report - Tony Thorp AATTV WA Br

G’day all,

I was notified by our Welfare Officer Elaine Nolan on Tony’s unique operation the other day.  From what Nolan told me it was a first here in WA and Tony came through with flying colours.

I have been in contact with Tony who advised me that the operation was last Friday followed by intensive care unit on the Saturday and then coronary care unit on Saturday night and Sunday morning and then released from hospital on Sunday afternoon.  Tony now has two weeks of slow recovery at home in the care of Lesley.  Quite a feat in my opinion that Tony recovered so quickly and my feeling was that if anyone could do it so well, Tony could.

You can send get well wishes to Tony on email:

We all trust that Tony now will be back on his feet soon and no doubt with the operation being a success will be around with us for many years to come.

Take care and Persevere,


Entry Date: 16th October 2017

A soldier died today

Sgt J. (Jim) F. Kimberley RAE, AATTV, 17 Const Sqn

G’day all,

Late news in on the passing on 27th September 2017of fellow Team member Sgt J. (Jim) F. Kimberley RAE.  Jim served in South Vietnam initially as a Sgt with 17 Const Sqn from 28 Nov 69 to 31 May 70 and then from 1 Jun 70 to 26 Nov 70 with AATTV.

Although not an active member of AATTV WA Br, I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Judy, Wayne, Donna and Sharon on this sad occasion of his passing.

The funeral service for James Kimberley will be held at the Pinnaroo East Chapel Thursday, (05 Oct 2017) at 1.30PM.

I was alerted by Barry Long AATTV WA Br of the passing of Jim but had no details.  Thanks to Peter Aylett AATTV I was able to access the West Australian.  Death Notice was as follows:

KIMBERLEY (James): Formerly of Glen Forrest passed away peacefully 27.09.17 surrounded by loved ones. Husband to Judy, father o Wayne, Donna and Sharon. Grandfather to 9 and great-grandfather to 4.  Dearly loved and will be deeply missed.

May Jim now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date 16th October 2017
Updated: 26th October 2017

A soldier died today

Capt (later Maj) K. (Ken) W. MacKenzie, RAA AATTV, 4 Fd Regt

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Simon Hearder AATTV Act Br on the passing on 26th September 2017 of fellow Team member Capt (later Maj) K. (Ken) W. MacKenzie,RAA.

As shown in the email below Ken Served in South Vietnam as a Capt with AATTV and on his second tour of duty as Maj with 4th Fd Regt from 20 Aug 70 to 5 May 71.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Jocelyn, Scott, family and friends of Ken on the sad occasion of his passing.

Condolence message can be sent as shown the Simon’s email below.

May Ken now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder []
Sent: Monday, 2 October 2017 12:01 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Passing of AATTV member Capt K W Mackenzie RAA AATTV

Hi Rick
Sad to advise that Scott Mackenzie has advised that his father , Capt Ken W. Mackenzie RAA AATTV passed away in Brisbane on 26 September 2017 following a long battle with emphysema .
Ken was a member of AATTV from 2 October 1964 to 8 October 1965 at the Dong Da National Training Centre. He later had a second tour in Vietnam with 4 Field Regiment RAA . He is survived by his wife Jocelyn and emails of condolence may be sent via his son Scott at
May Ken now Rest in Peace

G'day all,

I received the following message from Shane Turner, son of John Turner AATTV.  The notification got to me late as the email address was incorrect.  However, Shane's message is now here and on the site.

If anyone served with John, then feel free to contact Shane on email:

Take care and Persevere,


From: Shane Turner <>
To: "" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2017 04:46:16 +0000
Subject: Delayed notification of the Passing of our father WO2 John Robert Turner

Afternoon Rick
We are just getting around to advising that John passed away on the 21st of September 2017 it has been a challenging month or so.
Dad passed away at RSL Galleon Gardens High Care unit where he had been since his dementia advanced to the point where he could no longer be cared for in his home. He had been in Galleon Gardens for a month shy of 4 years at the time of his death.

He was honoured to be selected to be a part of the AATTV towards the end of the Vietnam war
After he retired from the regular army he did hundreds of days in the Reserves as an instructor at Canungra & Shoalwater Bay

Once he had finished that service he volunteered for a number of years as an RSL Advocate at Greenslopes Hospital specialising in TPI payment applications and he assisted many ex-servicemen too gain their rightful entitlements. I met a number of these men and women at his funeral and they were to a person very grateful for the dedication and tenacity & reseat he put into each application.

We would be grateful if you could consider using some of the above on the AATTV a soldier died today webpage

Kind regards

Shane & Michael Turner

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 16th October 2017

A soldier died today

WO2 J. (John) R. Turner RAINF, AATTV, 7RAR

G’day all,
Sad news just in from Bruce Sutherland AATTV on the passing on the 21st September 2017 of fellow Team member WO2 John. (JT) R. Turner RAINF.  John served in South Vietnam as a WO2 with AATTV from 20 Oct 1972 to 18 Dec 72 with Phuoc Tuy Training Battalion.  John also served in South Vietnam with 1ARU from 21 Jan 67 to 17 Jul 67 and then 18 Jul 67 to 26 Apr 68 with 7RAR.
I am sure that all fellow members of AATTV would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Shane, Michael, Toni, other family members and friends of JT on this sad occasion of his passing.
Funeral details, will be passed on once known.
Take care and Persevere,

From: Shane Turner <>
Date: 21 September 2017 at 11:27:19 am GMT+1
Subject: Re: update on John
Hi everyone

Just wishing to advise you all that John passed away today at 11.25am.  Whilst we have been praying for this for a long time it was still heartbreaking to wait and watch these final days.  Michael and myself will be organising funeral arrangements tomorrow, so will let you the details then.  We are hoping to have a service at Newhaven Crematorium.  We will then, at a later date, have a service at Canungra AATTV memorial which will be John's final resting place.  We understand that some of you, his army family, are away and will not be able to make his service at Newhaven.  I would like you all to know that Toni and I sincerely appreciate your kind messages and the support you have shown to us during these past years and the loyal mateship you have always willingly provided to John over many many years.


Shane and Toni

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 16th October 2017

A soldier died today

WO2 W. (Warren) F. Lewis RAA, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br on the passing on 18th September 2017 of fellow Team member, WO2 W. (Warren) F. Lewis RAA.  Warren served with AATTV in South Vietnam from the 13th April 1972 to 10th December 1971 with Phuoc Tuy Training Battalion.

I am sure that fellow Team members would wish to pass on our deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Ann, family members and friends on this sad occasion of his passing.

Funeral details are shown in the message below.

May Warren now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Thursday, 21 September 2017 1:07 PM
To: Subject: A Soldier Today

Good Afternoon Gents

I noted in this morning’s Brisbane Courier Mail a funeral notice for AATTV member 321797 Warren Frederick LEWIS who sadly passed away on Monday 18th September.

Although Warren has resided in Queensland at Elimbah for many many years I believe he chose to remain a members of the South Australian Branch. We in Queensland offer our sincere condolences to his wife Ann and the members of his family and his good mates in South Aussie

Warren’s funeral service will be held on Tuesday 26th September at 1.30 PM the venue being the Traditional Funerals Chapel located at 636 Morayfield Road Burpengary Queensland.

I’m sure those who knew Warren will remember him as a good soldier and a fine man.

May He Rest in Peace

Lest We Forget

Kind regards to all


Lest we forget 

Entry Date: 16th October 2017

Entry Date: 5th September 2017

A soldier died today

WO2 R/ (Ron) W. Cook RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad and belated news in from John Gibson, President, AATTV Association Qld Br on the passing on 31st May 2017 of fellow Team member WO2 Ron. W. Cook RAINF.  Ron served as a WO2 with AATTV in South Vietnam from28 June 1963 to Apr 64 with Dong Da National Training Centre, Tactics and Weapons Committee. Attached 7th SFGA team A-727. Khe Sanh Nov 63. Also attached TF100 briefly, Nov 63.

Our belated deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences go out to family and friends of Ron on the sad occasion of his passing.  Always sad when we receive belated news on the passing of one of our fellow team members as we do lose the chance to say our farewells.

May Ron now Rest in Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson []
Sent: Tuesday, 5 September 2017 2:33 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Vale Ron W Cook

Hi Rick

Have just received word from Des Ford of the passing of Ron W Cook who passed away on 31 May 2017. Ron was 84.

Ron was one of the early Team Members having served during the 1963/64 years.

May you pse pass on, thanks

Warm regardes


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 10th July 2017
A soldier died today

Lt (later Maj) Alan (Curly) J. Kirwan RAINF, AATTV, 3 SAS Sqn

G’day all,

Sad news from Marc Kirwan on the passing today, 10th July 2017 of his father Maj Alan (Curly) J. Kirwan RAINF in Esperence, WA after a short battle with cancer.  Curly served as a Lt with AATTV from 18 Feb 1971 unallotted MATT Quang Ngai, Mar – Apr 71, MATT 23 Quang Ngai, May – Oct 71 JWTC, Nui Dat.  Curly also served with 3 SAS Sqn in South Vietnam from 15 Jun 66 to 26 Jan 67.

I am sure all members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Judy, Marc and the rest of the family and friends of Curly on the sad occasion of his passing.

Condolence messages can be sent to Marc Kirwan son of Alan on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Alan "Curly" now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


It is with great sadness I advise of the passing of Alan "Curly" Kirwan at 0515 this morning at his home in Esperance Western Australia after a short battle with cancer.
Alan served 24 years in the Army from 1958 to 1982. 1 RAR (Malaya 1960), Airborne platoon (Williamstown 1963), SASR (3Sqn SVN 1966), AATTV (SVN 1971), 8/9RAR (Enoggera 1976), his final posting was Land Warfare Centre Canungra ( SI Admin Wing 1980).

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 9th July 2017
Updated: 12th July 2017

A soldier died today


G’day all,

Funeral details for Max Norris AATTV as provided by Simon Hearder AATTV ACT Br are detailed below.

Condolence messages for Max Norris Jnr can be sent to him on email:

May Max Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder []
Sent: Wednesday, 12 July 2017 2:43 PM
To: Simon Hearder <>
Cc: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: FW: AATTV Assn Funeral Details Maj Max Norris

Dear members and friends
Please note that the funeral for our departed colleague Maj Max Norris will be on Friday 21st July 2017 at 9 am at the Norwood Park Cremotorium .

You are requested to wear medals  . As is our usual custom we shall form a Guard of Honour at the end of the service .

I have also been informed that a continent from 2 Commando Regiment from Sydney will be coming  to honour Max’s long association with that unit.

Take care and Persevere

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Brian Murphy on the passing today, 9th July 2017 of fellow Team member, Maj Max Norris Aust Int.  Max served with AATTV in South Vietnam as a Maj from 9 Apr 1968 to Oct 68 with Nam Hoa sub-sector, Thua Thien then Nov 68 to Mar 69 as Coordinator Phoenix Programme, Hue. RTA 2 Apr 69. In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Max was also awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star) for his service with AATTV.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Max on this sad occasion of his passing.

Condolence messages can be passed to Max Norris Jnr on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Brian Murphy []
Sent: Sunday, 9 July 2017 1:50 PM
Subject: Vale Max Norris

Further to my earlier message, I wish to advise that (Major) Max Norris passed away at the BUPA facility, Calwell, in the Australian Capital Territory on the morning of 9 July 2017.  No further details are yet available.

Brian Murphy

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 20th May 2017

A soldier died today

WO2 D. (Don) G. Parker RAINF, AATTV, 1RAR

G’day all,

Sad news just in on the passing on 18th May 2017 of fellow Team member WO2 D. (Don) G. Parker, RAINF, AATTV, 1 RAR.  Don served with AATTV in South Vietnam as a WO2 from 29 Oct 1970 to May 70 with 1/54 ARVN Phu Loc, Thua Tien and then Jun 70 to Oct 70 NOAT/NOTT Dinh Tuong, IV Corps.  Don also served his first tour of duty in South Vietnam with 1RAR from 27 May 1965 to 11 Jun 1966.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Don on this sad occasion of his passing. I have notified Mick Dolensky President, AATTV SA Br of Don’s passing.

Funeral details as provided by Carol Van Der Peet are detailed in her message below.

Condolence messages can be passed through Mick Dolensky on email:

May Don now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Hi Rick.
I am the Membership officer for the RAR Association in SA.   We have a chap who passed away last Thursday who served with both 1 RAR and AATTV in Vietnam.  Do you have the contact details for any Member in SA, so I can notify of your Deceased Member?      He has no family so we are trying to get some people who may be able to attend.    He name is Donald Gordon Parker.  He Service is this coming Friday.
Cheers Carol Van Der Peet
Membership Officer RAR SA
0415 242 084

Hello All,
I believe he passed away early Thursday Morning.  The friend organising his Service is Colleen Kluske, contact number is 0428 373 478.
The Service will be a Graveside Service at Adrossen Cememtry 11am Friday the 26th May.   At this stage a Wake will probably be at the Ardrossen RSL.    He served with 1 RAR from 27/05/65 to 11/06/66 & AATTV from 20/10/69 to 29/10/70.   I have notified our SA 1 RAR Rep' and he will also circulate to our Members as well.
Cheers Carol Van Der Peet
Membership Officer RAR SA
0415 242 084

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 12th May 2017

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) R. (Reg) A. Bandy, MBE, RAINF, AATTV, 7RAR, 3RAR

G’day all,

Details of funeral service for Reg Bandy, MBE as received from John Nolan AATTV WA Br, follow.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John E Nolan []
Sent: Monday, 8 May 2017 9:18 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Funeral Service Reg Bandy MBE

Good Evening Rick
Just got word from Kevin Emberson. The funeral service for Reg will be held at St Joseph’s Church Queens Park at 1015 hrs  on 16th May 2017
There will be a family only private cremation following the funeral service.
A wake will be held at the Cannington RSL commencing at 1300hrs
John E Nolan

G’day all,

On my way to Broome I was advised by Kathy Riley, Treasurer, AATTV WA Br on the passing on the evening of 7th May 2017 of fellow Branch Team member Reg Bandy.  On arrival in Broome there were a couple of emails on Reg’s passing and I have selected the one from Kevin Emberson a great friend of Reg’s to pass this message on.

Reg served with AATTV in South Vietnam as a WO2 from 22 Oct 1963 to 8 Oct 1964.  From Oct 63 to May 64 at Dong Da National Training Centre, Tactics Committee, near Hue.  Nov 63, observed TF100 operation north of Hiep Khanh. Jun 64, Jungle, Mountain, Swamp School, Duc My Ranger Training Centre.  In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Reg was also awarded the US Air Medal for Service, US Armed Forces Honour Medal 2nd Class and the US Training Service Medal 2nd Class. Reg also served a tour of duty in South Vietnam as RSM 7RAR from 18 Feb 1970 to 4 Mar 1971.  For his service in 7RAR for that tour he was awarded Member (Military) of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).  Reg also served in Korea with 3RAR who was awarded the US Presidential Unit Citation for involvement in the Battle of Kapyong.  Extract from 7RAR Association web page on Reg’s military service follows:

WO1 Reginald A. Bandy, MBE

 WO1 Reg Bandy was born in Subiaco, Perth Western Australia on 14 July, 1922 and joined the Army in 1940.  He trained with 11,000 other men in 1941 and was subsequently posted to an Armoured Reconnaissance Unit on the Australian mainland.  In 1943 all units were converted to Infantry to oppose the Japanese in New Guinea and WO Bandy was posted to a US Army Landing Unit in Finschaffen, New Guinea.  By 1943 he was posted to an Australian Landing Craft Unit and served up and down the New Guinea coast servicing other Army units for the remainder of the war.
After World War 2 ended he was posted to Moratai with the 67th Battalion which then became the 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment. The Battalion trained for British and Commonwealth Occupation Forces (BCOF) duties in Japan where subsequently WO Bandy patrolled and helped clean up Hiroshima after the Atom bomb.
Early 1950 rumours of war in Korea initiated training for another war and by February of that year WO Bandy was at war again with 3RAR who had joined the UN Force attached to the British 27th Brigade along side the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the Middlesex Regiment.
In 3RAR’s first 6 months in Korea they fought 7 battles, lost 100 KIA and 50 wounded.  WO Bandy was acting as platoon commander at the Battle of Kapyong and in his own words described it as “Not a nice place to be”.
In 1951 his tour of duty finished, he went back to Japan and then later, in December, to Australia where he was posted to 6 Recruit Training Company training reinforcements for Korea.
From 1953 to 1959 WO Bandy trained National Servicemen and CMF Officers and NCOs and then in 1960 was posted to Battle Wing Canungra as an instructor. In 1963 he was  posted to South Vietnam with the Australian Army Training Team where he worked with the South Vietnamese Rangers.  He is one of the very few Australians who were awarded the General Service Medal with Vietnam Clasp, the predecessor to the Australian Vietnam Medal
On RTA WO Bandy served as a Senior Instructor at the Infantry Centre and was then  promoted and posted as RSM, 11th Battalion, CMF in Western Australia.  In 1968 he was posted as RSM of 7RAR and took the Battalion back to South Vietnam in 1970 for both his and the Battalion’s second tour.
On RTA WO Bandy was posted as RSM Infantry Centre and then from 1972 to 1975 was RSM of Australia House, London.  On RTA he was posted as RSM Western Command and his last task as an RSM was to train the Royal Guard of Honour for the departure of HRH  Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip from Perth Airport.
WO Bandy retired from the Army in July, 1977 having completed 37 years service.  He saw active service in three wars over multiple tours and beside the MBE was also awarded the Meritorious Service Medal and Conspicuous Service and Good Conduct Medal.  He was also awarded five foreign awards and three citations giving him a grand total of 25 medals, citations and awards.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Susan, Broni, Clayton, family and friends of Reg on this sad occasion of his passing.  Most of us were aware that Reg was not well of late and we will remember Reg as the tough soldier that he was.  Reg was a stalwart member of the AATTV WA Branch for many a year and it has only been in the past couple of years that he really slowed down.  A very sad loss to us all as well as the veteran community.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Reg now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,

Rick Ryan
AATTV WA Branch Inc.

From: Kevin J. Emberson []
Sent: Sunday, 7 May 2017 7:32 PM
To: Subject:  Re: Reg Bandy

Hello Everyone, passing on a message I received from Broni Bandy this morning about the passing of her Dad Reg last evening 6 May 2017 at Hollywood Private Hospital, at 8.50PM my long time mentor and very good friend of 60 years,
"May he "Rest in Peace".
Have spoken to Broni, I shall pass on to you any further details of the funeral when she advises me. Take Care, stay safe,
Kevin Emberson
----- Original Message -----
"Bronwyn Bandy" <>

"Kevin J. Emberson" <>
Sun, 07 May 2017 03:39:34 +0000
Re: Reg Bandy
Good morning

Just to let you know Reg passed away on Saturday at 8.50 pm. Reg died peacefully in his sleep with out pain or complications.
As always Reg went out on his own terms, on his own and dressed in his 7RAR shirt.

Thank you for your many kindnesses.
Susan, Bronwyn and Clayton Bandy

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 7th May 2017

A soldier died today

WO2 D. (Bob) R. Cameron DCM, RAINF, AATTV, 1RAR

G’day all,

Details of funeral service for Bob Cameron, DCM AATTV as received from Doug Tear, President AATTV NSW Br follow.

May Bob Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear []
Sent: Monday, 8 May 2017 6:11 PM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Funeral Service - WO2 DR Cameron DCM RAInf AATTV

Dear Members,
The details of Bob’s funeral service are as follows:
Date:                    Friday, 12 May 2017
Time:                    2.00 pm
Location:             War Veteran’s Chapel
                              RSL ANZAC Village
                              90 Veterans Parade
                              Narrabeen 2101
The Chapel is located next to the Gallipoli Building and the Dugout Bistro.
M:  0417 370 842

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Doug Tear President, AATTV Association NSW Br on the passing on 6th May 2017 of fellow Team member Bob Cameron.  Doug has cited Bob’s service with AATTV in the text in his message below.  In addition to Unit Citations awarded to AATTV and 1RAR Bob was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Valour with ‘V’ Device, US Bronze Star for Service and the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) for his service with AATTV.  The citation for the DCM reads as follows:

Army Number:                     214866
Substantive Rank:                Sergeant
Temporary Rank:                 Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:                   Desmond Robert
Surname:                               CAMERON
Honour or Award:                DCM

Warrant Officer Cameron enlisted in the Australian Regular Army 1n 1962.  He served with The Royal Australian Regiment in Vietnam and in Australia.  He joined the Australian Army Training Team in February 1969 and was attached to the 2nd Mobile Strike Force, 5th Special Forces Group.
On 6 May 1969, Warrant Officer Cameron was serving with 223rd Mobile Strike Force Company on an operation in the area of Ban-Me-Thuot in Darlac Province, when two of the platoons under his control were attacked by a reinforced North Vietnamese Company.  Disregarding his safety, he personally led a counter-attack against the enemy.  However, the enemy mortar, rocket and automatic weapons fire was so devastating that the counter-attack failed.  Warrant Officer Cameron covered the withdrawal of his Montagnard soldiers by exposing himself to the enemy fire, throwing grenades and assaulting the nearest enemy position on his own.  Twice more he led counter-attacks, but each time they failed and Warrant Officer Cameron covered the withdrawals in the same way.  At times during these withdrawals he approached to within 10 metres of the enemy.  After the third unsuccessful counter-attack, only fifteen soldiers were left with Warrant Officer Cameron.  Realising his position was untenable, with the enemy firing from three sides, he ordered the withdrawal of his remaining troops and stayed behind alone to cover them.  After successfully breaking contact, he gathered together what was left of his two Platoons in a temporary defensive position.  This position however quickly became encircled by the superior enemy force and came under heavy mortar and automatic weapons fire.  At this time Warrant Officer Cameron was wounded by shrapnel in the leg.
Realising his group was in danger of being overrun before any reaction force could come to his assistance Warrant Officer Cameron personally led an assault that succeeded in breaking out of the encirclement.  During this assault he paid no attention to his own wound and carried a wounded Montagnard soldier on his back.  The successful break-out through the enemy’s positions was accomplished solely by Warrant Officer Cameron’s outstanding leadership and exceptional personal bravery.  Despite the continuing enemy fire and the hazards involved he maintained his demoralised soldier’s  intact.  At the same time he controlled and directed helicopter gunships and artillery fire against the enemy and organised the helicopter evacuation of the wounded.
In June 1969, Warrant Officer Cameron was re-deployed as an adviser with the 3rd Battalion, 4th Regiment of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam.  In August he was again wounded in an operation in Quang Ngai Province and this time was medically evacuated to Australia. Within five weeks he was back with the Training Team and advising in the same Battalion on operations, where his outstanding professional skill and personal example have been instrumental in improving the Battalion’s operational efficiency.
Warrant Officer Cameron’s exceptional personal bravery, his dedication to duty and his cheerful comradeship throughout his strenuous operational service with the Training Team have been an inspiration to all Vietnamese, United States and Australian he who served with him and reflect great credit on himself, the Australian Army Training Team and the Australian Army.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on our deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences go out to family and friends of Bob on this sad occasion of his passing.  The Team has now lost another of its finest.

Condolence messages can be passed through Doug Tear on

I will pass on funeral details once known.

May Bob now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear []
Sent: Saturday, 6 May 2017 12:19 PM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Team Member - WO2 DR Cameron DCM RAInf AATTV

Dear Members,
It is with sadness and regret that I inform you of the passing of Bob Cameron on 6 May 2017 at the RSL ANZAC Village at Narrabeen, NSW.
Bob served with the Team initially from 25 February to 25 August 1969; having been wounded in action and medically evacuated.  Bob returned to Vietnam and completed his tour from 1 October 1969 to 18 February 1970.  He served from February to May 1969 as a Platoon Commander with 223 Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th SFGA, 2 MSF at Pleiku.  Bob was awarded the Distingushed Conduct Medal for outstanding leadership and exceptional personal bravery whilst on operations with 223 Mike Special Force Company in the area of Ban Me Thout in Darlac Province where he was wounded in action.  In June and July he served as an Advisor with 3/4 ARVN, 2nd Division at Quang Ngai.  In October 1969 Bob returned to 3/4 ARVN, 2nd Division at Quang Ngai where he completed his tour.  Bob was wounded in action twice; firstly on 5 May in the Ban Me Thuot area where he sustained a shrapnel leg wound and secondly on 2 August at Quang Ngai.
Bob also served in Vietnam with 1 RAR from 9 June to 1 October 1965.
I will advise of the funeral arrangements when known.
Condolance messages to Bob’s family can be sent to me for forwarding on.

M:  0417 370 842

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 6th May 2017;'

A soldier died today

Maj John C. Harding RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br on the passing on 1st May 2017 of fellow Team member John C. Harding RAINF.  John served in South Vietnam with AATTV as a Maj from 18 Sep 1964 to Jan 65 with 1st SFGA B-410 then Jan 65 5th SFGA C-4 Danang S,3 Air Officer, 24 Feb 65 to Sep 65, Operations and Advisory Training Team, HQ I Corps, Liaison Australian personnel I Corps.  In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, John was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Service.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to daughter Helen, family and friends of John on the sad occasion of his passing.

Funeral details as provided by Peter Conway are detailed below.

May John now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Tuesday, 2 May 2017 12:08 PM
To: Subject: A Soldier died Today

Good Afternoon All

Sad news which I have just received from Helen daughter of John Harding.

John passed away yesterday at Pindarra Hospital in Benowa on the Gold Coast.

His funeral service will be conducted next Tuesday 2nd may at the Newlife  Uniting Church 4 Greenwich Street Robina Gold Coast at 2.00PM

I have come to know John very well over the last few years and he always held the TEAM and its members in very high regard. He was also a great supporter of the AATTVA National Trust and made many a healthy donation to ensure that the maintenance of the Grove was continuous. A very generous and kind hearted man.

May he Rest in Peace

Lest We Forget

Regards to all


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 10th April 2017
Updated: 11th April 2017

A soldier died today

Capt (later Maj) W. Sheppard RAINF, AATTV, 4RAR

G’day all,

Funeral arrangements as received from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br follow.

May Wally Rest In  Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Tuesday, 11 April 2017 8:46 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Subject: Funeral Service the late Wally Sheppard

Hi Rick

I have seen quite a few messages about the passing of Wally.

Our man in NQ, Graham Buchan has been quite involved since we first got news of Wallys’  recent illness and subsequent passing and has been in regular contact with the  INGHAM RSL and also with INGHAM FUNERAL SERVICES

Graham has just advised that following a meeting with WALLY’S son in law GARY and the FUNERAL DIRECTOR’S representative ANGELA from Ingham Funeral Services  this morning,  WALLY’s funeral service will be held on FRIDAY 21st April commencing at 1000 AM.

It will be a graveside service at the RSL section of the  OLD INGHAM CEMETERY.

Kind regards


G’day all,

Sad news just in from Tony Mogridge AATTV on the passing on the 8th April 2017 of fellow Team member Maj Wally Sheppard.  Wally served in South Vietnam as a Capt with AATTV from 17 Sep 1969 to Mar 1970 1/51 ARVN, Mieu Bong, Regt HQ, Quang Nam, Apr – May 70, OCRF Training Team, Dinh Tuong, Jun 70. OC NOAT, Ding Tuong west of My Tho, Jul 70, NOAT, Cho Gao, Aug 70, NOAT, Dong Tam.  RTA 17 Sep 70. Wally was wounded in action on 19 May 70 at Din Tuong.  As well as Unit Citations awarded to AATTV, Wally was also awarded the US Army Commendation Medal for Service and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star).

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Nicolle, family and friends on this sad occasion of his passing.

Condolence messages can be passed through Tony Mogridge on email:

Any further information such as funeral details will be passed on once known.

May Wally now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Tony Mogridge []
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2017 11:36 AM
Cc: David Dufall <>
Subject: FW: SAD NEWS

To all,
Please advise your members of the passing of Maj. Wally Sheppard an original member of 4 RAR and a member of AATTV.
Tony Mogridge

From: David Dufall []
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2017 9:44 AM
Subject: SAD NEWS

G’day All,
With great sadness I wish to advise that we have lost another brother in arms and super classmate.
Wally Shephard passed away around midnight on Saturday night in the Ingham Hospital where he had been for some days.
Dave Brandie advises that Wally’s NOK, his daughter Nicolle is difficult to contact at the moment and consequently no details can be provided concerning what happens next – these hopefully will emerge later today.
In the meantime assuming we will be able to farewell Wally with the dignity he deserves, I am happy to coordinate members’ contributions/stories in any suitable format for a later delivery.
-          From his OCS brothers/classmates,
-          From former Battalion and AATTV members,
-          Friends etc.
This may mean conducting a service (if we all would like to see one) not necessarily in Ingham or Halifax for example.
Tony Mogridge, would you mind advising the RAR Assoc and anyone else who you think needs to know.  Also Nicolle might need advice re her options re burial – can you please advise?
With best regards,
Dave D

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 5th April 2017

A soldier died today

36658 WO2 M.(Les) J. Foster, RAASC, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br on the passing today 5th April 2017of fellow Team member, WO2 Murty (Les) J. Foster RAASC, AATTV. Les served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 12 Feb 68 HQ AATTV Saigon as Admin WO and then Jul 68 to Jun69 with 3/3 ARVN 1st Division Hue.

I am sure all fellow Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Eileen, family and friends on the sad occasion of the passing of Les.

Condolence messages for Eileen can be passed through Peter Conway on email:

As Peter mentions below it was not unexpected news but still sad when one of our stalwarts of the Team leaves us.  Please also note there will be no funeral service.

May Les now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Wednesday, 5 April 2017 12:58 PM
To: Subject: A Soldier died today

Good Afternoon All

Well we have been expecting it for a while but it always comes as a shock.

I have just this last couple of minutes had a call from Eileen Foster to say that Les “Murty” Foster,  her husband  passed away this morning.

Les was a rough and tough old bastard but underneath all that was one of the most generous persons one could have wished to meet.

He has been ill for many years and has been through the torment of being on a dialysis machine three times a week for many years. He lived in Lowood and had to travel to Toowoomba to have the tri-weekly treatment, however over the last couple of months was travelling to Greenslopes hospital to have the treatment. It was whilst on the machine this morning that his poor old heart gave in.

There will be no funeral service. Elaine will have him cremated privately and arrange for his ashes to be spread at our Very Special Place the AATTV Memorial Grove at a a later time.

Farewell l to an old soldier and a good friend to many.

May he



Regards to all on this sad day.


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 23rd February 2017
Updated; 26th March 2017

A soldier died today

Bdr P. (Phil) H. Harding RAA, AATTV

G'day all,

For those of you in SA, there is to be a Memorial service for Phil Harding AATTV on 8th April 2017 (refer details below).

Take care and Persevere,


From: Adam Weinert []
Sent: Saturday, 25 March 2017 11:28 AM
Subject: Memorial Service - BDR Phil Harding RAA

Hi Rick,

Adam Weinert here from Lobethal RSL in SA. I’m writing to see if you can pass the word through the AATTV website and facebook on the Memorial Service for the late BDR Phil Harding RAA and see if you could pass the details along to those in your network who knew him. Location is the Lobethal RSL Hall, Date - 8 April 2017, Time - 10am. Let me know if you need anything further. I'm putting together some photos so if you or anyone have any of Phil, I'd appreciate a scan copy.

Kind regards, Adam

Bdr P. (Phil) H. Harding RAA
4 Fd Regt, AATTV
G’day all,

Sad news in from Vic Pennington AATTV and Peter Melling RAA on the passing today, 23rd February 2017 in Bali of fellow Team member Bdr Phillip (Phil) H. Harding RAA. Phil served in South Vietnam from 3 Feb 1970 with 4 Fd Regt and joined AATTV on 24 May 70 to 4 Feb71.  He served with MATT 4 An Ngai, Phuoc Tuy Province during his time with AATTV.  During his time with AATTV Phil was awarded the US Army Commendation Medal for Valour (with ‘V’ Device).

I am sure that Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Phil on this sad occasion of his passing.

Phil resided in Bali and there will be no funeral service here in Australia.  Any details of a Memorial Service will be forwarded once known.

May Phil, now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


Extract of message from Peter Melling RAA as received by me.

We know that Phil passed this morn @5.30 in Bali with family as far as we knew that was his last wishes and as far as we know there is no Aus funeral? He contracted lung cancer about 6 mths ago we saw him in good spirits at Port Broughton SA about 8 mths ago. Hope this little info. Assists. Gr8 mate of mine since 1973. UBIQUE another good Gunny leaves us but never Forgotten

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 25th February 2017

A soldier died today

Cpl P. (Phil) J. Ryan RAE
1 Fd Sqn, 21 Engr Spt Tp, 17 Const Sqn, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad but not unexpected news in from Trevor Mullins on the passing on 23rd February 2017 of fellow Team member Cpl P. (Phil) J. Ryan RAE.  Phil served as a Cpl for 5 Aug 1971 to 10 Oct 71 with MATT Phuoc Tuy Province.  Phil also served in South Vietnam with 1 Fd Sqn from 25 May 66 to 16 Feb 67, 21 Engr Spt Tp 11 Oct 71 to 20 Oct 71, 17 Const Sqn 21 Oct 71 to 1 Feb 72, 2 Feb 72 to 5 Feb 72 Visit.

Our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies go out to the family and friends of Phil on this sad occasion of his passing.  Phil had been hospitalised recently and was not expected to return home.

Condolence messages can be passed through Trevor Mullins on email:

From the message I received from Trevor Mullins, a funeral service will be held in Townsville on 28th February 2017.  Details will be provided once known.

May Phil now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


I'm not sure if you have been notified that Phil Ryan passed away yesterday the 23rd Feb at Townsville Hospital. His wife notified me the funeral will be held on Wednesday 1st March regards Trevor M

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 3rd February 2017

Welfare Report - Murty 'Les' Foster AATTV

G’day all,

Great news in on Murty ‘Les’ Foster from Peter Conway AATTV Br.  It is good to get some good news for a change.

Les no doubt gave someone the thumbs up and defies the Gods.  Let us all hope he is around with us for quite some time to come.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Friday, 3 February 2017 7:26 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Good news

Hi Rick

This morning I spoke with Murty “Les” Foster. He was as bright as a button as they say.

He is in Greenslopes Hospital having been last week transferred from the Princess Alexandria  Hospital

The good news is that today he is going home. What a recovery!!

Murty reckons it wasn’t  his turn. Not just yet,  and wishes to thank all those who sent get well  messages. Obviously they worked



G’day all,

Not very good news from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Branch on the current health status of Murty (Les) Foster AATTV.

We all trust that Les is at least comfortable and pain free given the circumstances.

Messages can be passed through Peter Conway on email:

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Tuesday, 24 January 2017 4:53 PM

Subject: Member Critically Ill

Good Evening All

Sadly I must report that our Qld member Murty (Les) Foster is critically ill in the intensive care ward of the Princess Alexandria Hospital in Brisbane. Wife Eileen tells  me that it is only a matter of time before Murty crosses“the great divide”

A further update will be issued when the time comes.

We can but pray that Murty is comfortable during the time that he has left.

Kind Regards


Entry Date: 19th January 2017

Welfare Report - Ray Hinde AATTV

G’day all,

Dropped into see Ray this morning to see how he was faring.  It has been three months since Ray’s marathon heart surgery and he is coping fairly well in relation to the after care.  Unfortunately, Ray is still in the wars’ and has just been undergoing treatment for lung infection which has seen him on a course of antibiotics with possibly another course of tablets to follow.  The lung infection laid him low once again.  Also to add to Ray’s woes he is to undergo surgery again at the end of February for carotid arteries which in itself can be a dangerous operation.

Ray is taking it all in his stride and hopefully this will be the last battle he faces for a while.

For those of you who would like to send him a message, Ray can be contacted on email:

We all trust that he will get through the next operation with flying colours and be back to his normal self within the coming months.

Take care and Persevere,


Entry Date: 5th January 2017

A soldier died today

WO2 R. (Bob) E. Dillow, RAAC, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad and belated news just in from Bruce Davies AATTV Vic Br on the passing on 30th November 2016 of fellow Team member Robert (Bob) E. Dillow RAAC, AATTV.  Bob served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 15 Apr 1966 to Aug 66 with 1/1 ARVN, 1st Division, Quang Tri and then Sep 66 – Feb 67, HQ I Corps Training Danang.  RTA 5 Mar 67.

In addition to the Unit Citations awarded to AATTV, Bob was also awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Gold Star) during his tour of duty with AATTV.

It is sad when one of our own passes on and we are not informed in time to pass on our condolences.  I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their belated condolences and sincerest sympathies to family and friends of Bob.

May he now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies []
Sent: Wednesday, 4 January 2017 4:42 PM
o: Subject: Vale Robert Earnest DILLOW

I have just received confirmation that Bob Dillow passed away on 30 November 2016. Bob Served with the Team during 1966-67. His funeral was in early December.


Lest we forget

Entry DateL9th December 2016

Passing of Helen Garrigan widow of John 'Garry' Garrigan AATTV

G’day all,

Mike Wells President of AATTV Association VIC Br has reported the passing of Helen Garrigan widow of John “Garry” Garrigan AATTV deceased South Vietnam 27 Dec 68.

Our condolences go out to family members at this time on the sad occasion of Helen’s passing.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Mike Wells ED []
Sent: Thursday, 8 December 2016 7:34 PM
To:;; 'Bruce Davies' <>
Subject: RE: Helen Garrigan

Dear Felicity,

We are so sorry to hear of your Mother Helen's Passing. We were aware of her declining health and it showed her determination to carry on as she has for so many years.

It was fitting that Helen was able to finally bid farewell to her much loved Garry when he was re-interred recently and perhaps that enabled her to "switch off" finally and bid her farewell in her own time.

She would have been grateful for the care you have shown her and perhaps you too can now relax a bit and "Smell the roses".

All members of the Team in Victoria and Nationally will be saddened to hear of Helen's Passing and on behalf of all please accept our sincere Condolences.

With kind regards and Persevere,


       Mike Wells ED
       Victorian President

Entry Date: 8th December 2016

Welfare Report - Bill Dunstan AATTV

G’day all,

Glenys has kindly forwarded a report on Bill who is undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.

If you would like to give Bill a cheerio message then email him on:

We all wish Bill the best.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Glenys and Bill []
Sent: Wednesday, 7 December 2016 11:19 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Bills Prostrate Cancer

At the moment Bill is having Radiation every day sometimes twice a day he has to have 39 Treatments in all. We are hoping all will be well. Could you please let Team Members know.


Entry Date: 3rd December 2016

A soldier died today


G’day all,

Sad but not unexpected news just in from Trevor Mullins AATTV on the passing today, 3rd December 2016 of fellow Team member Barry Tolley OAM, DCM.  Barry served as a WO2 with AATTV in South Vietnam from 25th June 1968 to 25th June 1969  with 5th SFGA company commander 211 MSF, 1st Battalion, Pleiku & platoon commander 212 MSF Coy. In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Barry was also awarded the US Silver Star, US Bronze Star with "V" Device (for the Battle of Duc Lap) and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star and the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM).  The citation for the DCM reads as follows:

Army Number:                                 53714
Rank:                                                 Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:                               Barry
Surname:                                           TOLLEY
Award:                                               DCM

Warrant Officer Tolley enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in 1959.  After serving the The Royal Australian Regiment in Malaysia and Borneo, he joined the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam in June 1968.
On 22 May 1969, Warrant Officer Tolley was serving as Commander of 211th Mobile Strike Force Company, 5th Special Forces Group on an operation in Kontum Province when it was attacked by a North Vietnamese force.  So heavy was the enemy’s initial assault, that the indigenous soldiers of the company began to scatter.  Warrant Officer Tolley ran about his troops, exposing himself to heavy enemy small arms, rocket and mortar fire, in an attempt to hold them together.  However, under increased enemy pressure, the majority of the soldiers fell back.  Showing great courage and despite the overwhelming odds, Warrant Officer Tolley continued to hold his ground.  Assisted by only three other soldiers, he held back the assault enemy and covered the withdrawal of the wounded and the remainder of his company.  Together with these three soldiers, he finally fought his way back to the Battalion base.
Two days later on 24 May, Warrant Officer’s Tolley’s was moving as the rear element of his Battalion in the same area.  The leading companies were heavily attacked by a superior North Vietnamese force, which also got between Warrant Officer Tolley’s company and the remainder of the Battalion.  He quickly reorganised his company and led an assault on the enemy in an attempt to break through to the forward companies.  However, they were driven back with heavy casualties by intense enemy fire.  Warrant Officer Tolley rallied his troops and showing outstanding personal bravery, then assaulted the enemy a second time at the head of only 15 of his soldiers.  Again he was driven back.  The remainder of his company, to the rear of Warrant Officer Tolley, were now under a very heavy mortar and rocket fire and began to withdraw in disorder.  Not being in a position to rally them again, Warrant Officer Tolley stayed between his troops and the enemy who were starting to attack.  Unselfishly exposing himself to heavy fire, he then personally covered the withdrawal until the wounded and the remainder of his soldiers were clear.
Warrant Officer Tolley’s exceptional bravery and aggressive leadership in these actions and on a number of other occasions during his long tour with the Mobile Strike Force were an outstanding example to those under his command.  His professionalism and exemplary conduct reflect great credit on himself, the Australian Army Training Team and the Australian Army.

Barry was also awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) on Australia Day 1995 for outstanding service to the Australian Army particular in the field of training.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends of Barry on the sad occasion of his passing.
Condolence messages can be passed through Trevor Mullins AATTV on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Trevor & Robyn Mullins []
Sent: Saturday, 3 December 2016 7:50 AM
To: 'Rick Ryan' <>
Subject: RE: Health Report - Barry Tolley, DCM, AATTV

good morning i am sorry to inform you Barry Tolley DCM, OAM has just passed away at Townsville hospital  i will forward details later regards Trevor Mullins

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 3rd December 2016

Welfare Report - Ray Hinde AATTV

G’day all,

Visited Ray Hinde at home this morning.  Ray is recuperating from his heart surgery and will be doing so for the next five months.  He is in good spirits taking into consideration the fact that he is not allowed to do too much.  Ray is walking and swimming to get his strength back and no doubt will be churning at the bit for those five months to move quickly.

Ray’s contact number is 0400 937 681for those wishing to give him a call.  Emails can be directed through me.

Take care and Persevere,


Entry Date: 27th November 2016

Welfare Report - Barry Tolley, OAM, DCM,AATTV

G’day all,

The latest on Barry Tolley,OAM, DCM as received from Trevor Mullins AATTV does not read well.  Contact details for Barry are included if you wish to speak with him direct or email messages can be passed through Trevor on email:

We trust that Barry is comfortable being in familiar surroundings.

Take care and Persevere,



Hi Rick, the latest on Barry Tolley is not that good after spending a few days in palliative care Townsville Hospital, Barry insisted he be allowed to spend his last days at home which happened yesterday the powers to be have told Marly his wife it’s only a matter of time Christmas would be a bonus so please any of the members who know Barry it would give him real support if you contacted him on 0408189230 and would be a comfort to his wife many thanks and regards Trevor Mullins

Entry Date:  25th November 2016

A soldier died today

Maj T. C. (Colin) Bannister, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Funeral detail for Colin Bannister AATTV are shown below.

May Colin now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies []
Sent: Thursday, 24 November 2016 7:42 AM
Subject: Fw: Funeral of Colin Bannister

For wide dissemination, please.

Please be advised that Colin’s funeral will take place on Thursday 1 December 2016 at 2.00 p.m.  It will be conducted at St John’s Anglican Church, 86 Clendon Street, Toorak.

Kind regards,


Margaret Adamson
Executive Assistant

Melbourne Legacy

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Bruce Davies, AATTV Association Vic Br on the passing on 17th November 2016 of fellow Team member Colin Bannister OAM, RAINF. Colin served as a Major in South Vietnam from 16 May 1964 to Apr 65 as Senior Australian Advisor.  Senior Training Adviser, Duc My Ranger Centre 13-27 Aug 64, visited Ranger Training Dung Lap near Cu Chi 29 Aug – 5 Sep, visited 37th Ranger Battalion.  In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Colin was also awarded the Vietnamese Armed Forces Honour Medal 1st Class.

Colin was a stalwart member of AATTV Association Vic Br and I am sure Mike Wells and his clan will be saddened by the loss of Colin.

Our deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences go out to the family and friends of Colin on this sad occasion on his passing.

Condolence messages can be passed through Bruce Davies on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies []
Sent: Friday, 18 November 2016 7:48 AM
To: persevere <>
Subject: Vale Colin Bannister OAM

I am saddened to report that I have received a message via Legacy that Colin Bannister OAM passed away on 17 November (84 years). No further details at this stage.


Entry Date: 16th October 2016
Updated: 23rd October 2016
Updated: 25th October 2016
Updated: 1 November 2016

News and Welfare Report - Ray Hinde AATTV

G’day all,

I had a chat with Ray Hinde AATTV today.  Ray was in relatively good spirits but still suffering the effects from his major surgery.  Ray still has a bit of a road to recovery to follow.  He will soon move to rehabilitation at St John of God, Mt Lawley.  Ray of course is like the proverbial “bear with the sore tooth” wanting to get going.  I advised him to follow doctors’ orders and he will eventually get there.  I think most of us just know how he feels.

Messages for Ray can still be sent through Elaine Nolan on email: or you can contact Ray direct on mobile:0400 937 681

We wish him well,

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

Good news as received from Elaine Nolan, Ray is now out of intensive care and can have visitors but only for short periods at this stage.  He is in WARD 41.  I dare say he could also take a short telephone call.  Contact number for the St John of God Hospital, Subiaco WA is 08 9382 6111.

Looks to me that he is now on the mend.

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

Welfare report on Ray Hinde AATTV as received from Elaine Nolan follows.  Ray did have a couple of hiccups which put us on edge for a bit but looks like our prayers have been answered.  He still has a rough road to follow yet and we all wish him the best.

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

As received from Elaine Nolan AATTV WA Br, Ray Hinde has some good news in that both he and Chrissy will tie the knot on the 17th October.  We wish them well.  The bad news of course that Ray will be going in for a major operation on the 20th October.  I have spoken with Ray and he is preparing himself for both his forthcoming wedding and the operation.

Most of you will be aware that Ray served with AATTV from Jun to Oct 1968 as Company Commander (23 & 26) 223 and 206 companies, 2nd Battalion, 2 MSF, 5thSFGA. Pleiku and from Nov 68 to May 69, Van Kiep, LRRP Wing, Phuoc Tuy. A well respected member of The Team and we trust that Ray will come through the operation with great success.

Messages for Ray can be passed through me, on email: or Elaine Nolan on email:

Take care and Persevere,


From: John E Nolan []
Sent: Thursday, 13 October 2016 10:22 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Welfare Report

Good Day Rick
We have some good news and some bad news in relation to our esteemed WA member Ray Hinde. The good news is that he and Chrissy are to be married on 17 October and the bad news is that he is to go into St John of God hospital Subiaco on the 20th for open heart surgery for a double bypass and replacement of Aortic valve
Suggest any messages of well wishes for the first few days following surgery be directed through you or me
Elaine Nolan

Entry Date: 10th October 2016

Hospital Visit - Keith Payne, VC, AATTV

G’day all,

Report from John Gibson, President AATTV QKD Br on the visit to fellow Team member, Keith Payne VC.

I am sure Keith will rebound and be out and about doing his usual duties.

We all wish Keith well.

Take care and Persevere,


From: John Gibson []
Sent: Monday, 10 October 2016 12:07 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Peter Conway <>;
Subject: Hospital Visit - Keith Payne

Hi Rick

Please to advise that following a visit to Greenslopes Hospital this morning to check up on Keith that all is well and Keith discharged today, back on his pins and ready to start work again.

Keith was admitted late last week to have some (nasty) sun spots, on the legs that were turning bad and were most timely removed, treated and dressed.

Fishing in short pants is a no no!!!

Fond regards to all from Keith and Florence and they too are looking forward to being with us at the 55th Reunion.

Warm regards


Entry Date: 23rd September 2016
Updated: 29th September 2016
Updated: 4th October 2016

Welfare Report - Barry Tolley, DCM,AATTV

G’day all,

Latest health update on Barry Tolley DCM, AATTV as received from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br.

We all trust that Barry will feel better at  home.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Tuesday, 4 October 2016 7:35 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Trevor Mullins <>
Subject: Health Update Barry Tolley DCM

Hi Rick

I have received an update from Trevor on Barry’s progress.

He is going home so as to be more comfortable in his home surroundings. According to his wife there is no change to his condition. He will have further chemo treatment.

Trevor will be visiting him at home tomorrow,

Thanks mate. Would appreciate it if you would distribute

Kind Regards

Keep safe


G’day all,

Update on Barry Tolley follows.

Looks like Barry is fighting the good fight.

Messages  for Barry can be passed through Trevor Mullins on email:

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2016 8:30 AM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Trevor Mullins <>
Subject: Update on Barry Tolley DCM

Hi Rick

Just received the following from Trevor on Barry Tolley

“He is still in Townsville Marter, but  not happy. His health is not good but he is a battle> Its just a case of wait and see. His wife is doing it tough but keeping a brave face.He thanked you for all your kind thoughts at this time regards Trevor “

Thanks Mate



G’day all,

Health report from Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br on Barry Tolley, DCM, AATTV does not read well.

Our thoughts are with him.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Friday, 23 September 2016 12:22 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Cc: Trevor Mullins <>; John Gibson <>
Subject: Barry Tolley

Hi Rick

I have just received a message from Trevor Mullins (Townsville) to say Barry Tolley is in the Mater Hospital and according to his wife his health has taken a turn for the worse.

We hope that Barry is comfortable at this time and that his health improves

Further details will be passed on as they come to hand

Kind Regards


Entry Date: 28th September 2016

A soldier died today

Lt Col James David Stewart, MC, RAINF, AATTV, 3RAR

G’day all,

Sad news in from Bruce Davies AATTV Vic Br on the passing on 25th September 2016 of fellow Team member Lt Col James (Jim) David Stewart, RAINF, AATTV aged 86 years.  Jim served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 22 Jul 71 to Nov 71, 2IC HQ AATTV, Saigon Dec 71 to 26 Feb 72 Acting Commander AATTV, Saigon.

Jim also served in the Korean War with 3RAR where he was awarded the MC 0n 25 Nov 1952.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Jim on the sad occasion of his passing.

Funeral notice as taken from Hobart Mercury Newspaper follows:

STEWART. A service for Mr James David Stewart will be held at Graham Family Funeral Home, Cnr Risdon and Bay Roads, New Town, on Monday (September 3, 2016) at 1.00pm. Family and friends are warmly invited to attend. Flowers welcome, or donations may be made to Legacy Tasmania and will be gratefully received at the Service. Private Cremation.

May Jim now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies []
Sent: Wednesday, 28 September 2016 7:48 AM
To: Mike Wells ED <>; Rick/Mandi Ryan <>
Subject: Re:

I’ve just done a search through obituaries for Tasmania and found James David STEWART died on 25 September 2016 (birth date matches 10 Jan 1930).
We have not had contact with him for several years.



Lest we forget

Entry Date: 23rd August 2016
Updated: 24th August 2016

A  soldier died today

WO1 J. (Jim) S. Calcutt, MID, RAINF, AATTV

G'day all,

Funeral details for Jim Calcutt as provided by Bruce Davies AATTV follow.

May Jim now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies []
Sent: Wednesday, 24 August 2016 2:20 PM
To: persevere <>
Subject: Funeral Service Jim Calcutt

The funeral service for Jim Calcutt will be at Le Pine Funerals, 848 Main Road, Eltham, at 10 a.m. on Tuesday 30 August.


G'Day all,

Sad news just in from Bruce Davies AATTV Vi Br on the passing today, 23rd August 2016 of fellow Team member  WO1 James (Jim) C. Calcutt MID, RAINF, AATTV. Jim served with AATTV in South Vietnam from 4 March 1970 too Jun 70 as company commander, Training Company, 2MSF Pleiku, 5th SFGA, Jul 70 – Feb 71, Admin WO, AATTV, Australia House Danang, RTA 4 Mar 71. During his service with AATTV Jim was awarded the MID, a copy of the citation reads as follows:

Army Number:                     12001
Substantive Rank:    Warrant Officer Jim Calcutt
Christian Name:                   James Samual
Surname:                   CALCUTT
Honour or Award:    MID

Warrant Officer Class One Calcutt enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in May 1951 and has served in a number of regimental and instructional appointments.  He joined the Australian Army Training Team in the  Vietnam in March 1970.
On joining the Training Team, Warrant Officer Calcutt was appointed to command a Montagnard Special Forces Company in the Pleiku area of Military Region 2.  As a Company Commander he worked tirelessly to ensure that his company received the best possible training to fit for its hazardous role.  He also took an intense interest in the wellbeing of his soldiers and families.
Following his tour with Special Forces, Warrant Officer Calcutt was appointed Regimental Sergeant Major of the Military Region 1 element of the Australian Army Training Team.  In this appointment he was responsible for the administration and discipline of all Team members stationed in Military Region 1.  In addition to these duties he was required to conduct the Team transit establishment in Danang.  By his devotion to duty, loyalty and understanding he was responsible for the high state of morale which exists in the Team.  His awareness of the strains and pressures under which members were working was outstanding.
By his untiring  efforts and extreme devotion to duty Warrant Officer Calcutt earned the respect of both superiors and subordinates and brought great credit on himself, the Australian Army Training Team and the Australian Army.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Shirley, family members and friends on this sad occasion of the passing of Jim.  Jim was a highly respected Team member and we will miss him dearly.

Condolence messages can be passed through Bruce Davies on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Jim now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies []
Sent: Tuesday, 23 August 2016 2:22 PM
To: persevere <>
Subject: Vale Jim Calcutt

Jim Calcutt passed away today. No further details at this stage.


Lest we forget

'Entry Date: 21st August 2016
Updated: 24th August 2016

A soldier died today

WO1 Ian. C. Wall, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Funeral details as provided by Mike Wells, President AATTVA Vic Br follow.

Rest In Peace Ian,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies []
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 4:26 PM
To: persevere
Subject: Funeral Ian Wall

The funeral service for Ian Wall OAM will be on 29 August at 1030 a.m. in the Cordell Chapel, Fawkner Crematorium and Memorial Park Sydney Road.


G’day all,

Sad news just in from Bruce Davies AATTV Vic Br on the passing today, 21st August 2016 of fellow Team member WO1 Ian C. Wall RAINF, AATTV aged 91 years.  Ian served in South Vietnam from 16 Jun 71 to Nov 71 as Admin WO, Can Tho, Dec 71, AATTV Training Group, Vung Tau Jan 72 to Jun 72 Long Hai Training Battalion. RTA 9 Jun 72.  In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV,  I was also awarded the US Commendation for Service medal and Republic of Cambodia National Defence Medal with Bronze Star. Ian was awarded the OAM For service to the welfare of the ex-service community 1998.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this the sad occasion of Ian’s passing.  Condolence messages can be passed through Bruce Davies on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Ian now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies []
Sent: Sunday, 21 August 2016 12:16 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: RIP Ian Wall AATTV 1971-1972

Ian Wall (1971-9172) passed away 21 August, funeral details to be advised.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 15th August 2016
Updated: 16th August 2016

A soldier died today

Cpl (later WO2)  Donald. (Scruffy) W. Burgess RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Funeral details for Donald (Scruffy) Burgess as received from his son, Paul follow.

May Scruffy Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: paul burgess []
Sent: Tuesday, 16 August 2016 3:15 PM
To: rick ryan <>
Subject: funeral details
Importance: High

Further to the conversation from last night the details for dad’s funeral service
Are as follows

A wake will be held at the local RSL after the service

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Paul Burgess on the passing in Darwin NT on 14th August 2016 of fellow Team member, Cpl (later WO2) Donald (Scruffy) W. Burgess RAINF, AATTV aged 78 years.  Scruffy served as a Cpl in South Vietnam with AATTV from 30 June 1971 to Jul 71 AATTV Saigon, Aug -Sep 71 MATT, Phuoc Tuy, Oct – Jun 71, MATT1, Baria then RTA 3 Jul 72.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to son Paul, family and friends on the sad occasion of the passing of Scruffy.  Condolence messages can be passed to Paul on email:

As Paul indicates full funeral details will be forwarded once known.

May Scruffy now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: paul burgess []
Sent: Monday, 15 August 2016 6:28 PM
To: rick ryan <>
Subject: Sad news
Importance: High

Good evening rick

Paul burgess here the son of Donald burgess I’m writing to let you and the team know
That my father don passed on Sunday 14thAugust in Darwin after a long illness , his funeral
Will be on Monday 22nd august in Darwin further details as they become available
Dad spent 20 in the army he went to the team as a sergeant and after 20 years service retired as a WO2
Members of the team are welcome to send condolence messages to my email address

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 6th August 2016
UpdatedL 8th August 2016
Updated: 9th August 2016

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) W. (Bill) H. Abigail, RAASC, AATTV

G'day all,

G’day all,

Wake details for Bill follow.  I am sure that there will be a few beers drank on the day.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2016 8:40 AM

Good Morning Gentlemen

Further to  my last message regarding Bill’s funeral.


On conclusion of the service a wake will ne held at Nerang RSL Club 69 Nerang Street Nerang commencing at 1.30 PM

Peter & Sue have extended an invitation to all to attend.

Let’s all have a beer for Bill and wish him all the best, and thank him for being the man he was and such a great friend to very many . God Bless Him



G’day all,

Funeral details as provided by Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br for Bill Abigail AATTV follow.

Rest In Peace Bill,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Peter Conway []
Sent: Monday, 8 August 2016 4:01 PM
To: Subject: Funeral Details William (Bill) Abigail

Good Evening All

I now have the funeral details for Bill. They are as follows

Day/Date                                 Tuesday 16th August

Time                                        12. 30 PM

Place                                        Allambie Memorial Gardens
                                                 Nerang Broadbeach Road
                                                 Nerang Qld


Thank You and

Kind Regards


G’day all,

Sad but not unexpected news on the passing today, 6th August 2016 of fellow Team member WO2 (later WO1) W. (Bill) H. Abigail, RAASC, AATTV aged 93 years.  Bill served as a WO2 with AATTV in South Vietnam from 17 Feb 1965 to Jun 65 as Admin WO Saigon, Jul – Sep 65 with 5th SFGA, Nung Coy, Danang and from Oct 65 to 26 Jan 66 with 5th SFGA, C1-S3-Air, Danang,  Bill also served on the HMAS Sydney (Ships Army Staff) in 1971 in the rank of WO1.

Our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies go out to Peter and Sue, family members and friends on the sad occasion of his passing.  Bill has been a long time stalwart of the AATTV Association and in particular with the Qld Br and he will be sorely missed by us all.  Bill was also a leader in the push for Can Tha Memorial Grove at Canungra.  Condolence messages can be passed through Peter Conway Qld Br of AATTV on email:

On a personal note, I first met Bill when I was a young digger.  He was our mentor and also instructor for our subject courses for promotion to Cpl rank.  He had a great rapport with his diggers which in turn earned our respect for him over our lifetime.  Bill we will miss you.

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Bill now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Good Morning Fellow Team members

I have just had a call from Sue Abigail to advise of the passing of her and Peter’s Dad and our Team Member and Mate William (Bill) Abigail. Bill passed away in the early hours of this AM peacefully in his sleep.

Whilst we were somewhat expecting this, it  still  comes as a great shock . He not only was a friend to many he was a very special type of person, highly respected and well admired and thought of by so many in the military and civil community  His passing will leave a deep void in the lives of many who knew him so well for so long.

                                                                                                                “REST IN PEACE OLD MATE”

Sue advises that funeral arrangements will be finalised this coming Monday, the service will be conducted at the Allambie (Nerang) Memorial Gardens and will be held either Monday 15th or Tuesday 16th August. I will ensure that all will be kept advised as final details come to hand.

At this time we can but wish Bill “Safe Journey to Paradise” to be reunited with all those who have marched on before him.

                                                                                                                        “LEST WE FORGET”

Regards to all and as Bill would wish of you all



Lest we forget

Entry Date::31st July 2016
Updated: 1st August 2016

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) D. (Don) Donkin, MBE, RAA, AATTV

G’day all,

Funeral details for Don Donkin AATTV as forwarded by Doug Tear President AATTV NSW Br follow.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear []
Sent: Monday, 1 August 2016 11:09 AM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Funeral - WO2 Donald Wellow Donkin MBE RAA

Dear Members,

I have received the details of Don’s funeral as follows:
Date:                    Friday, 5 August 2016
Time:                    11.00 am
Venue:                 Magnolia Chapel
                              Macquarie Park Cemetery and Crematorium
                              Cnr Delhi Road and Plassey Road
Macquarie Park   NSW   2113
Telephone:         (02) 9805 0499


M:  0417 370 842

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Doug Tear, President AATTV NSW Br (refer to message below) on the passing of fellow Team member WO2 (later WO1) Don Donkin, MBE, RAA, AATTV.

In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV Don received the US Bronze Star for Service and was also awarded an MBE for his tour of duty with AATTV.  The citation reads as follows:

Army Number:                                             21398
Substantive Rank:                                        Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:                                           Donald
Surname:                                                       DONKIN
Honour or Award:                                        MBE

Warrant Officer Class Two Donald Donkin joined the Royal Australian Artillery in 1947 and was posted initially to A  Field Battery in the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan.  After returning to Australia in 1948, he served with the 1st Field Regiment, the 2nd Recruit Training Battalion and at the School of Artillery, before joining the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam in July 1963, He was an adviser at Hiep Khanh Civil Guard Training Centre until February 1964 when he was attached to the United States Special Forces A Detachment Number 731 situated at Khe Sanh in Quang Tri Province.
During his service with this detachment from February 1964 to July 1964, Warrant Officer Donkin produced an outstanding effort in leadership and organisational ability.  His professional standard on operational patrols was also of a very high standard.
When the United States Detachment Commander was declared “missing in action” on an operational reconnaissance flight, Warrant Officer Donkin personally led several search patrols and co-ordinated the effort of others.
His actions have at all times been highly commended by officers of the United States Special Forces under whom he has served and has been an outstanding example to other members of his team.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Don on this sad occasion of his passing.  Condolence messages can be passed through Doug Tear on email:

May Don now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear []
Sent: Saturday, 30 July 2016 8:43 PM
To: Doug Tear <>
Subject: Passing of a Team Member - WO2 Donald Wellow Donkin MBE RAA

Dear Members,

It is with regret and sadness that I inform you of the passing of WO2 Donald Wellow Donkin MBE RAA on 30 July 2016 at Manly in New South Wales.

Don served with the Team from 30 July 1963 to 4 July 1964 initially at the Hiep Khanh Training Centre with the General Subjects Committee.  Later in October and November Don was attached to the 7th SFG Team A-727 at Khe Sanh and from February to June 1964 he was attached to the 7th SFG, Team A-731 at Khe Sanh.  Don later served another tour in South Vietnam with 4 Fd Regt from 3 March 1970 to 11 March 1971.

Like the leaves on a tree in autumn,
we slowly depart, one by one.
But, let those remaining still Persevere.

A quote from Richard Riddle, a Team Member

Rest in Peace

Our thoughts and prayers go out Don’s family at this sad and difficult time.  I will pass on Don’s funeral arrangements when known.

Kindest regards,

Doug Tear MBE

0417 370 842

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 24th July 2016

A soldier died today

Maj (later Lt Col R. (Bob) J. Aitken MID, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Bruce Davies AATTV Vic Br on the passing of fellow Team member Maj (later Lt Col) R. (Bob) J. Aitken, MID, RAINF aged 82 years.  Bob served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 3 Apr 1970 to 31 Mar 1971 as Assistant to the Chief of Staff, Senior Australian Adviser, HQ I Corps Danang.  Whilst on active duty with AATTV, Bob was also awarded the US  Army Commendation Medal for Service, the RVN Cross of Gallantry (with Gold Star) and Mentioned in Despatches (MID), the citation reads as follows:

Army Number:                                 33810
Substantive Rank:                            Major
Christian Name:                               Robert John
Surname:                                           AITKEN
Honour or Award:                            MID

Major Aitken graduated from the Officer Cadet School in 1952 and was allocated to The Royal Australian Infantry. He served with The Royal Australian Regiment and in various training appointments before joining the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam in April 1970.
As the Senior Australian Adviser in Military Region 1, Major Aitken worked tirelessly and with complete disregard for his own safety or welfare.  He travelled extensively throughout the Military Region visiting and observing the Australian advisers in operations, which enabled him to recommend or vary assignments to suit the tactical situation and the characteristics of the individual advisers.
Major Aitken’s professional ability and leadership during his tour with the Training Team has been outstanding.  His achievements reflect great credit on himself, the Australian Army Training Team and the Australian Army.

Bob was a stalwart member of the Vic Br of AATTV for some years before moving eventually to Qld.  I am sure all members of AATTV would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Sheila, family members and friends on the sad occasion of his passing.  Condolence messages can be passed to Sheila on email:

Personally, I will miss Bob whom I considered a friend having worked with him and known him for many a year.  He always had your back.

May Bob now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Davies []
Sent: Sunday, 24 July 2016 1:54 PM
To: Rick Ryan <>
Subject: Vale: Bob Aitken


I have just received a telephone call from Sheila Aitken telling me that Bob died last night, 23 July. His funeral details are as follows:

Date:                    Thursday, 28 July
Time:                    2.30 pm
Location:             Allambe Memorial Park
                              129 Nerang Broadbeach Rd, Nerang QLD 4211
Telephone:        07 5578 1699

Shelia provided her mobile for point of contact, it is 0438951734 and her email is

May he Rest in Peace.


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 22nd July 2016

A soldier died today

WO1 (later Maj) R.E. Dummett, MM, BEM, RAINF, AATTV

G'day all,

Belated news on the passing on 15th October 2013 of fellow Team member WO1 (later Maj) Raymond (Ackie) Ernest Dummett, MM, BEM, RAINF, AATTV aged 91 years.  Thanks to the heads up from Geoff Annett AATTV, I was able to do some research to find out details of the passing of Ackie.  Ackie served as a WO1 with AATTV in South Vietnam from 1 Apr 1967 RF/PF Trieu Phong District, Quang Tri and was wounded in action on 12 Aug 1967, he then served as Admin WO Danang from Sep 1967 and returned to Australia on 26 Feb 1968. In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Ackie was also awarded the US Silver Star, the RVN Cross of Gallantry (with Bronze Star) and the Military Medal.  The citation of the Military Medal reads as follows:

Army Number:                              26479
Temporary Rank:                        Warrant Officer Class One
Christain Name:                          Raymond Ernest
Surname:                                     DUMMETT
Award:                                         MM

Warrant Officer Class One Raymond Ernest Dummett enlisted in the Australian Regular Army on 7 July 1952. He was posted to The Royal Australian Regiment and had operational service with the 2nd Battalion in Malaya. He has had previous service with the Australian Imperial Force in World War II where he served in New Guinea with the 2/3 Australian Infantry Battalion. He volunteered for service in South Vietnam and was posted to the Australian Army Training Team arriving on 1 April 1967. He was posted as a Regional Forces/Popular Forces Adviser to Trieu Phong District in  the province of Quang Tri.
At 0230 hours on 12 August 1967, the District HQ was attacked by the Viet Cong under an intense barrage of rocket launcher fire. Warrant Officer Class One Dummett from his position in the 81mm mortar pit kept up a continuous barrage of defensive fire and illumination around the perimeter defences, for approximately two and a half hours.  He did this with the assistance of only one Vietnamese soldier.  The mortar pit was in an extremely exposed position and even in the face of Viet Cong moving around inside the defences blowing up bunkers, intense rocket fire from the enemy forces outside the position, the mortar was kept in action covering the likely approaches of a follow up enemy ground force.   The consistency and accuracy of this fire undoubtedly deterred the enemy from reinforcing their initial assault squad and allowed the defenders to deal with those in the defensive position.  After the attack finished Warrant Officer Class One Dummett was the first adviser to move around, checking wounded and reorganising the defences.  His calm  attitude and bearing did a great deal towards restoring the morale and fighting efficiency of the very tired and dazed Vietnamese troops.  He also very quickly coordinated the arrival of medical evacuation helicopters and arranged for the wounded to be moved out.
Throughout this action the distinguished conduct and coolness under fire of Warrant Officer Class One Dummett was an inspiration to all.  His professional skill with the mortar undoubtedly savedthe position from further penetration by enemy ground force.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their belated sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies Narelle, family and friends.

May Ackie now Rest In Peace

Take care and Persevere,


The following is the extract  of the funeral notice taken from the Archives of the Sydney Morning Herald on the 23rd Octiber 2013.

Major Raymond Ernest (Ackie)
 Service numbers 26479 (NX78747) - 15th October 2013. Late of Batemans Bay.
Dearly loved husband of Narelle, awesome father of Lynette, Paul
 (dec), Stephen, Ian, Robyn and extended families. Aged 91 years.

A life well lived

 RAY's relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend his funeral
 to be held at the Chapel of Broulee Memorial Gardens Crematorium,
 Broulee, with a service commencing at 10:00 am on Friday (October 25,
 2013). By request, no flowers. In lieu, donations to Legacy would be
 appreciated and can be made on the day at the chapel.

 Batemans Bay Funerals
 Family Owned. Est. 1969
 A.F.D.A. 4472 8886

Lest we forget
Entry Date: 19th June 2016

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1)  A. (Hec) A. Wells RAE, AATTV

G’day all,

Funeral details for Hec Welsh AATTV as sent by Bill Thompson AATTV follow.

May Hec now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bill Thompson []
Sent: Thursday, 16 June 2016 2:52 PM
To: 'Rick Ryan' <>
Subject: FW: Funeral Details for Ex-AATTV WO2 AA 'Hec' Welsh RAE


For your info.


Dear All,

I am advised by the late ‘Hec’ Welch’s daughter Tammy that a funeral notice will appear in The Canberra Times on Saturday 18 June 16. She advises that all former AATTV members are welcome at the commemoration to be held at 10.30 hrs on Monday 20 June 2016 at the Norwood Park Crematorium Memorial Park, Sandford Street, Mitchell. As is usual, it is requested that jacket, tie and medals be worn. RSVP is not required.

Please note that Simon Hearder is interstate, and I am acting at his request.


Bill Thompson
T: 02 6254 3429               M: 0428 215 476

G’day all,

News just in on the passing of fellow Team member WO2 (later WO1) A.A. (Hec) Welsh RAE, AATTV on the 11th June 2016 aged 78 years.  Hec served as a WO2 with AATTV in South Vietnam from 17 Dec 68 to May 69 with CORDS RD Cadre, Can Tho, then Apr – Dec 69, VDAT, Dinh Tuong, IV Corps.

I am sure all fellow Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends of Hec on this sad occasion of his passing.

Condlence messages can be passed through Simon Hearder AATTV ACT Br on email:

Funeral details will be provided once known.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Brian Spilsbury []
Sent: Monday, 13 June 2016 10:57 AM
Subject: A soldier died today WO1 A.A. Welsh RAE

Greetings Rick,

My name is Brian Spilsbury, we lived in Bridge St, Nundah as kids.  I have been advised through the RAE old sappers net that WO1 A.A. (Hec) welsh ex AATTV passed away in Canberra on Saturday, he was 78. His funeral details are not known but advice is that it will be a small family affair. I replaced Hec in Canberra in 1982 when he retired, a good digger sadly missed.


Brian Spilsbury
Maryborough Qld

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 27th April 2016

A soldier died today

WO2 V. (Vince) F. Metzroth RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Wayne Pearce, Bruce Sutherland and Dennis Manski on the passing of fellow Team member WO2 V. (Vince) F. Metzroth RAINF, AATTV on 23rd April 2016. Vince served with AATTV in South Vietnam as a WO2 from 11 Feb 71 to 7 Jan 72 as Admin WO, HQ AATTV, Saigon.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Joan, family members and friends on the sad occasion of Vince’s passing.

Condolence messages can be passed to Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br on email:

Funeral details are shown below.

I did have the pleasure of serving with Vince and all I can picture is a young and very fit soldier.

May Vince now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Sutherland []
Sent: Wednesday, 27 April 2016 7:56 AM
To: Rick Ryan; Peter Conway
Subject: Fw: Vincent Frederick metzroth 13563

From: Wayne Pearce
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 8:54 AM
To: bruce sutherland
Subject: Vincent Frederick metzroth 13563

Bruce, the above was in the Fraser coast chronicle this morning. can you pass this on to the training team people the funeral is in the heritage chapel maryborough Thursday the 28th April  at 10 am..Wayne
METZROTH, Vincent Frederick. 13563 Warrant Officer Of Tinana. Passed away suddenly on April 23, 2016. Aged 81 years. Dearly loved husband of Joan. Much loved father and father-in-law of Lisa and Roderick Ritchie, Gina and Richard Hole, Robyn and Zoey. Loved grandfather of 5. Family and friends of Vincent are invited to attend his funeral service to be held in the Heritage Chapel, Maryborough Crematorium, Bruce Highway on Thursday, April 28 at 10am. RSL Members are invited to attend.

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 26th April 2016

A soldier died today

WO2 O. (Ocker) S. Stevenson OAM,  RAINF, SAS, AATTV
G’day all,

Sad news in from Bruce Sutherland, AATTV Qld Br on the passing on 25th April 2016 (ANZAC Day) of fellow Team member WO2 Ola. (Ocker) S. Stevenson OAM, RAINF, SAS, AATTV. Ocker served in South Vietnam  as a WO2 with AATTV from 27 Aug 1969 to Sep 69 attended 5th  SFGA Combat Orientation Course Nha Trang, Sep – Dec 69, platoon commander, 2 MSF, Sub 5th SFGA, Pleiku, Jan – Apr 70, LRRP Wing Van Kiep Training Centre, May – Aug 70, Phuoc Tuy, National Training Centre.  Ocker also served in South Vietnam with 3 SAS Sqn 14 Feb 67 to 2 Mar 67, 1 SAS Sqn 3 Mar 67 to 27 Feb 68.

In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Ocker was also awarded the US Silver Star and  the US Bronze Star for Service.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of his passing.

Condolence messages can be passed to Peter Conway AATTV Qld Br on email:

As per the message below there will be no funeral service.

May Ocker now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Bruce Sutherland []
Sent: Tuesday, 26 April 2016 4:00 PM
To: Peter Conway; Rick Ryan
Subject: Fw: [ ASASA-Q ] Fw: CDS: Sad News

From: Peter Schwarze
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 4:36 PM
Subject: [ ASASA-Q ] Fw: CDS: Sad News

Hi All,

Sad news on one of our members who passed away on Anzac Day, as detailed below.

R.I.P. Ocker.


From: Charles Stewart
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 2:14 PM

Dear All,
I have received the message below from Harry Whiteside who has been with Ocker and his family for the past week
It is with great personal sadness that I tell you that Ocker succumbed after battling cancer since last October. He was in a coma since last Friday night and stood in the door with the “Red Light” on. He got the “Green Light” at 2035hrs tonight.
Ocker died peacefully with his family with him.
At his request there will be no funeral service or wake. He will be cremated and his ashes scattered to the wind over the ocean.
It was nothing short of an outstanding privilege to have served with him and an even bigger privilege that he call me his friend. He was A Man’s Man and a Soldier’s Soldier!
More to follow when I know more.
Harry Whiteside
Australian Special Air Service Association (NSW Branch)
0417 063177
For the record:
 STEVENSON OAM. Ola Sever (Ocker)
Warrant-Officer Class 2
Service No: 16273
DOB: 24/03/1939
DOD: 25/04/2016

Active Service: with SAS.
1st Special Air Service Squadron
15/02/1967 and 13/08/1970
Total Days: 730
1st Special Air Service Squadron
3rd Special Air Service Squadron
Australian Army Training Team Vietnam
Charles Stewart
Honorary National Secretary
Australian SAS Association
PO Box 6137
M: +614 1892 1528

Lest we forget

Updated: 29th March 2016
Entry Date: 23rd March 2016

A soldier died today

Cpl Peter Hateley RAAMC, AATTV

G'day all,

Funeral details as received from Mick Dolensky AATTV SA Br for Peter Hateley are as follows:

Thursday, 31st March 2016, Ian Berry Funerals 198 - 204 Magil Road, Norwood SA  at  2.30pm.

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

Sad news just in from Mick Dolensky, AATTV SA Br on the passing of  fellow Team member, Peter Hateley RAAMC on 20th March 2016.  Peter served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 10 Sep 1970 to 28 Dec 1970 when he was medically evacuated as a NBC.  He was with Advisors School Di An is Sep and MATT 1 Dong Dien  Oct – Dec 70.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of his passing. Condolence messages can be passed through Mick Dolensky on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Peter now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, 23 March 2016 3:43 PM
Subject: P. Hately

Hi Rick,

Sad news, Peter Hately passed away on the 20th march 2016. When more information becomes available, I will pass it on.



Lest we forget

Entry Date:  8th March 2016

AATTV 55th Anniversary National Reunion - Gold Coast,  QLD
28th - 29th July 2017

G'day all,

For your information I have included a page for the 55th Anniversary Reunion on the main page of this site.  I will update it as further information comes in.

Take care and Persevere,


Entry Date: 29th February 2016

A soldier died today

WO2 L. (Lochie) B. Scowcroft, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Brian Scowcroft on the passing on 27th February 2016 of fellow Team member WO2 L. (Lochie) B. Scowcroft RAINF, AATTV aged 78 years.  Lochie served as a WO2 in South Vietnam with AATTV from27th August 1969 to 9 Sep 69 5th SFGA Combat Orientation Course, Nha Trang, then Sep – Oct 69 as platoon commander, 5th SFGA, 2 MSF, Pleiku.  Nov 69 – Mar 70, Training Coy, 2 MSF Pleiku. Apr 70 replaced Pettit AATTV, who was killed in action in the Battle of Dak Seang.  Wounded in action on 7  Apr 70, Dak Seang and medevac to Australia.  In addition to the unit citations awarded to AATTV, Lochie was also awarded the US Valorous Unit Award for action in the Battle of Dak Seang. Lochie was also awarded in 2002 the US Bronze Star for Valor (with 'V' Device) for his part in the battle.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Brian, family and friends on the sad occasion of his passing.  Lochie will be missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be sent to Brian Scowcroft on email:

Funeral details are shown in Brian’s email below.

May Lochie now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: bfscowcroft []
Sent: Monday, 29 February 2016 4:25 AM
Subject: Lachlan Scowcroft

I would like to advise you the WO2 Lachlan Scowcroft  (Retired) passed away on 27 February 2016, Tomakin NSW.

His funeral is in Thursday 3 March 1pm at Broulee.

Brian Scowcroft

Lest We Forget

Entry Date: 26th February 2016

A soldier died today

WO2 Graham C. Neitz, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from grandson of Graham Neitz aged 76 years, on his passing last night, 25th February 2016.  WO2 Graham C. Neitz RAINF served in South Vietnam  with AATTV from 21st October 1965 to Mar 66 with 2/1 ARVN, 1st ARVN Division, Quang Tri, Apr to Sep 66 with 5th SFGA, Nung Force, Danang.  On his second tour of duty with AATTV, Graham served from 20thAugust 1968 with 1/6 ARVN Tam Ky and Quang Ngai, Jan – Feb 69 54th Regiment, Hue, Mar – Apr 69 Regimental Recon Coy, 54th Regt, Hue and May – Aug 69, 2/54 ARVN, Hue.  In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Graham was awarded the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (with Silver Star) and the Vietnamese Armed Forces Honour Medal 1st Class.  Graham was wounded-in-action on 22nd September 1968.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of his passing.  He will be sorely missed by us all.

Condolence messages can be passed through Peter Conway, AATTV Qld Br on email:

May Graham now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Graham Neitz []
Sent: Friday, 26 February 2016 10:32 AM

Subject: Graham Neitz


My name is Bryce Harrington, I am Graham Neitz's grandson I was just writting to inform you that last night (25/02/2016) Graham passed away. The service will be private.
Warmest Regard,

Bryce Harrington

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 2nd February 2016

A soldier died today

WO2 F. (Fred) A. G. Callander,MID, RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news just in from John Gibson, President AATTV Qld Br on the passing on 31st January 2016 of fellow Team member, WO2 F. (Fred) A. G. Callander, MID, RAINF, AATTV.  Fred served in South Vietnam as a WO2 with AATTV from 19th September 1966 with 3/5 ARVN, Danang and from Jan 67 to Jun 67 with 5th SFGA Company C, Mike Force, 11th Company, Danang. In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV, Fred also was the recipient of the US Presidential Unit Citation for his service with 5th SFGA and was Mentioned In Despatches (MID).  His awards reads as follows:

Army Number:                     33691
Substantive Rank:                Staff Sergeant
Temporary Rank:                 Warrant Officer Class Two
Christian Name:                    Frederick Arthur George
Surname:                               CALLANDER
Honour or Award:                MID

Warrant Officer Class Two Frederick Arthur George Callander enlisted in the Australian Regular Army on 8 November 1951 after completing National Service.. He was posted to The Royal Australian Regiment and has had operational service in Korea and Malaya.  He volunteered for service in South Vietnam and was posted to the Australian Army Training Team on 19th September 1966.  He was allotted for duty to Mike Force, Company C, 5th Special Forces Group, Danang.
On 11 May 1967 Warrant Officer Class Two Callander was in command of a Company of indigenous troops from Mike Force engaged in operations against the enemy around Con Thien outpost near the Demilitarised Zone.  The company was on a daylight fighting patrol to search and destroy enemy forces to the North East of the outpost.  At approximately 1420 hours the company contacted a dug in enemy position which they assaulted but could not capture.  Under an intense barrage of enemy mortar fire a second enemy force started to move towards Mike Force forcing them to withdraw to the outpost.  The withdrawal was orderly but the company suffered fifteen casualties.  At 170 hours two men from 3 Platoon were sighted moving towards the camp pursued by the enemy. Artillery and mortar support was called for and Warrant Officer Class Two Callander immediately moved out, by himself, across 600 metres of open ground swept by enemy fire and covered the movement of the two soldiers into the defensive position.  Warrant Officer Class Two Callander by his resolute courage and immediate action, undoubtedly saved the lives of the two soldiers, raised the morale of his company by his display of leadership and bravery, and brought great credit on himself and the Australian Regular Army.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to Angela, family and friends on  the sad occasion of Fred’s passing.  Condolence messages can be passed direct to Angela on the contact number provided below or through Peter Conway on email:

Another fine soldier of The Team has now left us hopefully to a better place.

May Fred now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: [] On Behalf Of John Gibson
Sent: Tuesday, 2 February 2016 6:22 AM
To: Rick Ryan
Cc: Peter Conway; Frank Reid; Mick Smith; Kerry Gallagher; Allen Edwards
Subject: Sad news

Hi Rick

Word in this morning, from Ron Cook in Bundaberg, on the passing of WO2 Frederick Arthur Callander MID. Fred passed away peacefully on 31 January 16 and a notice that his funeral service will be held on Wednesday 3 February 16.

Ron advises the recent storms in Bundaberg have left some landlines out of action however copndolonces may be passed to Fred's wife Angela (07) 4152 5084 if that land line is restored.

May you place on your system please.

Vale Frederick

Warm regards

Lest we forget

Entry Date: 29th January 2016
Updated: 8th March 2016

A soldier died today

Sgt (David) W. Scheele RAINF, SAS, AATTV

G'day all,

A Memorial Service for Dave Scheele, DCM was held at The House, Swanbourne WA on Friday 5th March 2016. There were SAS and AATTV personnel in attendance and we all gave Dave a good send off. The service was held at the same time a private Memorial Service was being held at Karrakatta Cementry.

May he now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


G’day all,

Sad and tragic news on the passing of fellow Team member Sgt D. (David) W. Scheele, DCM recently. Full details of his passing are not known at this stage but Dave was found at his property here in WA deceased. Dave served as a Sgt with AATTV in South Vietnam from 27 March 1969 to Apr 69 with 5th SFGA Combat Orientation Course. Nha Trang May to Aug 69 Platoon Commander 223 Company and Aug to Sep 69 Training Company, 2 MSF, 5th SFGA, Pleiku.  In addition to unit citations awarded to AATTV Dave was also awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM).  The citation reads as follows:

Army Number:                      54901
Substantive Rank:                 Sergeant
Christian Name:                    David William
Surname:                               Scheele
Honour or Award:                DCM

Sergeant Scheele enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in 1964.  He served with The Royal Australian Regiment in Australia and the Special Air Service Regiment in Borneo and South Vietnam.  He joined the Australian Army Training Team in Vietnam in March 1969 and was attached to the 2nd Mobile Strike Force, 5th Special Forces Group.
On 6 May 1969, Sergeant Scheele was serving as a Platoon Commander with 223rd Mobile Strike Force Company on an operation in the area of Ban Me Thun in the area of Ban Me Thuot in Darlac Province, when two other platoons of the company came under heavy attack from a superior North Vietnamese force and were surrounded.  Despite the intense enemy mortar , rocket, automatic weapons fire, he personally led his platoon against the enemy in an attempt break through to the other platoons.  During this attempt one of his Montagnard soldiers was seriously wounded.  Disregarding the danger involved, Sergeant Scheele moved across open ground to treat the wounded man and in doing so fully exposed himself to the direct fire of the enemy.  So intense was the enemy’s fire, his platoon was unable to move further forward and itself became almost encircled. Sergeant Scheele then directed his men to break out and with outstanding personal bravery he alone assaulted the adjacent enemy positions, throwing grenades and firing his weapon  to cover the movement of his platoon.  As he himself withdrew, still providing cover for his men, he picked up the wounded Montagnard soldier and carried him to the position to which his platoon had withdrawn. Again the enemy attacked and again Sergeant Scheele personally covered the withdrawal of his platoon, still carrying the wounded soldier.  While so doing he was attacked by two enemy squads.  He put the wounded man down, assaulted the enemy on his own and successfully drove them off.  Sergeant Scheele then returned to the wounded soldier and still firing at the enemy, carried him to where a helicopter was hovering to evacuate the wounded.  While the enemy continued to fire, he shielded the wounded Montagnard with his own body until the soldier had been successfully extracted.
Sergeant Scheele’s personal bravery and aggressive leadership in the extreme hazardous conditions involved in this action and on a number of other subsequent occasions during the heavy fighting in the area of Ben Het were outstanding.  His professionalism and unselfish devotion to duty have been exceptional and reflect great credit on himself,  the Australian Army Training Team and the Australian Army.

Dave was also awarded the US Bronze Star for Valour (with ‘V’ Device) and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Bronze Star.

Dave also served in South Vietnam with 2nd SAS Sqn from 26 Feb 68 to 23 Feb 69, with 1st SAS Sqn from 21 Jan 71 to 18 Feb 71 and then 2nd SAS Sqn 19 Feb 71 to 11 Oct 71.

I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to family and friends on this sad occasion of his passing.  Although a very private person Dave was well respected within AATTV circles and also the SAS Regt.  He will be sadly missed by us all.

Should funeral details become available, I will pass them on.

May Dave now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


Lest we forget

Entry Date: 25th January 2016

A soldier died today

WO2 (later WO1) G. (Graeme) L. Millington RAAC, 1 Armd Regt, 3 Cav Regt

G’day all,

Sad but not unexpected news on the passing today, 25th January 2016 of fellow Team Member WO2 (later WO1) G. (Graeme) L. Millington RAAC. Graeme served in South Vietnam with AATTV from 7 January 1971 with unallotted MATT MR III,  Feb – Apr 71 MATT 9 Phuoc Loi, Phuoc Tuy Province, May – Jul 71 MATT Phuoc Tuy, Aug – Nov 71 20th Tank Sqn Instructor, Quang Tri.  Graeme also served in South Vietnam with C Sqn 1 Armd Regt from11 Feb 68 to 17 Jun 68, 18 Jun 68 to 19 Aug 68 FWD Det Tp and A Sqn 3 Cav Regt 20 Aug 68 to 21 Feb 69.

Graeme also served at one stage as President AATTV  Assn WA Br and will be missed by us all here in the West.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on our deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences go out to Doris, family and friends on the sad occasion of Graeme’s passing.

Condolence messages may be passed through John Barnes AATTV on email:

There is to be no funeral service for Graeme, instead a family gathering is being organised..

May Graeme now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


-----Original Message-----
From: John Barnes []
Sent: Monday, 25 January 2016 6:02 AM
To: Rick Ryan
Subject: Passing of Graeme Millington

Hi Rick,

Doris rang this morning to inform me that Graeme passed away at approximately 0715. Graeme is now in a better place, there will be a private funeral as per Graeme and Doris's wish. A memorial wake will be held at their home, attended by close friends, at a later date.

Please pass on this sad news.



Lest we forget

Updated:5th January 2016
Entry Date: 3rd January 2016

A soldier died today

Maj I. (Ian) G. Porteous RAINF, AATTV

G’day all,

Details for a Memorial Service for Ian Porteous as received from Simon Hearder AATTV are shown below.

May Ian now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder []
Sent: Monday, 4 January 2016 6:16 PM
To: Simon Hearder
Cc: Rick Ryan; 'Neil & Carmel'
Subject: Memorial Service for Maj Ian Porteous RAINF , AATTV

Dear Members
Following a private cremation there is to be a Memorial Service for Maj Ian Guildford Porteous RAINF, AATTV  on Friday 8th January 2016 at 11.00am .
Location is St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church , State Circle , FORREST  2603 .
Service members are requested to wear medals .
Light refreshments will be served in the church hall following the service.

As Ian was an active member of the Woden Valley RSL there is to be an RSL segment led by former President Peter Collis .
John Jackson will be delivering the TEAM eulogy  . Any stories or anecdotes of Ian’s Army service in Malaya or Vietnam  are welcomed and should be forwarded to john jackson at
Simon Hearder

G’day all,

Sad news in from Simon Hearder AATTV ACT Br on the passing last night, 2nd January 2016 of fellow Team member Maj Ian G. Porteous RAINF, AATTV.  Ian served as a Major with AATTV in South Vietnam from 4th March 1968 with Nam Hoa sub-sector, Thua Thien then from Apr 68 to Feb 69 with HQ I Corps, G3 Training, Danang. In addition to Unit Citations awarded to AATTV, Ian was awarded the US  Bronze Star for Service, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star and the Vietnamese Armed Forces Honour Medal 1st Class.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to his wife Bev, family and friends on this sad occasion of Ian’s passing.  As Simon states in the message below, Ian was a staunch member of The Team.

Condolence messages can be passed through Simon Hearder on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Ian now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Simon Hearder []
Sent: Sunday, 3 January 2016 9:51 AM
To: Simon Hearder
Cc: Rick Ryan
Subject: Passing of TEAM Member - Maj Ian G Porteous , RAINF, AATTV

Dear All
It is with much sadness that we mourn  the passing of fellow TEAM member  Major Ian G. Porteous , RAINF , at home last night with his family by his side.
Our thoughts and deepest sympathy go to wife Bev and the family at this time.
Ian was a staunch and dedicated member of all the TEAM’s activities over the years and he will be sadly missed.
I will advise you further once funeral arrangements are known.

Rick – would you please pass this on to members of your network

Lest we forget

Updated: 15th December 2015
Entry Date: 13th December 2015

A soldier died today

Cpl B. (Bruce) J. Arthur RAE
1Fd Sqn, 17 Const Sqn, AATTV'

G’day all,

Funeral details as received from Doug Tear President AATTV NSW Br follow.

May Bruce Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear []
Sent: Tuesday, 15 December 2015 2:59 PM
Subject: Funeral Details - Bruce Arthur

Dear Rick,
The details for Bruce Arthur’s funeral are:
Date:              Thursday, 17 December 2015
Time:             2.00 pm
Location:        North Chapel
Forest Lawn Crematorium Memorial Park
Camden Valley Way
Leppington NSW 2179.
The family have requested no flowers, rather a donation to the Cancer Council Research.
I will attend the funeral.
I have been unable to ascertain the details of Bruce’s family at this time.

M:  0417 370 842

G’day all,

Sad news just in from Doug Tear, President AATTV NSW Br on the passing today of fellow Team member Bruce Arthur.  Bruce served as a Cpl in South Vietnam with AATTV from 10 Aug 1970 to 17 Jun 1971 with MATT 7, Ong Trinh District, Phuoc Tuy Province.  Bruce also served in South Vietnam with 1 Fd Sqn from 13 Nov 67 to 12 Nov 68 and with 17 Const Sqn from 17 Jun 70 to 9 Aug 70.

I am sure all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to family and friends of Bruce on this sad occasion of his passing. Condolence messages can be passed to Doug Tear on email:

Funeral details will be advised once known.

May Bruce now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Doug Tear []
Sent: Sunday, 13 December 2015 6:38 PM
Subject: Passing of a Team Member - Bruce James Arthur

Dear Rick,
I have received advice that Bruce James Arthur passed away on 13 December 2015.  Bruce served with the Team from 10 August 1970 to 17 June 1971 with MATT 7 in Ong Trinh District; Phuoc Tuy.
Details of Bruce’s funeral are not know at this time.

M:  0417 370 842

Lest we forget

Enry Date: 13th December 2015

Welfare Report - Graham Millington AATTV

G'day all,

My apologies for the late entry on Graham's health.  I did send out a email on my National Mailing List at the time of receipt from John Barnes but overlooked an entry on the site.

We trust that Graham is in good hands.

Take care and Persevere,


-----Original Message-----
From: John Barnes []
Sent: Thursday, 26 November 2015 12:27 PM
To: Rick Ryan
Subject: Illness of Team Member - Graham Millington

Hi Rick,

I hope you and Mandy are in good health. I have to report the health of Graham Millington. Graham had been diagnosed at least 5 years ago that he had Parkinson's Disease. In Graham's case it also included the likely hood of Alzheimer's Disease. Graham has been suffering severe Hallucinations for at least 3 years and now has Alzheimer's Disease. His condition has reached the point where he has been placed into a nursing home.

Doris has done a magnificent job of caring for Graham at home, but the time came for Graham to be placed in a secure place. If anyone needs to contact Doris, please contact me on 03 5021 2925. I will pass on your message to Doris or if she is able, she will contact you. Graham's family know of his condition and this is a big relief for Doris.
Graham's doctor is also my LMO and I have been able to assist Doris as required.

All the best.



Entry Date:  5th December 2015

5th Special Forces Patch Reverts to Vietnam Era

G'day all,

Below is a Press Release from 5th Special Forces Group on the change of their patch back to the recognisable patch from the Vietnam War.  A number of Team members served with SFG including three of our VC recipients.

Take care and Persevere,


5th SFG (A) Public Affairs Office                                           PRESS RELEASE
                                    Fort Campbell, Kentucky
                                    Home of the Legion

Release Number 15-001
5th Special Forces Group Public Affairs
Special Forces Association Chapter 38

5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) to conduct Beret Flash Changeover Ceremony

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. – The 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) will conduct a Beret Flash Changeover Ceremony on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at Fort Campbell, Ky.

Returning to the Vietnam beret flash, worn by the 5th SFG(A) between 1964 and 1985, acknowledges the Group's extensive history in the Vietnam War, the first large scale combat employment of U.S. Army Special Forces.

“I am proud to announce that the 5th Special Forces Group will honor our history by officially changing the unit’s beret flash back to the one utilized by 5th Group during the Vietnam War.” said Col. Kevin Leahy, commander of the 5th SFG(A). “The Group’s 20 Congressional Medal of Honor and three Australian Victoria Cross recipients are a testament to the courage and honor of those trail blazers.

Returning the yellow and red stripes to the 5th Group flash honors the Group's history and all of the Special Forces Vietnam veterans who served under 5th Group, including over eight hundred 5th Group Soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice.”  Additionally, said Col. Leahy, "This change simply returns stripes to our current flash, it takes nothing away.  This change ties the history of the group in Vietnam to our more recent history in the Gulf War, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and the continuing battle against ISIL."

According to official Army records, in October, 1964, the 5th SFG(A) Commander, Col. John H. Spears, petitioned the Department of the Army to officially approve a modified 5th SFG(A) flash with diagonal yellow and red stripes.  These stripes were added to the black and white 5th SFG(A) flash to represent 1st and 7th Special Forces Groups, which sent teams to Vietnam in the early days of the conflict.  Additionally, the yellow and red stripes were the same colors as the Republic of Vietnam flag and served to honor Group's commitment to its Vietnamese and Montagnard partners.  The request was approved in December 1964.

An official time for the ceremony will be provided in a subsequent correspondence. If you have any questions regarding the ceremony please feel free to contact the 5th Special Forces Group’s Public Affairs Office via email or the Special Forces Association Chapter 38 via email at


The original 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) flash (left) consists of a black background with a 1/8” white border. The Vietnam-era flash adds a 3/4” yellow stripe of which contains three smaller red stripes spaced accordingly from the center of the thicker yellow stripe; the yellow being representative of the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) and the red for the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne). (U.S. Army graphic images courtesy of 5th SFG(A) Public Affairs)

Entry Date: 17th November 2015

Passing of Joan Roney and Rhonda Knowles

G’day all,

Sad news in from Mick Dolensky AATTV SA Br on the passing of Joan Roney wife of Ron Roney AATTV and Rhonda Knowles widow of Ken Knowles AATTV.
Team members pass out their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Ron and the Knowles family on this sad occasion of their passing.

We all know that it is our partners who also have to carry the burden of tending to our needs especially in these latter years.  I find it hard to contemplate the loss that Ron would be feeling now but our thoughts are with you..

Condolence messages can be sent through Mick Dolensky on email:

May Joan and Rhonda now Rest In Peace.

Take care and Persevere,


From: []
Sent: Monday, 16 November 2015 5:09 PM
Subject: The Passing of Team members wife's

Hi Rick,

Sad news of the SA front.
Ron Roney's wife Joan passed away on the 8th Nov'2015. Joan's funeral was held today, it was a very good service, befitting Joan.
Ken Knowles wife Rhonda passed away yesterday, 15th Nov'2015. Funeral details are currently being finalized. I will let you know when more details come to hand.

Regards and Persevere

 Mick Dolensky

Entry Date: 2nd November 2015

A Soldier Died Today

Cpl (later Sgt) N.(Nick) W. Burgerhof RAE, AATTV

G’day all,

Sad news in from Helena Hamm, daughter of Cpl (later Sgt) N. (Nick) W. Burgerhof RAE, AATTV on his passing on Friday, 30th October 2015.  Nick served in South Vietnam as a Cpl with AATTV.  From Sep 1970  MATT unallotted.  Oct 70 to Feb 71 MATT 12 Long Le and An Ngai, Phuoc Tuy Mar – Jun 71 MATT 15 Long Son Island, Phuoc Tuy then Jul – Aug 71, JWTC, Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy.  RTA 2 Sep 71.  Nick also served with 1 Fd Sqn from 10 Oct 67 to 22 Oct 68.

I am sure all Team members would wish to send their sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies to his daughter Helena, family and friends of Nick on the sad occasion of his passing.

Helena has kindly passed on funeral details as shown below.

Condolence messages may be passed to Helena on email:

May Nick now Rest In Peace,

Take care and Persevere,


From: Richard & Helena Hamm []
Sent: Monday, 2 November 2015 9:06 AM
Subject: Burgerhof Nicolaas

Good Morning,

Sgt Nick W G Burgerhof #1200865.

As Nick’s daughter Helena, it is with great sorrow that I inform you of Dad’s passing on Friday the 30th of October 2015 at approx. 14.00 hrs, aged 72.
Nicks funeral with be held on Tuesday the 3rd of November 2015, 10am at St Josephs Church, North Ipswich with refreshments to follow at 260 Blackwall Rd Chuwar.
Contact is Helena Hamm 0413908616.
All welcome.

Thanks and kind regards
Helena Hamm

Lest we forget

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