Adviser News
Australian Army Training Team Vietnam(AATTV)
Sponsored By: Rick Ryan - AATTV Association (Western Australia) Branch  Inc.

This is the official website of AATTV Association which has been set up by Rick Ryan - AATTV Association  (WA Branch) Inc. to provide information to AATTV members and any other parties that may be interested in knowing a little about 'The Team' and its accomplishments in South Vietnam. Any errors or omissions are regretted and should any dispute arise over the content of this site then the buck stops here.  Any suggestions from fellow Team members as to additional information to be included in this site can be directed to Rick Ryan  via email at the bottom of this page.  I will answer anybody who takes time to sign the guest book located at the bottom of this page.


G’day all,

At our AATTV 60th Anniversary Reunion on Saturday, 30th July I was approached by fellow Team member, Alec Morris OAM, DCM in relation to a submission prepared by him on behalf of the AATTV Association for the award of the Unit Citation for Gallantry (UCG) to AATTV.  Alec gave me a USB which I have now copied so that the content of the submission can be distributed to Team members and family members of those Team members that have passed on.   The submission has been updated and submitted, click on this link: UCG Submission Revised 3 April 2023.pdf

I have read through the submission and have to commend Alec on the research he has done to prepare this document.

The submission by Alec is very detailed with justification for the retrospective award of the UCG which can from what Alec has written, be approved by the Governor General. One thing that I did note was the number of awards made to members of AATTV, which no doubt would have been even higher had the government of the day during the Vietnam War recognised foreign awards.  I am sure many of you would be aware of Team members that were awarded South Vietnamese and US Awards that were never formally recognised by the Honours and Awards Tribunal due to lack of documentation being available when the government finally accepted these awards back in early 2000s from memory.

I ask that wide distribution of this submission be passed to fellow Team members that may not have computer skills and also to family members of Team members.

You can also address comments to Alec on email:

Take care and Persevere,


On 2nd August 2024, Alec Morris notified me that a 'Submission for the repeal of the time limiting clause in the regulations governing unit citations' had been submitted to the government: Repeal Submission.docx
Team members can use this document to make a submission to the Secretary. Please ensure that the covering letter is signed and dated as is the submission.  Submissions must be completed by 30th August 2024.

This page was last updated on25th September  2024
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Australian Army Training Team Vietnam
1962 - 1972


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A Brief History of the AATTV

Victoria Cross Winners

AATTV Memorial - Canungra, Queensland

Distinguished Service Order

Foreign Awards and Decorations

*** AATTV Roll of Honour***

Unit Nominal Roll

55th Anniversary Reunion - Gold Coast QLD 2017

50th Anniversary Reunion-Brisbane QLD 2012

45th Anniversary Reunion-Canberra ACT

40th Anniversary Reunion Perth WA 2002-Final Report and Photos

***Literature on The Team***

 Items For Sale

***Advisor Newspage - From 23rd October 2019***

Advisor Newspage - From 1st November 2015

Adviser Newspage - From 1st November 2012

Adviser Newspage - From 1st November 2007

Adviser Newspage

Tributes and Photo Album

Tributes and Photo Album No: 2

Album No: 3 - Bernie's Collection

Album No: 4 - Group Photos

Mike Force Association

 Battle of Duc Lap

  AATTV Branch Contact Information

The Team Prayer

Poem - 'A Soldier'

Poem - 'The Bloody Green and Gold'

Vietnam Mist

Lost and Found

Links of Interest

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